My Mate's Choice 13

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Dedicated to everyone who made My Mate’s Choice ranked :) Thank you very much for reading and supporting this story.




I couldn't believe I fell for it. I couldn't believe I thought Calvin actually cared for me. No! I was so dumb. When he came last night, instead of trying to apologize of being guilty, I believed he only wanted to get in my pants. When he didn't get it, he returned back to Valerie.

"Drive to anywhere," I quickly muttered to Brody as I left Calvin and hopped into Brody's Toyota.

"Beatrix what happened?" Brody asked me quickly. He was concerned but I couldn't take in anything anymore so, I yelled for him to shut the eff up.

"Just drive me to anywhere, but home," I repeated. Brody didn't answer but instead started driving. The car ride was silent except for my sobs. Why was I even crying? Oh yeah, because I was that dumb weak ass of a she wolf.

We stopped about half an hour later at medium-sized mansion. I looked out of the window then turned to Brody for him to at least say something but he did not. He just got out of the car and slammed the door shut, making me flinch.

I followed after him and quickly got out of the car. "Whose house is this?" I asked.

"Oh so now you're done being a bitch?" Brody said, raising his voice. "Listen Beatrix, we're friends and no matter how angry or sad or whatever you're feeling, I hope we can respect each other," Brody continued with a softer voice and then sighed.

I knew he was talking about how I actually yelled to him to shut up, earlier. I shouldn't have dragged him into my problem. And come to think of it, Brody was the only one I could turn to. Of course I had Sally but I haven't been hanging out a lot with her. Sally also didn't know about Calvin being my mate. Not that I didn't trust her. I didn't mean for anyone to know but I somehow told Brody about it.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly to Brody. I should respect him more. Not only as a friend but also an Alpha.

"Whatever," I heard Brody said, "This is my pack house. My room is on the third storey. You can go up there and there's a bathroom in my room that you can use. I'm just gonna check on my pack members for a while."

He left me there, standing just outside the big house, deciding if I should go use his bathroom. I probably look like shit for crying. Following Brody's instructions, I went up to the third floor of the house and saw that there were two rooms. I tried my luck in opening the first one on the left and glad that it was his when I spotted his picture just above his queen size bed.

I didn't thoroughly look around his room but I saw his bed, a desk - probably a study table and a walk-in closet. Then I glanced myself at his mirror and saw how I was looking so horrible. First of all, I didn't get to clean myself before leaving with Brody. Secondly, with crying like some weak idiot, my face looked swollen.

Rushing into Brody's bathroom, I quickly washed my face and rubbed them several times. I then remembered why I was looking so horrible, or exactly who made me look so horrible. Thinking of him made me angry. All these while, I wasn't crying because I was upset but more like I was angry.

Angry at him for using me. Angry at him for making me fall for what he was doing.

"Urgh!" I screamed to myself inside the bathroom before I started punching the walls of Brody's bathroom. In that second, I totally had forgotten that the bathroom's wasn't mine. I just felt the need to release my anger.

I punched and punched and punched. I didn't care if the wall was about to fall or if my hands were hurting. I was so angry!

I only stopped when I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me out of the bathroom. "Beatrix! What are you trying to do?" I heard Brody asked, as he hugged me close to his chest.

I turned around in his arms and buried my face in his chest. And I cried, again.


The moment I entered my room, I heard the sound of screaming and knocking coming from the bathroom. Instead of what I thought knocking, it was Beatrix punching the walls. She didn't lock the bathroom's door, which I was thankful for or else I wouldn't know what would happen to her.

I pulled her out of the bathroom, making sure my arms were tight around her. "Beatrix! What are you trying to do?" I asked her, scolding at the same time.

I didn't mean to get angry at her earlier. It was just that I felt challenged when someone, especially a girl yelled at me. I was an Alpha for goodness sake. I helped Beatrix to meet her mate and without thanking me, she actually yelled at me. It was ungrateful of her. But of course I still do care about her.

"Someone get me the pack doctor!" I yelled out loud, hoping anybody could hear me. Beatrix was crying on my chest and I just tried to soothe and calmed her down by stroking her hair and rubbing her back.

I was also aware of her bleeding hands from the punching she did earlier. Damn girl! I had no idea what she was thinking that may have caused her to punch the innocent walls.

"You called for me Alpha?" Florence asked from my door frame. She was the pack doctor.

"Yes. Bring some equipment up. My friend's hands are bleeding," I quickly instructed her and she left with no other words said.

I brought Beatrix to my bed and sat her down. I let her leaned her head against my neck as she was still sobbing. Florence came up a few minutes later with her doctor's bag and informed me that she was going to jabbed Beatrix so that she wouldn't be conscious as the treatment was being done.

I watched Florence did everything to Beatrix's hands and then bandaged them. "They were quite badly hurt, Alpha. What happened to her anyway?"

"I have no idea why she was punching the poor walls. But is there anything else? Like, painkillers or whatever?"

"Nope Alpha. I already jabbed in some sleeping pills and so she would be asleep for about 12 to 18 hours.

12 to 18 hours? "Damn!" I muttered our loud.

"Is there a problem, Alpha?" Florence asked.

"Ah nope. Thank you, you may leave," I said and dismissed her. If Beatrix was going to be asleep for at least 12 to 18 hours, it means that she wouldn't be able to go home. How would I explain to her brother and parents if I were to send Beatrix back home, unconscious when I already promised her brother that I was going to bring Beatrix back home, safe and sound?

Also, my pack's territory had become one of the unsafe places to be as the rogues were doing all these sudden attacks. So what should I explain to Alpha Eddie about Beatrix not being able to go back home?

Groaning, I reached for my phone and dialled Alpha Eddie's number with no choice. I waited for a few rings and heard a woman answer, the Luna.

"Hi, I'd like to speak to Alpha Eddie please," I said politely.

"Hi, hold on a second," the Luna replied and I waited some more impatiently as I heard Alpha's Eddie voice on the other end.


"Hello Alpha Eddie, it's Brody here," I said, "Erm, I'd just like to ask for your permission if Beatrix could sleep over at my pack house tonight?"

"For what?" I heard Alpha Eddie's voice raised.

"Oh uhm, I brought her over and she is being friendly with all of my pack members. I was also telling her a bit of my family's history and... my sister. There's a lot to tell and Beatrix insisted that she stayed overnight to listen to them," I lied, hoping in my heart that the lame excuse would be accepted.

"Let me talk to her," Alpha Eddie requested.

"She didn't want to. She's standing at the corner of the room right now because she's afraid that you wouldn't let her stay overnight. So I'm calling to ask if you'd allow her to stay with me in my pack house just for the night."

"I'd like to allow her, Alpha Brody. But with the recent rogues attack, I really don't think that Beatrix should be staying there."

"I understand of your concern but it would be just for a night. I promise to send her back tomorrow," I begged, trying again.

"Fine!" Alpha Eddie huffed. "Make sure she's back by tomorrow and let her know to see me the first thing in the morning when she comes back home!"

"Sure Alpha," I replied.

"And keep her safe," he continued.

"My pleasure."

Then the line was cut off. I sighed in relieve and turned to Beatrix who was asleep on my bed. Her hands that were being bandaged looked like those Mickey Mouse cartoon hands.

I still had no idea what was wrong with her. It probably must have got to do with her mate, Calvin. Whatever it was, these things between them must be settled as soon as possible because obviously what was happening was not healthy for Beatrix.

Sighing, I bent down and kiss Beatrix on the forehead before leaving the room.

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