My Mate's Choice 06

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I was totally upset to have Belle being captured in the hands of the damn rogues. And I got even angrier at myself for not being able to fight those rogues earlier, causing me to get myself injured.

I wasn't going to let anything happen to Belle in the hands of those rogues, especially after mom and dad passed away. I didn't want them to be disappointed in me for not being able to take care of Belle. But I already knew that I had probably gotten them disappointed from the moment Belle slipped off my hands and to the rogues.


I see those in someone else's eyes today. I never really cared of other people's feelings since my parents were gone except for Belle. But I couldn't seem to get the girl whom helped me earlier, out of my head. She said she lost her mate and I chose not to believe her because she looked so young that she can't possibly have found her mate.

Even so, I couldn't deny that I could see the disappointment and hurt in her eyes. And that, made me want to know her deeper. Plus, I felt bad for making her stay with the reason of I needed someone, only to vent at her.

I got up from the clinic's bed after a few hours of rest. I stumbled to the door and opened it. The lights were shining so brightly in the living room while the surrounding outside was dark. It was probably already night.

I was only at my third step when someone approached me. "Alpha Brody," the guy said and bowed. "My name is Sean and I am the beta of the Red Crescent Pack. Your beta has already headed home and I was informed if you wanted to go back home, we'll gladly arrange the transportation seeing you're still quite injured and we wouldn't want more harm being done by the rogues."

I nodded, acknowledging his words. I wasn't a very friendly Alpha, I gotta admit. But the beta of this pack was talking to me with so much respect like I was the royal. Unlike my beta who 'has already headed home', leaving me all alone. Not that I couldn't survive without him.

"Would you like the transportation to be arrange now, Alpha?" Sean asked me.

"Yes please. But before that, I'd like to meet the girl who helped me earlier. Do you know who is she?" I inquired.

"You mean the petite girl with light brown hair? Yeap, I know her. She's our Alpha younger's sister. Is there an issue you have with her?" Sean asked, still in his polite tone.

I nodded, even though I didn't take notice of the hair colour of the girl. "Nope, not an issue. I just wanted to thank her for helping me earlier. Is there any way for you to lead me to her or could you arrange for us to talk for a bit before I leave?"

"Oh sure Alpha. You might want to wait for her in the lounge room which is over there," Sean pointed to a door just a few steps away from where we were standing.

I nodded and Sean left, leaving me stumbling to the lounge room. I stepped in and was impressed with the arrangement of furniture in the lounge room. The room was painted in a goldish colour with a matching couch and frames of photographs were hung. If I hadn't injured my leg, I would like to take a look at all of the photographs hanging. Instead, I took a seat and waited.

I didn't wait for long when I heard someone enter the room. I turned around and saw the same girl now dressed in a long track pants and a loose t-shirt.

"Hi," I said and attempted to get up.

"Do you need anything from me, Alpha?" She asked and I disliked that she was talking too formal with me.

"Call me Brody," I informed as I limped myself until I was directly in front of her. "What is your name?"

"Beatrix, Alpha," she answered.

"I said, call me Brody," I informed her again.

"No Alpha. That'd be rude of me to call the alpha of another pack by his name. Plus, I wouldn't want to make you angry," she said the last part, a little quietly but still loud enough for me to hear and of course she was being sarcastic to me.

"Look, I'm sorry for getting angry at you earlier. I didn't mean to," I said.

"I understand Alpha. Do you need anything else? If you don't, may I please excuse myself as I have homework to be completed?"

"No, please let's talk. I know you're still angry about earlier. I'm just... stressing," I admitted. There were too much to handle at that time, causing me to lose to my temper and I of course didn't mean to vent it out on the girl. "Can we please, start anew?" I asked, like I was begging when I never had.

The girl looked hesitate for a while before meeting my eyes and said, "We can, if you promise me that you won't tell anyone about what I told you earlier before I left the room."

I remembered her telling me about losing her mate. I nodded, even though I already plan on asking her about it later. "Sure." I handed out my hand and introduced myself, "Brody."

"Beatrix," she answered softly and took my large hands in her small ones.

