chapter 27 Part 3

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I am do so sorry everyone I am late. A LOT of things been happening. So I am sorry. *bows repeatedly*


Closing my eyes I known it was now or never. As I looked I watched as the camera turn there finally time and I ran out of the room.

As fast as I could as I felt the wind hit my hair. As the walls was all a blurr. Getting to the corner I stopped as I looked around.

Peeking across the wall I notice a man standing by the door. Only to be sleeping.

Wow people here are lazy how do they not know I am missing.

Well for one thing they do have to keep guard. Also well they are not like us girl.

I nodded.

So how am I supposed to get inside.

Use your surrounding Ava.

I groaned softly in my head as I looked around. I won't have that much time left if I keep stalling.

Scrunching my face up in anger. I let out a deep breath. Looking around I notice how there was light comimg from down the hall. So that must be the exit.

Slowly moving closer to the sleeping man. I looked the man up and down.To see he had any weapons on him. Only to see maybe what looks like a tazer. As I grabbed for the knife.

I slowly put the blade to his throat as I froze.

Why did you stop.

W...what if he as a family.

Are you really thinking about that now. They have killed our family. And maybe even Hayden if you don't hurry.

I gripped the blade harder. As my knuckles were turning white.

For some reason apart of me doesn't want to kill this man. His hair was brown and short. He had a toned body from how the short snuggled him. And he had a beard growing as well.

As I pulled back I notice how the man was smiling in sleep.

Then a picture feel out of his hands. Slowly looking down at his hand. Was a woman and two children by her side. Two boys one looking around Hayden age and one younger maybe one. And in big bold letter read.


And her below her stomach swollen looking as if she was about to pop sooner or later. As she had a big smile on her face.

I...I can't do it. H..he has a family. I can take away another person happiness away.

Even though it is two late for my happiness anyway.

Slowlying backing up I notice how he started to wake up.

My eyes widen as I felt a lump in my throat form.

Am I really going to die today .

As he slowly waked up I notice how he looked in my direction. Putting the knife in front of me with shaking hands. It was either going to go two ways.

Either I live and he dies. He lives and I die. Or we both live and friends.

I really want the last one to be real though.

That's when I notice how he looked at me. And we just stared at each other. As he blinked his eyes I notice how he put his palm out and he made his two fingers walk across them.

W...was he helping me out. Then he turned his head towards the hall and made a pointing motion of right and then straight.

So he was helping me but why though.

Because I believe you remind him of his kids. In the photo is a boy out age. Then in bold letters it clearly states they are having a girl.

O. Well I known that.

Suuuuure you did just hurry up.

Nodding I looked at the man as he held up a finger pausing my walk.

"Hide" he softly said. His voice was as gently but manly as well. I nodded softly as I ran behind the wall. As the man walked into the control room.

After a couple of minutes five people mostly men and a woman came out. Laughing about what they would be doing after today.

Slowly waiting until they were down the hall I ran back into the room. To see the man pressing buttons quickly. I could see the sweat on his forehead. As I looked around. You could see all different types of buttons.

So you know what I did.

I pressed buttons of course. Some made noises while other was mute.

I looked at one button and pressed it as I turned around to hear something dripping. Which on the counter was coffee.

"You guys are really lazy you need a button to make coffee." The man smiled weakly. As he rubbed the back of his head.

"Hey you have your way we have ours. Most of us are just lazy getting up." I nodded as he was reading papers.

I needed to ask him why he was helping me. Knowing that if he gets caught it will be all my fault.

"W..why are you helping me I asked." as I read slowly over the papers about the things they used on us.

" remind me of my daughters ." he said softly.

I could hear paper rattling as I looked at him looking at the picture.

"Before we had the boys we had twins girls." I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"W..what happened " I could feel my voice cracking. It must be hard losing the people you love.

"They um....they...I was working a long shift. And I told my boss that I had to get home. When I got home my wife was there but she was leaving. Since we have schedule of shifts. Which I get because she doesn't  want to leave the babies with a babysitter.

E..everything was good till around night time. It was the girls second bath and they both  loved the water. I was watching them both. As one was making fart noises while the other was poking the other in the eye. As they were talking in there baby conversation.

When I was cleaning them up I put them in there crib. They loved staying by each other. So I put them in the same crib since it was big enough for three. After that I walked out after everything was settled.  I went to the sofa were the baby monitors were.

As I was watching the news. About how there was a man taking children and babies. I heard a piercing scream I turned around and ran to the girls room. Some how one had a blanket over her head. And the other one was dangling in mid air by the feet. I  felt my stomach drop right then and there. To see a man over my daughters with a sinister smile across his face. I ran but as soon as I grabbed the man.

He disappeared with my other daughter. I cried as I tried to wake up my baby girl. As I went to the window which was broken click to it. I cried so much seeing how her face was drained from life.  How my other daughter is somewhere with a dangerous man.

How my daughter in the crib how her lips were blue. was all my fault I should of had left them with me that night." I  could feel my tears running down my face. As I wiped them away quickly. As I watch the man cry softly. As he held on to the picture.

I looked at him as he had the look of death and most of all sadness in his eyes.

"W..what were there names" I asked softly as I looked at him and sat on the rolling chair.

He smiled softly as he looked at up at me.

"Eva and Ava"

"W..what" my breath caught in my throat that is my name.

"T..that's why I can't let you survive in a place like this. You take that boy and run as fast as you can. You understand me."

I could tell he was looking at me with shock. I turned around to see on the camera men coming to this room.

He muttered something in the lines of "shit I thought we would have more time".

I nodded quickly as he said.

"Press that button right here it will open every door here. The lights will flicker on and off. Take a right down this hall and keep going straight. Okay." he said in a rushed voice.

I nodded as I ran and hit the button. As I ran back to him and hugged him as I felt that warm feeling in my heart. I looked up to his blue eyes. As he hugged me back as I backed away. I looked at him one time. As I heard yelling and commotion all around me. Running as fast as I can I heard someone yelling my name.

Turning around I saw Hayden and behind him were men chasing him. Grabbing the door I yelled at him to run faster.

I could feel the wind in my hair the an on my skin and I grabbed for Hayden as the door closed.

I saw in a inch of my eye sight the man smiling softly as he got shot.

There is something we need to talk about Ava.

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