chapter 7

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"So Mrs. Elizabeth what exactly happen" I said as I sat in the living room. With everyone in the living room. Which was a lot since it's holding almost 100 people.

"W..well after we left your room we went to his room. Since he usually gets up to eat around this time. When I walked in his bed room window was open and....and..." She started crying harder. I heard Harold whimpering and soothing his wife. Before I known it I got up and made my way towards him room.

"Abby....hold up you need to calm down..." I froze as i heard Michael stop talking. I see blood stains on the walls and floor and bed. You could see how you had nail marks on the wall and small hand prints with blood on them. Slowly walking towards his bed I picked up his sheets.

"Abby....." I felt his arms around me as he hugged me. I started to cry. How could someone in there right mind do this to an 3 year old boy.

"Alpha we have down stairs" I looked over at his beta who is I think Luke. Michael nodded as he looked down at me. Slowly as we came down stairs I got hit with the scent of blood. I held my nose as I stopped in my tracks.

"Abby what's wrong" my eyes widen.... I now that blood from anywhere. Running towards the living room I saw Mrs. Elizabeth and Mr. Harold holding a large white shirt with holes and blood on it.

"Sir we found this on the ending of our territory. It seemed like the intruder was looking for someone so they took what was least valuable." Said one of the trackers. I shook my head.

" I am correct they wanted Hayden" I saw Mrs. Elizabeth shocked faced.

"What do you mean" she asked holding her tissue.

"Yeah why would someone want Hayden he's still little he can barely control his shift" I looked at Michael who was holding the chair tightly. Slowly moving toward him I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Abby do you know the person who kidnapped my son" I could hear his wolf coming out. Earning michael to look at his dad as he growled at him.

Both men looked at each other as our pack members were staring at each other.

"First I need to know where my parents are at" michael and Mr. Harold finaly looked at me.

"Why they can't help us. I'm just saying"  I almost snapped at him so I gave him a glare that said "shut the fuck up".

"Abby...please tell me what you know" I looked into Mrs. Elizabeth red puffy eyes. I blown out air. As I ran my had throughout my hair. I never thought I will have to come back to this story.

"I need to know where my parents are first" I needed to know. I looked around as I saw how Mr. Harold held his head down. And Mrs. Elizabeth was looking at the door with watery eyes.

Finally I looked at michael his wasn't looking at me. "I'm going to ask one more time. WHERE IS MY MOM AND DAD AT" I could see how everyone cringe at how loud I was.

"We don't.... We don't know Abby they said they where going out to hunt... But your mom kept talking about needing to herbs...." I zoned out after he said hunt....

"Mommy mommy daddy daddy" I as I ran down the hallways to them excited.

"Slowy down kido what's up." I smiled showing my missing teeth.

"Look watch...thwis" as I start to open the windows and the front door.

"Honey you are going to let out all the...." I saw the shock face on my mommy as she held my father armBecause right behind me was a baby doe on my welcome mat, a squirrel and chipmunk on top of the baby doe.  A rabbit and puppy and kitten sitting on the rows of shoes.

The  windows were filled with colorful  red robins on the shelf,  while on the the kitchen sink was a blue birds chirping happily. I smiled as I waved earning different sounds.

"Hiiii my wanme is abbwy but you can cwalll me.....abbwy."

I turned see my my mommy and daddy grabbing things and whispering.

"She's..not supposed to have these abilities. You know "They" will try to use her and change her against us..." I saw how my daddy took out his phone and started to type and put the phone to his ear as he walked away.

"Honey can you say bye to your friends.  We have to....go somewhere." I crossed my arms as I stomp my feet.

"B...but they mwy frwiends I...I..want them" I could see how the animals started to leave as I pout my lips.

I saw how the clouds got darker as I ran towards my mommy.

"Mommy I'm scwared" I said as I hold onto her neck for dear life.

"Well think about something happy honey think about Mickey mouse, and sponge Bob, and the powerpuff girls all of you having a tea party." I giggled as I felt mommy tickled my sides.

"Mommy twat twickles" I saw how it started to to get sunny outside.

"Mommy look its not dwarkshe smiled as she placed me on my bed.

"Yeah because of your giggles you saved us. Now abby I want you to listen and listen well..." I nodded as I hugged my teddy bear as my father came in with his jacket my mommy jacket and mine.

"Honey....I'm soo proud of you your going to grow up to be a beautiful young woman with a strong and handsome mate.

"Ewwwwwwww mommy daddy boys gwot crwooodies" I saw how my mommy and daddy laughed. I smiled as well.



"ABBY WAKE UP PLEASE WAKE UP YOUR SCARING ME PLEASE BABY GIRL". I opened my eyes surrounded by many worried eyes. My head was killing me. Like it was thumping so much.

"W..what happened" I saw how Mrs. Elizabeth handed me water I gladly except it. Slowly taking a sip I saw how everyone was looking at me.

Did I have something on my face.

"You passed out abby when I said about "hunting". Are you okay is there something we don't know about." I looked down I don't know.

"No..maybe I don't know...I just had a  flashed back of me when I was 2" I said as I slowly turned to see it pouring outside.

"What happened" I said as I walked faster towards the door.

"We don't know while you passed out the clouds started to form out of no where and it started to lightning and rain hard".

"Yeah we also been having so many wild animals but them being wild its like they are trained" I look over at Jason who is beta here.

Animals????rain???lightning??? All while I was out.

I looked back at Michael and his parents. I shook my head.


It was quiet I turned around seeing only Michael parents, Michael, and beta and upper class leaders in the living room.

"What do you mean "they". Are they behind this" I looked as the beta.

"Who are they Abby"

"We need to know Abby now"

I bit my lip if I tell him he would probably wouldn't like  the answer.

"Abby Mae tell me now I need to know were my son is at please." I looked at Mrs. Elizabeth.

As I took a deep breath in dreading it wasn't them.

"If...I was right...I would have to say..." I froze as I got the most horrible headache it was pounding like it would rip my head apart.

"Abby what's wrong" I looked up to see Mrs. Elizabeth and Mr. Harold and Michael by my side. It felt as if my mid was breaking down all together. What's going on with me.

I looked up to see Michael holding me close. I shook my head something is not right.

"Abby.... Tell us now" I looked up to see  Michael who was looking at me now with a stern face.

"" As my vision blurred as it turned darker by the second.

To only hear two people talking to me.

"Hiiii my name is Nikki"

"Hold up Nikki I'm sky Abby wolf  who are you.....?"

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