My Mate's Choice 16

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Hello everyone, thank you if you’re reading My Mate’s Choice. I’m sorry that I can’t update the story as frequent. I also can’t reply to most of your comments but I promised I read them all x I hope you guys don’t get bored with this slow updates. Thanks again ©




I felt like waking up, like I had been sleeping for too long and I really meant way too long. Also because my back was hurting. Why was this bed so hard and uncomfortable?

Opening my eyes, I took in my surrounding. I was... in some cave instead of my bed. The rest of the space in the - what I assumed cave was nothing. I was the only one there. How did I get in there when there were no windows or doors? Oh wait, how did I really end up here?

I remembered coming back from Brody's. Then, talking to my brother, and Calvin. And then a walk with... Valerie. Ah! I remembered now. I offered for the group of guys to take me instead of Valerie. But who were the guys really?

Just then I heard some sounds and movements from under where I was standing. Moving to the corner, I studied the whole ground and realized that there was a small square sized on the floor. I was about to go nearer and checked on it when the 'door' burst open upwards, making me shock.

"Oh good you're awake. Sleep enough?" A head that popped out, asked me. I didn't answer but just eyed him. "Come on, the boss wants to see you."

"Who's your boss?" I asked him harshly. The guy face has a scar on the left side of his forehead.

"How am I supposed to explain to you? He's my boss. You have to come down and see him for yourself," he answered me, also in a rather harshly manner.

"Why am I here?" I asked again, ignoring his answer.

"You offered yourself, dumbass!"

"Don't call me dumbass," I said sternly.

"Or what?" He challenged, eyeing me disgustingly. I was about to answer him when another voice from below us interrupted me.

"What's going on up there? I said, bring the girl down to me!"

"You heard my boss," the scar-ed forehead guy said, "You might as well come down or never."

He spat on the floor and went down. Slowly, I made my way to the floor 'door' and peeked. There was some sort of a ladder for me to climb down and I wondered how on earth I was being moved to this room unconscious.

Peeking again and when I thought the coast was clear, I started to climb down the ladder. It wasn't very high and I was very conscious of my movements. No one was there. Not even the scar-ed forehead guy. Where was he?

I just walked and wandered about until I met an actual door. Should I go inside? I wasn't afraid because I didn't think anyone was going to hurt me but I also had to make smart moves. Leaning my ear against the door, I heard nothing. So, daringly... I turned the knob and peeked inside.

"Get in," A voice from behind me said, startling me. I turned around right away and looked at the very tall guy. He was tall. Too tall. But that wasn't the one that caught my eyes. What caught mine were his eyes. It was orangey-red. He didn't have any scent so I had no idea if he was a werewolf or something else.

Following as he said, I entered the room that I had peeked in earlier. It was like an office, with a desk and two moving chairs. "Sit," he told me and again, I obeyed. I eyed him as he took another seat opposite mine, but I wasn't terrified of him.

"Who are you? And, what do you want?" I asked. I guess I was asking him too politely because the next thing he did was laugh. "And, what's so funny?"

"Woah there," he said, "Your parents must have taught you so well." I raised my eyebrow at him and he continued, "Everyone who entered this room will go crazy, telling me to let them go while you only asked me two questions, or wait, three."

"And I'm being serious. So, answer me," I snapped and he held his hand up, showing me the surrender sign but he was still laughing.

"Chill there. We don't wanna ruin this cool relationship that we're having now, don't we?" He questioned, grinning.

"Wait. First of all, there's no relationship. Second thing, I don't know you and I believe you don't know me either. Thirdly, I wanna know why am I here," I finished it all in almost one breath and I was shooting daggers at him with my eyes.

He only decided to be serious when I didn't say any word after that, just continue to stare at him furiously. I was captured and I of course wanted to know why. I didn't want any lame joke from this piece of orange-eyed kidnapper.

"Fine," he finally spoke, "I just thought that I wanted an addition of member into my collection of werewolves."

I frowned, hoping that he would explain but he did not. "What does that mean?" I asked, but one thing I sure knew was that this guy in front of me wasn't a werewolf.

