My Mate's Choice 02

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My mate's arms dropped from around and he pushed me back slightly but didn't let go of me until I was standing fully stable. I looked at him and the girl who just approached us. The girl looked familiar. She was a werewolf too.

"Hey, Beatrix right?"

Oh, she knew me. "Erm, yeah," I said.

"My name is Valerie. I know you're the Alpha's sister. Oh wait; it's your birthday today right? Happy birthday." She hugged me slightly. She was talkative but I guess it was fine. What wasn't fine was why was she calling my mate, babe?

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Calvin and I will definitely be there at your party tonight. Right babe?" She asked Calvin, my mate.

"Hmm, are you two living in the pack house?" I asked. There were a few families in the pack house and I had never seen them around before except that this girl looked so familiar.

"Oh, nope. We live in a cottage nearby the pack house," Valerie answered, "Calvin's family lives in the pack house though. Mine... well mine has passed away from the war with the rogue last two years."

I remembered now! 

Last two years, my pack, The Red Crescent Pack was attack by a big group of rogues. We didn't manage to call for help because it all happened too suddenly. We lost many pack members, making our whole pack now became a little smaller. And Valerie, she suffered the most during that big war.

Valerie lost her mate, her little brother as well as both of her parents. She was considered the werewolf facing the most loss. Everyone pitied her. She was always lonely and quiet. I was busy growing up that I didn't watch how she actually grew from being so depressed over her lost to very talkative.

"I'm sorry," I finally said.

"It's okay. I'm good now, especially with my awesome boyfriend here with me, I'm fine," Valerie told me happily and intertwined her fingers with... Calvin's.

What?! He was my mate!

"Oh uhm okay. I guess I'll just see you two later. Have fun," I replied. My heart was aching. I felt my brain shutting. I was so happy to have found my mate only to know that he was someone else's boyfriend and the best part was, Calvin didn’t even voice out anything about him being my mate.

"See ya," Valerie said and walked away, pulling Calvin with her. And I watched my mate being taken away from me.


How come had I only found her now? I should have found her 2 years ago when I was 16 but I did not. Now that I was with Valeria, she turned up. But it wasn't her fault of course. She had only turned 16 today.

I should have waited for her. A year after I turned 16, I started getting close to Valerie, seeing how she was so sad and lonely for her loss of all of her family members including her mate. She was so lonely, so pretty and looked so fragile. I just wanted to be her good friend but we eventually developed feelings for each other.

"Babe, why don't you wait for me in the canteen? I need the gents," I told Valerie sweetly. She nodded and walked away. When nobody was around, I used up my werewolf speed to catch up with my mate, Beatrix, where she might be.

My wolf and I recognized her scent almost instantly and followed. She was at her locker, putting in books slowly, taking her own sweet time. When she was done, she walked away to... I wasn't sure. She was dragging her feet lazily. I looked around for the closest room and saw the janitor's closet.

I rushed over to her and pulled her from the back and into the janitor's closet, making sure to cover her mouth so that she wouldn't scream. I locked the door and leaned her back against the door.

"Mate," I called while she stared at me, panting from because I covered her mouth. My wolf was getting impatient for me to devour her mouth and touch her everywhere.

"Mate," I choked again before slowly leaning towards her and placed my mouth over hers. Oh she tasted so sweet, like custard puffs. Both of my hands instantly went up to her neck to cup them and to deepen our kiss. I traced her bottom lip with my tongue and Beatrix immediately opened up her mouth for me to enter, making my wolf excited.

I trailed the kiss down her jaw, giving her some time to breathe. I moved down further to her neck before making my way up again to just below her ear.

"S...stop. Calvin... stop." Her voice was so melodious and the sound of my name from her lips was so beautiful. Just that she surprised me by asking me to stop and my wolf was protesting that I had stopped like she wanted to.

"What's wrong? You're my mate. I've waited for you for the whole of my life." I kissed her forehead, letting my lips lingered there for some time before moving back to look at her face.

"You have a girlfriend," she stated, looking away from me.

I pinched her chin slightly and made her look at me in the eyes, "Yes, but you are my mate."

"So what about Valerie?" she asked. Yeah, what about her? I never want to hurt her. Well, not after what happened to her. We've been together for almost a year now and she only had me as her family. I didn't want her to go depress again if she found out that I have found my mate.

"I don't wanna hurt her," I finally said to Beatrix, leaning my forehead against hers. I felt my wolf scowled.

"So you're rejecting me," she blurted.

"No!" I said quickly, "I am not going to reject my mate whatever it is. I just don't wanna hurt Valerie. You know she has nobody know. She is depending on me and I don't wanna disappoint her."

Beatrix slowly put a hand on my chest and pushed me backwards. "You can't have both of us. You can only have one. If you don't want to hurt Valerie, then you've hurt me."

Just like that she had the door of the janitor's closet unlocked and sprinted away from me.