"Nice name," I complimented.


I nodded at Brody's praise and walked to one of the couch. I sensed Brody following behind me and took a seat not quite far from me.

I was surprised when Sean came up to find me in my room. My mind quickly thought of Calvin since he was Sean's brother but I got a double surprise when Sean said I was needed in the lounge room by the Alpha of the Morning Shadow Pack. I was still quite unhappy about him getting angry at me for nothing but I wouldn't want Sean to get suspicious so I made my way down to the lounge room.

"My mom was captured by rogues before she died," Brody suddenly started speaking, "They tortured her so bad before my pack even got the chance to save her. The 'best' part was my mom was captured only after a few weeks after giving birth to my younger sister, Belle. My mom wasn't in the best condition and with the torturing; it just made her body gave up even faster. And my dad, he died a few weeks after because his wolf gave up on losing their mate."

"I was only left with Belle and I take care of her so well. I love her a lot. She's only 8 this year. I'm 20 and I can't even take care of 8 years old. What kind of a brother am I? And Beatrix, I really didn't mean to vent my anger at you. Earlier, I felt like a total failure as a brother and Alpha when I didn't get to fight those rogues."

I felt so bad for him that in that instance, I was right there next to him and hugged him, trying to comfort him or rather myself. He was going through so much that it made me wince how he could even think that he was a failure.

"I'm really sorry Beatrix, I'm such a jerk," he scolded himself, murmuring in my hair as he hugged me back. I looked up and saw him crying, again.

"Don't be sorry Brody. You were going through a lot and I don't blame that you felt the need to let things out of your heart," I consoled.

"But it's just wrong for me to vent it on you..." I cut him off quickly.

"I will forgive you if you stop blaming yourself. How could you even blame yourself Brody? You were alone when you were fighting those rogues. And, you're not a failure. Don't even think like that," I kinda scolded him.

"I wasn't expecting you to be so fierce like that," Brody said shortly after, in a joking manner. I quickly pulled far away from him and slapped his arm, making him smile and caused me to at the same time. I shot him a glare and we remained silent for a minute or so before Brody spoke again. "So is it true that you lost your mate?"

I winced. Why did he have to bring that topic out? I shook my head.

"So you're lying?" Brody accused, loudly.

"No," I said quickly and loudly, "I didn't practically lose him."

"That was what you told me," Brody hissed, suddenly on an anger tone.

"I meant, I have found him but I couldn't be with him."


"Because he has a girlfriend and he don't wanna hurt her," I told the truth.

"He's a jerk," Brody hissed again and then his voice softened, "I'm so sorry about it. It's gonna be his lost to lose such a mate like you."

I shrugged. "Now that you already know about it, please promise me that you won't tell anyone about it. No one and I mean, no one know I have found my mate. Only you."

"You trust me so much huh?" Brody teased.

"No," I huffed, "Some things you need to let it go. I just didn't think I wanted to keep it to myself anymore. I needed to let it out."

"Alright Beatrix, I promise," Brody said and gave me a gentle squeeze on the shoulder.

"Have you found your mate?" I asked.

"Nope, not yet. But I wasn't looking for her either. I was too busy spending my time with Belle. I believe if she is meant for me, the Moon Goddess will send her to me whenever it is."

I nodded and changed topic, "So are you going to stay or go home? It's almost 9pm."

"I already told your beta that he can arrange the transportation for me to go home," he informed and I got worried. It was already quite late and dark and what if the rogues decided to give him a second attack? We shouldn't underestimate the rogue's capability. They might even attack even if you're in a car.

"I think you should just stay the night," I suggested, hoping that Brody wouldn't protest.

"I was thinking so too. I can just get my beta to get me tomorrow."

I helped him up from the couch and ushered him to a guest room. I then informed Sean, the beta to cancel the arrangement for the night as I already sent Alpha Brody to the guest room, seeing it was unsafe to send him back home in the dark at night. Sean agreed with me.

That night, I went to sleep feeling relieved. I do not know why but perhaps because I had shared something with Brody and I wouldn't have to carry the burden of 'not having' a mate, alone.

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