My Mate's Choice 18

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I was awake, probably a few hours after I was knocked out. I was in a room. There were one wardrobe, a small TV, a mini bar and I was lying on a single bed. Whose room was this?

Then to answer my question, the small door from the ground went open and Gabriel popped his head in. "You're awake," he stated before he literally flew to the bed, next to me. He was a vampire, remember?

"Hi," I said awkwardly.

"Hi? You were just been knocked out by my guy and you could still say hi to me?" Gabriel questioned, laughing.

"Then, what do you want me to do?"

Gabriel shook his head nonchalantly. "I don't know... Scream? Shout? Punch or something?"

"You want me to punch you?" I asked again. I wasn't dumb and I was just trying to get along with him. I knew from his face, Gabriel isn't a bad guy even though he's a vampire and to us werewolves, vampires are bad. But I just could read it from his face that he wasn't bad.

Gabriel shrugged his shoulders to my question and I fist my hands before throwing a hard punch onto his arm. Gabriel looked at me intently and for a second, I thought he was going to murder me already. I mean, who was I kidding? Even if I wanted to get along with him, that doesn't mean that he would want to be my friend.

But Gabriel surprised me by laughing loudly. "What?" I said.

"That was a hard punch, I must say. But I don't feel anything, so save it," he told me.

"Oh okay," I answered and I guess, this time, I had really triggered his anger because in a blink of an eye, I was laid on the bed with him on top of me. His hands were around my neck, threatening me that he was gonna strangle me and his fangs were visible. "W...why?" I asked him quietly.

"I want you to get angry! I want you to fucking cry for help! I want you to curse us! I want you to damn it, punch us!"

"I already punched you," I said, dumbly.

"Why are you being so difficult? Let me just finish you," Gabriel said and got off me. He went to the wardrobe and what came into his hand later was a pistol.

"You're gonna kill me?"

"Yes," he hissed. I gulped my saliva down and shut my eyes. Deep down, I got a feeling that Gabriel wasn't going to do it.

And I was right. About a minute when I didn't hear or feel anything painful, I opened my eyes to find Gabriel knelt down on the ground with both of his hands pulling his hair.

Quietly, I got off the bed and went to him. I placed a hand on Gabriel's shoulder and the next thing I knew was I was pinned onto the wall with Gabriel glaring at me but this time better because there were no fangs shown. He did nothing and nothing but just glared at me.

Finding my voice, I finally spoke, "Why did you kidnap me? And the rest of the people I met earlier? I know you're not bad but I cannot read your intention, therefore I have no idea why you're doing this."

He laughed. "I have you in my hands. I took you away from your pack, your family and probably your mate. And you still said that I'm kind."

"If you're not kind, you wouldn't help me and bring me here and scolded Carlos for beating me," I stated.

And he laughed again, which made me annoyed but I controlled my emotion. "I scolded him because we haven't jabbed you. That was all."

"What does the jab thingy do?" I asked.

"Simply to cut off your bond with your mate whether you have met him or not. So that as we torture you, he wouldn't feel a thing. See, you're right. We're kind. We won't let two suffer from one," Gabriel explained.

An idea instantly came into my mind.

"Jab me!" I demanded. "I want it."

"Are you being fucking serious?"

"Yes," I said firmly.

"But... why?" Gabriel asked and I promised I heard the softness of his voice.

"Because I want my bond with my mate to be cut off."


It was past 2 in the morning and I still couldn't sleep. What happened earlier was still on my mind.

Severe pain. Beatrix was in a severe pain and I could do nothing to help. I wondered how she was now and I also wondered if Beatrix had offered herself to the rogues because of me.

Valerie and I had moved into the pack house and so as the other pack members whom at first didn't reside in the pack house. It was an order from the Alpha because we are all worried of their safety especially after the rogues took Beatrix.

I was given a room but I declined politely and begged for Beatrix's room instead. Alpha Eddie didn't allow but the former Alpha and Luna said I could have her room.

Beatrix's Mom and Dad didn't go bonkers on me when they found out about me being Beatrix's mate. Her dad just simply said, 'things happened.'

