chapter 25

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I smelt that same smell before I got tired or knocked out.

Looking around I notice I am in another jail or is it a cage. Anywho but there is also another person on the right side of me crying. Getting closer to the person  it was a girl.

W..what I do i never talked to a girl.

Well just don't talk about boomers or mud pies okay. And she smells so goooood.

I scrunched my face as I sniffed the air actually smelling the air. It smelt like chocolate chip cookies.

I love chocolate chip cookies.

Slowly getting closer to the girl she stopped crying and looked at me with those icy blue eyes.

I could feel my eyes widening and my face getting red as I looked at her.

She muttered something I couldn't hear.

Slowly getting closer to her I had my face literally squished into the bars.

She got closer as well as she smiled at me showing her lovely smile. She also was blushing as well as I did. But her made her face look so beautiful and lovely.

" Ava" I blushed as I smelt her breath.

"My name is Hayden " I said smiling as she smiled back she grabbed my hand. And I felt a lot of sparks. Did she have one of those sparky things buzzers. I had one I got my bubby and mommy and daddy is many times.

They would get on me that it want right but I still do it to other people. Because apparently they known what was going to happen because I kept laughing.
No far because it was funny seeing how there face turned into shock to laughing scared.

(Wait isn't it a joy buzzer. If so I had to think about it i actually did this to my brother while he was sleeping I did it on his neck.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. He doesn't like to take naps with me around him anymore.  Just a little flashback continue to read).

"How long have you been here" I looked at Ava as she sat down bear the bars. As I copied her movement as well.

"Well someone took me away from my family. I was really upset and and sad and scared". I said softly as I rubbed my tears away. That was escaping my eyes. As they made there way towards my chin.

Only to feel a cool hand on my back that was rubbing up and down my back. It felt very nice as I looked over to see Ava.

"Its okay Hayden because you know why you have me now. And...and...we will get through this the best way we can. And..and..-" she stopped maybe trying to figure out her words. So far they were something I could hang on to for now.

"Well if I may ask how did you get here Ava." she looked at me with those sad icy blue eyes.

"My mommy she was making dinner and my daddy came in the house. I was playing with my friend Avery.  Then it all happened so fast everything was red. The windows the carpet the glass.

I heard screaming everywhere. Going out the front door my pack was getting murdered by other people. My mommy and daddy went to go grab me but a wolf came and stopped them.

And then more came to circle around them. They shifted as I ran to find my friend Avery.  When we saw each other I was so happy as we ran it happened so fast. We were so close and then it happened.

A wolf I didn't see grabbed her from behind and bitten down on her neck. I screamed for her as the blood spattered on my face and clothes. I screamed and cried as the wolf pulled her way from me. I ran after the killer to savor my friend only to be pulled away by my mother.

She grabbed me and said you need to run as fast as you can I nodded. I didn't respond because I was in pure shock and just terror.

As we ran I ran by many of my people who was in corners screaming yelling in agony. Or people running only to be bitten from the behind them. Blood. It was everywhere.

We got stopped by a wolf three of them and they were circling us. My mother was already bloody and hurting them i heard a growl. I looked to see my daddy as he lunged in from out of no where. It happened they gang him and my mother started to cry as she shifted. She howled so loud the ground shook.

Run my child please what ever happens to you remember we always loved you. Stay safe and never give up I love you my little wolf.

I cried and she jumped in trying to save my dad as I ran away. Only to hear growls and whimpering and nothing else.

I looked at her as she was bawling her eyes out. My bawd who would do this to Ava. I watched as her brown hair was matted against her face as she cried away.

I reached as far as I could to comfort her. As she leaned against me and cried her eyes out more.

We stayed like that for the rest of the night. I could feel my eyes getting heavy as I slowly closed them only to hear Ava say the words that I didn't hear before.


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