chapter 4

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I rolled over slowly as I open my eyes to a bright light. So I got up and looked around and i saw in a big bed. With satin blue sheets and moaned at how soft it was.

"You know baby girl that turns me on hearing up moan" I blushed deeply looking up to see alpha Michael. I saw how he was  leaning against the door frame.

"I..I...I  Sorry I didn't mean to it was just so soft" as I heard sky talking to me.

"Mate....please go to mate he looks so sexy" I shook my head then I felt the bed dip. I saw how Michael crawled on the bed till I could smell his amazing scent.

It didn't help sky was purring like crazy and I could see his eyes turning darker green to almost black.

I felt his warm hand push against my hair in my face. I leaned into the touch because of how much sparks was going down my arms and spine.

"Abby Mae" he said in a husky toned. Fuck. I felt myself get wet and I moaned.

I could hear a rumble in his chest looking up in his eyes. I could see how his wolf wanted to come out.

"Yes" I said slowly.

"Your mine" I blushed then I saw how he was leaning in. I could hear my heart in my ears. I couldn't even think straight since sky was howling in enjoyment.

Slowly moving closer I could feel his hot breath on my lips. I put my hands on his chest.


I pulled away looking at a little boy maybe not even 3. He was so cute but he came at the wrong time. Who was he anyway....

"He's the alpha little brother Hayden.... You remember when last Luna was having a cookout for".

Now I remember I wrote a song that year for him but I never got to meet him.

"Bubby mommy sways...Hiiii I'm haydwen...what's you name " I laughed softly I like this kid.

"My name is Abby mae its nice to meet you. I heard so much about you." Hayden smiled widely as he ran and grabbed my hand.

"You want to see my toy collection" I smiled I was going to answer. But Michael answered first. "Hayden you can't just barge in here. I could have been naked."

Hayden looked at his brother "I have a weenier as swell. So why not." I laughed at his cuteness so I picked him up and put him on my hip.

I looked over at Michael who was frowning I laughed and mind link him.

"Awww is someone mwad"

In response I got a growl back I laughed.

Then I smelt food. Most of all hotdogs and hamburgers. I looked at Hayden and Hayden looked at me. "Fooood" I ran Dow. Stairs towards the scent. With also someone failing behind me who was mumbling.

When I open the door I was greeted by a lot of people. Looking around I saw hotdogs mmmm.

With Hayden still on my hip I grabbed a hot dog and took a bite. Looking at Hayden I saw how he whimpered.

"Here you go" I gave him mine. I liked at how he started to wiggle on my waist.

"Is it that good little man" in response I got a nod.

"Abby don't run away like could of gotten..." Before Michael could finish there was a loud streaking noise.

I saw how his eyes widen and Hayden smiled. "O she looks so adorable Michael" Hayden was taken away from me and I was bear hugged.

I could feel my face draining from color no wonder why she Luna. "Honey let go of the girl she has to breath" I felt arms being taken away. Allowing me to take a deep breath in before I got beard hug again by Michael.

I looked at him like "nigga really" he just laughed and kissed my head. "I am Elizabeth and this is Harold we are Michael and Hayden parents but you probably known that." I could see the excitement in her eyes.

I blushed and smiled then I felt something squeezing me so I looked down seeing a smiling Hayden.

I smiled "it looks like someone has a bond to her already" I looked at his father.

"So have you switched into your wold yet abby" I saw how is father was an healthy average man. He was tall and build with black and grey hair swift back. His grey eyes seem so light and bright. His teeth smiled "I have no cavities". He had skin that was tanned just right and a glow of power to him.


And his mother had such long blonde hair that was in a neat bun. Like you couldn't see no grey in her hair whats so ever. Her vibrant blue eyes was shining and her teeth was so white. She Also as well had a tan even though her was lighter than her husband. She was about maybe a couple inches taller than me. But in the end she had this glow of wanting to be near her.

" sir actually today I just turned 16". He seemed shock I saw how he looked at Michael he was probably mind linking him.

I could feel myself getting worried. " there something wrong...." As I looked around at other packs as they either shift into there wolf or play with there pups.

"Hey sky w..why haven't I shifted"  I asked slowly am I a late bloomer.

"No its just you where born at night" o is that why I was so in talking to sky I didn't know Michael was waving his hand in front of me.

"I was saying when where you born at like what time". I thought about it.

"Please don't tell me you don't know when you where born". I smiled weakly earning a laugh from both of his parents.

"Well we could hold a ceremony since today is your birthday and you are my son mate. When you shifted you will have to run with your mate as well" he seemed happy while he was talking.

"But its going to hurt your first shift" I looked at his mom when he said hurt. I gulped I my face probably turned pale. Because Michael started to rub my waist which send sparks.

"Its okay mwine hurt fwor a wittle bwit" I looked down at Hayden but bes 3 how.

"The doctor says its very rare seeing things like Hayden being born." Michael said with an huff.

"You want two swee" I smiled at him and bent down to his level. I could see how his parents smiled and Michael smiled as well.

Two seconds later I heard bones popping and clothes shredding. And in front of me was not a 3 year old boy but a small little cub.