While my parents and especially Sean didn't take it too well. They were all mad at me for keeping that as a secret.

"Valerie is a good girl but if she's not your mate, she's not meant for you," Dad huffed.

"Why son? Was Beatrix bad to you or are you hating her, that's why you keep on your relationship with Valerie and ignored her?" Mom assumed.

"I'm so disappointed with you, brother," Sean said, "Let me tell you. The moment I saw Lana, my mate, I couldn't let go of her. I probably wanted to marry her and have her kids’ right there and then. Our life would be incomplete without our mates and I wonder how you could fucking live without Beatrix by your side. Instead, you're hurting her. You don't have mercy at all for her!"

If I was someone else, I would blame myself too. I was indeed at fault. I still slept with Valerie after knowing Beatrix was my mate. I still went back to the cottage after knowing I should be with Beatrix. I still hurt her knowing that hurting Beatrix would hurt her wolf as well as mine.

My wolf hadn't show up lately and I understood that too. He needed his own space and was as hurt as I was feeling at the moment.

It was true when they said; we never appreciate what we have until it's gone.

"Calvin?" I looked up and saw Brody's head popped into the room. I was on Beatrix's couch with the teddy bear that I had given her during her birthday. The teddy bear smelt like her and I couldn't help but thought that she probably slept with it every night. Probably with hope that one day she would be sleeping with me instead.

"Brody," I acknowledged him. We didn't got friendlier but I could say that we were on good terms. We both wanted Beatrix back here, safely but I was ready to fight for Beatrix with him.

"Sleep early. We've got training tomorrow," he said, walking in and took the empty space on the same couch. Brody's pack was small and Alpha Eddie has decided to move all of them into our pack house seeing we still had a few more empty rooms and enough to bear all of them.

"I can't sleep. I'm worried," I told him.

"Oh come on," he sneered, "You're not the only one. I'm worried too, but we all need our sufficient amount of rest to train and fight those rogues to have our Beatrix back."

Our Beatrix. Beatrix was mine and only mine.

"Yes, we're all worried. But I'm different. I'm her mate and I could almost feel the pain she's going through," I told Brody in a matter of fact.

"Mate huh? The mate you never really cared about?"

And there I thought we were in good terms already.

"Anyway, the other day when she found out that you and Valerie had sex in school, she went to my place afterwards and spent the night there," Brody continued.

"Rubbed it in my face some more," I scowled.

Brody chuckled, "I haven't finish yet, dude. Patient."

I rolled my eyes.

"When she came over to my place, she was overly frustrated that she was venting it on me. She didn't want to tell me at first of what happened but I eventually found out that night," he paused, "The reason why she was staying the night because I didn't want her brother to found her back home, hurting. While she was in my bathroom, she was punching my innocent walls. Her hands were quite badly hurt and swollen and the reason why she was acting all strong and punching the walls is you."

I let Brody's words sink in. I knew Beatrix was frustrated and angry when she found out about it. I was also dumb to have met Beatrix right after I did it with Valerie as her scent would still linger with mine. But even though Valerie and I had frequent of sex before Beatrix appeared, I never really had the intention of marking Valerie and Valerie seemed fine with it.

But back to Beatrix... I wasn't expecting her to get angry to the extent of hurting herself. And now knowing that she had hurt herself because she was angry, it just increased my suspicion that Beatrix had purposely offered herself to the rogues instead of letting them choose between Valerie and herself.

"Oh God," I heard myself muttered.

"There's no space for regret now, Calvin. She's hurt enough even though perhaps to you, for not a long time. But a pain of missing their mate is usually an unusual pain. Like right now, you can't sleep cos you're worried about her. Imagine all these while she tried to survive with you treating her like second choice," Brody said.

"And even though talking about this brought back some anger inside me to you, I shall control it and just tell you that; we're gonna bring Beatrix back her safe and sound and you're gonna have to make up to her - whatever it takes to."

"You hear me?" Brody asked when I just stood there like a stone. I couldn't believe what I had put my mate through but yes, I was gonna make it up to her whatever it takes.

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