How come didn't I know that Calvin was in the same History class as me? After knowing his relationship with Valerie and after what happened in the janitor's closet earlier, I definitely couldn't be in the same space as him.

I couldn't believe that he was choosing Valerie, his girlfriend over me, his mate. He didn't have to say it for me to conclude it that way. The kiss he gave me earlier only made me want him more but I really couldn't let him to that again.

It pained me so badly to know that the mate that I have been waiting for actually was with someone else. Valerie would be the one to kiss his pinkish lips. Valerie would be the one to ruffle his dark brown hair. Valerie would be the one to cuddle up against his chest when it was time to sleep. And I would be alone forever.

Then a thought came into my mind; have they mated?

"Miss Anderson? Miss Anderson!" I came back to reality to see Mr Rama's nose flaring at me.

"Uhm, yes?"

"This 30 minutes test is up. Why haven't you written anything?" I looked down at my test paper and realized that I haven't written the essay about Hitler. "Well Miss Anderson, time is up now. See me in detention tomorrow, thank you very much. Other than that, class dismiss!"

I didn't have time to think further. I didn't want to see Mr Rama's ugly face anymore. I didn't want Sally to ask me questions. I didn't want to bump into Calvin. So I took my bag and pushed around the other girls who were walking slowly and got out. I didn't put anything into my locker. I didn't say goodbye. I just quickly walked home. I wasn't going to wait for my brother. I just wanted to get away from everybody.

* * *

"Hey sweetie, have you seen the car outside?" Mom asked me as soon as I entered. I looked at her and then popped my head back out. There stood a silver Mercedes all new and shined. I nodded at my mom. "That's your birthday present from me and your dad," Mom squealed and clasped her hand together.

"Thanks Mom, and tell Dad the same thing too," I said and wanted to walk up to my room but my mom yanked me back.

"Why are you so moody?"

"Mom I'm having a bad stomach ache now. I need to rest," I lied.

"Oh dear. I hope you'll be fine by the party tonight. Where is Eddie? Shouldn't he be driving you home since you're sick? Oh that boy I'm gonna..."

"Mom, can I go up now?" I asked, cutting my mom's ranting.

"Oh of course sweetheart. Just call me if you need anything," Mom told me and I nodded, making my way up to my room and dropped myself on the bed - face down. I sniffed my favourite pillow and suddenly, I just started tearing.

I wanted Calvin so badly. I wanted to hug and kiss him but those privileges belonged to Valerie.

No wonder they said not to be too happy nor excited over some things. I was too excited and impatient to find my mate and to get to know him. Now that I have found him, it was nothing pleasant at all. I'd have to live, watching him live with someone else.

I wasn't going to tell Valerie. Even though I have all the right to, I wouldn't. Like Calvin, I probably wouldn't want to hurt Valerie. She had lost everything and now she had the only one to depend on and I was sure that she'd be devastated to have lost him too.

I just know I had to sacrifice.

"Oh darla your black circles under eyes need a major covering up," Celina told me as she applied another tons of concealer on my under-eye. She was in charge of getting me ready for the party that will start in... Less than 20 minutes. It wasn't really like a party; more of an evening get-together because there wasn't going to be alcohols. Not that I was a big fan of alcohol.

Will Valerie and Calvin show up like she had said?

"Who will be there later?" I asked Celina while she was curling my dark brown hair with the curling wand.

"Of course the whole pack, silly."


"Yes, everyone. They are from as young as infants all the way to the grannies. Everyone will be here. Why? Are you expecting somebody? Oh wait, have you found your mate?"

Argh sometimes I wish my Luna would be as serious with me as she would during meeting. Her question made me wince. Should I say, 'Oh yes I have found him but he has a girlfriend so he reject me.'

Of course not. "I have not," I lied.

"Oh don't worry sweetie. He'd come by eventually," Celina consoled and finished my hair with a white matching bow as my gown. "Alright if you're ready, just come down."

I nodded. I was excited for my birthday party but now all I wanted to do was sleep. I didn't want any more party. I didn't want any more attention for turning 16. I didn't want any more... mate, but I couldn't get him out of my head.

Finally after some debating with myself, I put on the heels that Celina had left on the bed and walked out of my room. I slowly walked towards the stairs and took a step one by one. The sound of the clicking made all eyes on me. Some guys were whistling as I walked down but I ignored them. I wasn't in the mood.

"Happy Birthday, Beatice." I looked down at the 5 years old girl, Jean. She was always close to me. Our pack didn't have much of toddlers and most of them lived by themselves with their family except for Jean. I loved entertaining her. She was just like my own sister.

"Thank you Jean," I thanked her and smiled. She handed me small teddy bear plush toy that she managed to hide behind her small back, grinning. "Oh thank you Jean, you didn't have to get me this."

"It's not from me," she frowned, "It's from my brother." Then she pointed to someone who was sitting on the couch, holding a glass of water.


Please let me know what you think of it and vote if you think I deserve it :) x

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