"Awwww your so cute and awittle handsome fella aren't you" as I scratched behind his ears.

I heard whispering as I looked at michael who looked sad. Are you serious he's jealous of his little brother.

"Michael come on why are you whimpering" I looked at the 20 year old. He looked away and his arms are crossed.

"He's just jealous honey because you have all your attention on Hayden". I looked over at his mom who had food on  her plate and his dad who went to to go do the upcoming ceremony.

I picked up Hayden and he snuggled up against my neck. As his tail waged happily I laughed.

Mate is sad can we hug him with Hayden please.

Sure why not he's being a baby but its cute as well. Walking with Hayden in my arms I kissed michael on his cheek. He blushed I could hear some guys walking past laughing at there alpha blushing.

"Can you Hayden I think feel asleep as well." Looking down on my shoulder sure is a sleeping pup on my shoulder. I smiled.

"I can't wait till I have pups they are so cute and cuddly and just amazing" I froze before I could say anything I heard a very loud purring noise.

Looking at michael I saw his eyes was dark. He grabbed me softly because of me holding Hayden. He leaned and kissed my neck. I moaned softly escaped my lips.

"N..not right now m...michael" I could feel my knees weaking since is kisses started to go into biting and sucking as he went down moaning.

"Omg abbyyyy" I turned see my best friends jay and Zack thank the lord. But that didn't stop michael from growling at them.

I elbowed him as I gave him Hayden. Who then turns into a naked boy. He shook his head and said something about my ass.

As soon as he left I was pulls into a tight hug by the two. I smiled as I hugged them back just as well.

"Omg girl give us details right now." Asked an very happy jay.

"Calm down jay gosh... Well when we were at school I went to my homeroom..."

"Annndddd" they said in unison.

I blushed "he smells so fucking good. He smells like wood work and hot chocolate and an hit of peppermint. He smelled so define my wolf sky wanted to take him right in class". I said blushing and talking fast. As people would greet me if they walk past me.

"Omg did you eye rape him" Zack said with a smirk.

My eyes widen "WHAT no such....."

"O yes you did Abby everymate does that I did that to Zack." I could hear a purring zack as he grabbed jay hands. I could see his his eyes darken.

"Let's go right now " he said pulling on jay waist now. I just shook my head.

As I yelled "thanks for being a great listener" as I grabbed a Pepsi from the table.

As I looked around seeing laughing and hearing music until bam.

I was gulping up air as a large basin of water was thrown on me. Everything went silent as I looked around only seeing three tramps laughing like an hyena.

I growled lowly as I stood up. They did not just flipping did that I am so going to rip there heads off.

That a girl I couldn't agree more" I laughed softly.

"Listen and listen good michael is mine so you better get your boy looking as away. He mine...." Then she smirked like she won.

"Plus we already have sex you could smell him on me take a wift".

"Sky...please tell me he is just jocking"

"I don't know smell her" I saw from my left his parents looking alert and was about to attack.

Gulping I walked closer but with my head high and my shoulder back. As I could see different packs looking at me.

Slowly going closer to her I took a whiff. I could feel my heart breaking and sky howling. He...he..couldn't.. He wouldn't.

I stepped back towards his parents. I could see some of my pack members growling at her and her friends.

I mind link my dad and mom

"Dad mom"  I could her the crying in my own voice.

"Where are you at never mind"

Before I known is I was hugged from the side from my dad and mom.  Then I heard the door swinging open as Michael came out.

"Honey we are going to ho inside to be more private." I looked at our pack some of them were looking at the chick  and her posy was food.

Nodding I walked past michael as I clipped his arm I felt sparks. As I walked in following his parents and my parents.

"So would you like to explain why your slept with Stacy michael"

Stacy I hate her what if she's pregnant what if she's having twins I could hear sky howling and whimpering again.

"Abby please look at me...I didn't do it she came to me after I got Hayden in his room." I just shook my head. He smelt so much of her cheep perfume.

I could see from the corner of my eyes how our parents was talking to each other.

"Can everyone please me ad alpha michael alone" I said looking at Michael.

I could see how he shifted and his chair and I heard soft whimpers. As our parents left they told me If I need anything just yell.

I nodded as I still looked at Michael. I wanted to hurt him so much. How long have they been a thing.

"You better tell me the god damn truth" my voice was sharp I could tell he was scared.

"Abby...I didn't do it do you think I would ever cheat on you your my mate. My girlfriend. My..." I caught him off there.

"I need some time by myself just leave me alone." I could hear sky was crying in my head.

"Abby please...." "Just leave me alone for a little bit okay." I said as I ran Out the room. I ran outside seeing packs and people smiling and laughing. I ran past my parents and his parents. I ran to the only place I known the woods.

3 hours later.

I stumbled on a root as I tripped and fell. Stupid root. Stupid Stacy. Stupid perfume.

Its been three hours and I have been trying to talk to sky. Its like she's not answering anything. Slowly sitting on a rock I looked over the water.

My parents and Mrs. Elizabeth and Mr. Harold would be wording. O shit Michael he's probably having a.... Then i heard a loud lonely howl.