"I tell you what, why don't I get Carlos to give you a tour around here and you can also talk to some of my werewolf collection before you come back here and talk to me?" He offered.

"Now who on earth is Carlos?"

"Ah, where's that guy's manners. Carlos is the one who called you down to see me," he informed, "Oh and where are my manners? My name is Grabriel. What's yours?"

"Beatrix," I muttered. I didn't have the gut feelings that neither Gabriel nor Carlos was mine or my pack's enemies. That was why I was alright with actually having a conversation with Gabriel.

"Alright Beatrix. I'll get Carlos for you." Gabriel went to yell for Carlos' name and he was in the room within seconds. Carlos received the instruction to 'tour' me around which he obeyed unhappily.

Carlos showed me a few rooms like their 'bedrooms' and 'kitchens' when none of them looked like it were the place it supposed to be. Lastly, he entered me into this room and then locked me in there. "Hey, why are you locking me in here?" I asked, screaming at him.

"Go tour in there yourself and once done, call me," he answered, smirking and then left.

I had no idea what was waiting for me in this room but as I turned around slowly, I gasped. I was looking at a big amount of people, grouped respectively into behind bars - like prisoners. Were they all werewolves? I wanted to ask, but where do I start?

I scanned through all of them and frowned when they were all behaving at their best. There were a small TV in each of the 'rooms' and people were behaving like they weren't being captured; like they were at their den.

My eyes then caught another guy who was slumped in one of the cubicle. He was alone and he had blood all over him. Approaching him, I squat next to him and slowly tapped his shoulder. I guess I startled him because the next thing he did after opening his eyelids was to punch my hand. It hurt but it didn't bother me much.

"Hey, easy," I said, softly. He was hurt and I wasn't going to make him throw his tantrums or something to hurt himself even further.

"Who are you?" He asked angrily.

"My name is Beatrix. What is yours?"

"What do you want?"

"I don't know. I was being captured and sent here," I told him, causing him to get even angrier.

"Those bastards! Damn vampire! Fucking hell!" He cursed and started to punch the walls.

"Hey, relax," I called, "I have no idea why I am here and why are you and the rest of these people are here."

"We are being captured by rogues!" He yelled at me angrily.

So Carlos and Gabriel were really the rogues and of course Gabriel had to be the vampire. But how was he involved in werewolves when Vampires and Werewolves don't even want to get involve with each other?

"Why is everyone else doing fine and you're so bloody?" I asked, cautious of my words.

"I have no idea," he said and this time toned down his voice, "They have been beating the shit out of me for the past two years I am here. I want to go home. I want to leave this place. I want my wolf back."

I slid my hand in between the black bars to give this guy a soothing rub. "Where's your wolf?"

"It died," he answer quietly, "The rogues keep beating me and my wolf died from it and as well as because we've been away from our mate for so long. Too long."

Two years was a long time for someone to be captured and beaten every day. I was surprised that this guy didn't die yet, not that I wanted him to. But from what I was seeing, this guy sure had suffered a lot for the past these two years. I wanted to help him, but I was myself helpless. And thinking of him being away from his mate, almost made our situation similar except that I was never being captured.

Then it got me thinking, was Calvin aware of my absence? Did Valerie let the pack know about me being captured? Was Calvin worried of me? I wonder...

"What's your name again and which pack are you from?" The guy asked me.

"My name is Beatrix and I am from the Red Crescent Pack," I introduced again and this time held my hand out.

He quickly took them and said, "That's my pack too! My name is Matt. Do you know me?"

I shook my head. I remembered the war our pack had with the rogues but I wasn't expecting it to be same group of rogues. But seeing now there was a pack member that had been captured for years, I believed it was the same group of rogues.

Matt said his wolf died from being away from his mate. I wondered who his mate was. The only unmated wolf was Sally, my good friend. But she hadn't turn 16 yet. Could Matt be Sally's mate?

"Matt," I called him, "Who is your mate? Maybe I know her."

Sighing, Matt answered me, "Her name is Valerie."

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