I looked around I listen then I heard another howl in response. I could feel myself getting dizzy and hot. Then I felt fire going through my body. I screamed as I feel on the forest ground.

As I jerk in many different ways. I could hear sky screaming and it hurt so I screamed more.

I heard something howling but it was pain all in my stomach.

"Michael i found her shes habing her first shift" it sounded like his mother but I didn't care. I grabbed anything till my hands turned white.

Then I felt sparks allover my body. I looked out from my hazy vision to see Michael in his wolf form whimpering loudly as his snout pushed a against my waist.

"Abby homey you have to let your wolf out its the only way. You two can bond together as we'll as michael and his wolf as well."

I screamed in response as I concentrate hardly only to hear bones cracking and my body breaking. Then my vision went black.

"Baby girl...please open your eyes.." I could feel something wet on my neck. Slowly opening my eyes I saw a big black wolf with piercing green eyes. Who kept nudging me.

"Stand up slowly your wolf is so beautiful baby girl." I look down to seeing white paws. I  turned around witch ended up me to chase my tail. But I saw paws were white but my body was reddish.

"Mate looks so hot" I was mad at her because she didn't answer me. So I gave her the silent treatment.

"Abby come on you know we will had to shift sooner or later so I had to leave."

"Doesn't mean leaving to be lonely and abandoned in the god dam forest" I could hear her about to cry..

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to if you want you should really talk to Michael" I nodded slowly.

"Fine" trotting over to Michael his wolf was big. I slowly went and licked his cheek.

I could see how he did a Wolfy smile. His eyes where a mysterious green.

"Let's go for a run your wolf and yourself will want to run". I nodded as I first  started trotting  I could see Michael beside me and then I started to run. I felt the wind in my fur the dirt beneath my laws.

I howled in enjoyment its like I am free. Of no trouble in the world. Then I looked back to see Michael looking at my wolf ass.

I smirked as I wagged my tail on my butt. I heard him growl so I mind link him.

"Let's meet at the lake" I said a little tired.

"Okay" I smiled as we ran towards the lake. As we layer down on the forest floor we listened to the sound of  nature.

"Abby" I put my head on his head.

"I was so sorry I looked for you and everything I didn't sleep with her". I know Michael would never do such a thing.

"Abby baby girl please answer me" I could hear his whimper I saw how his tale went limp.

I nibbled on his ear as I tales to him "I forgive you I know you will never o do such a thing to hurt me." He purred and I saw his tail wag happily. I chuckled softly.

"Abby..." He seemed really hesitant. "Yes michael" I rolled onto my back. As I look into the amazing night sky with little stars all over.

Before I known it Michael was on top of me. Is snout connected with my snout which in wolf term was a kiss.

I felt him lick my ears so I purred more "shift" he said slowly. I looked at him.

" way I will be naked...and your on top of me michael" he chuckled softly.

"I promise I wont do anything just focus on your body okay" I nod.

Okay my arms. Hands. My little doses and purple and turquoise nail polish on them. I could hear my bones cracking and popping. I wouldn't lie it hurts like a mother fucker.

As I looked down I am fully naked I was so into me I didn't see michael naked on top of me.

"Fuck....I want you so bad" he growled and moaned. I blush so I looked down only seeing a really big friend down their.

"Holy shit we hit the jackpot he is so bad he's dripping" I blushed more.

I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he kissed my neck up and down. I moaned as my nails went down his back. He grabbed my hips bringing me closer till I felt his cock rubbing against me.

I moaned as I looked into his hungry eyes. He leaned down and crashed his lips on to mine. I kissed back as I pulled his hair he groaned as he said my name.

I felt his tongue as he pushed to open my lips. He was getting mad so he gripped my ass. I gasp as his tongue adventure inside my mouth. Our tongue dance together as we fought till he won.

I pulled away we are getting to cared away. As I looked at Michael who had an bad erection and plump pink swollen lips. I blushed as I shifted into my wolf which didn't hurt as much but I still felt the pain.

As I started to run towards the pack house only to hear howling. I felt my tail being nipped as I turned around seeing Michael.

As we mad our way towards the door I walked well slid and slide as I made it up stairs. Only to see Mrs. Elizabeth and Harold eyes widen. I patted on the door and I felt michael lick my butt.


As they opened the door I grabbed the clothes off the bed they set out and ran towards the bathroom and shifted. Washing up from the sink which felt better that the shower. I put on the turquoise booty shorts and a purple tank top.

Then I thought well damn I guess being bra less in a tank top is bad.

Slowly opening the door I was welcome to Michael on the bed only in his boxers. I blushed as I saw how his eyes widen then turned dark. Making my way towards the bed I got in.

"You know I would really like to sleep" he blushed as I sat my head down on the pillow. I felt my body being pulled toward him as his muscular arm trapped me underneath him. I smiled softly as I closed eyes.

"Hey baby girl". I was almost half asleep so when you wake me up and ask for something I would say yes.

I felt him kiss my neck I moaned as I scooted closer till my hips connected with his.

"Can I pleasure you tomorrow" I nodded.

"Yes sure just go to sleep Michael".

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