My Mate's Choice 20

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Hey guys, we made it to chapter 20! Yayyy, thanks to all of you who are reading this right now © I do not have much comments from you guys at the moment and I really hope to have some so that I know some of your opinions :) That would help me a lot in the progress of this story :)





This time, I really meant my words. Ignoring the Luna who was still waiting for me to speak and reply to her, I got off the couch and ran out of the pack house. I shifted immediately and ran into the words, totally not hearing whatever the Luna, Alpha and Brody was saying to stop me from finding Beatrix by myself.

I ran as fast as I could to the exact place Valerie had told me where the rogues took Beatrix. I tried sniffing things. I walked in further in every angle of the same area but to no avail. Then I started sniffing the floor.

I paused. I swear I could smell a certain scent even though it wasn't Beatrix. Could there be werewolves living underground? Or were werewolves being captured? Or was it just a group of werewolves who had just went by this exact place?

No! It couldn't be. Nobody was allowed out of the pack house. The teens didn't even go to school. So there were probably some werewolves under the ground. I sniffed and trailed at exactly where the scent was bringing me to. I carried on until I was right in front of someone's feet. I looked up and my wolf's face was immediately being slapped by a leg.

"Hey mutt, whatcha doing?" The owner of that rude's leg spoke. I eyed him from afar because when I was kicked in the face, I fell quite far away from where he was standing. And even from afar, I could tell that the guy, who had kicked me, wasn't a werewolf.

He was a vampire. It was all written from his pale face and red-orangey eyes.

Since I was still in my wolf form, I couldn't speak and there was no way for me to change into human form because I had no clothes with me. So I did the only thing I could to communicate which was to growl very loudly.

"Oh is that the only thing you've got mutt?" That piece of vampire sneered. What was he even doing here in the pack's territory anyway?

I growled again.

"Hmmm. Are you by any chance looking for someone?" The vampire asked me mockingly this time. Did he know? Was he the one who took Beatrix away? No no, it couldn't be. He was a vampire and if he had Beatrix in his hands, he would have killed Beatrix anyway and I would have felt the side effect.

Daringly, I moved closer and I almost shifted back into my human form when I inhaled Beatrix's scent. I looked around and once in a while glanced back at the blood-sucker. He was still smirking at me and I really do felt like pouncing on him but I wouldn't because I didn't know the reason he was here.

My head was turning to right and left, searching for Beatrix's scent. Suddenly, the bloodsucker started laughing loudly. He was mocking me, I knew it but I didn't know why until I recognized Beatrix's scent was on him.

This time, I didn't think twice and pounced on him. I tried to rip his arm but I totally had forgotten that he was a bloodsucker with fangs because just when I was about to give his arm a long scratched, he had his fangs buried on my shoulder blade.

I immediately dropped on the floor the moment he let me go. He laughed again in my face and kicked my knees before he disappeared. I wouldn't say that the vampire was kind because he didn't drink all of me. If he did, I wouldn't still be conscious.

The pain was slowly fading and when I felt it no more, I gained back my energy and run back to the pack house.

Sure, the Alpha, Luna and Brody was looking worried and the moment they saw me in my wolf form coming to the pack house, they had the fighters ready.

"Wait, that's Calvin," my brother saved me. He must have recognized my fur. Sean went back inside and came out a second later with a pair of joggers in his hand. He handed it to me and I hid in the bushes to change.

Once I did, the first thing I heard was "oh my god."

"What happened to you, Calvin?" The Luna asked, approaching me and at the same time the Alpha growled very loudly.

"I met a vampire," I choked, trying to suck in the pain that suddenly ran through my shoulder.

"What?!" Everyone who was there shrieked.

"Let's get you inside," Brody said and helped me into the house and to the couch. I heard the Luna called for the Rose, the pack's doctor.

"Tell us," the Alpha pestered.

I sucked in a breath before spilling everything. I told them how I inhaled a certain smell underground and then encountering the damn vampire who had Beatrix's scent all over him.

"This means that the vampire was the rogues attacking our packs," Brody concluded.

"It also can mean that the vampire is helping a group of werewolf rogues," Alpha Eddie said next.

"We have to find Beatrix," I said afterwards. "She's not safe with the rogues and what's more a vampire."

"You think I don't know that?" Alpha Eddie hissed, which made the Luna glared at him.

"You go to Rose's clinic and then get some rest. We'll have a plan by tonight," the Luna told me. That was what everyone else would tell me; that they would have the plan by tonight or whatsoever but in the end, they actually had nothing other than keep training to fight. But this time, it was the Luna who delivered the news to me. So I believed we really should have a plan by tonight.

After all, only the Luna believed and liked me as Beatrix's mate.


I planned on telling Matt about the plan I had as soon as I could. Like, at the moment would be the perfect time because Gabriel said he had to go out and feed and Carlos was nowhere to be found. He had left me with the prison keys if I wanted to go in and play with Belle and Jayden.

Creeping into the hallways of the prison, I quickly walked over to Matt's one which was right at the end of the hallway.

"Matt," I called him and he instantly looked up. He had been a lot better even though the bruises from being beaten up were still on his body.


"I have a plan and I need you to help me," I said quietly to him.

"Help in what?" He asked again and I placed a finger on my mouth to tell him to lower down his voice, "And I wonder. Why aren't you locked up like all of us?"

"That's an advantage and in order to free all of us out, I need your help," I whispered.

"What kind of help?" Matt questioned, raising his eyebrows but he actually looked interested in what I was about to say to him.

"I..." I was cut off immediately with another presence.

"Baby," he called.

"Gabriel," I acknowledged him. "What are you doing here? When did you arrive? I was looking for you actually."

"Did he just fucking call you baby?" Matt growled.

"Yes, I did," Gabriel answered smiling. I didn't realized he had called me baby because my heart was thumping furiously - surprised to his sudden presence.

"Traitor!" Matt screamed in my face.

"Hey, back away man," Gabriel scolded him.

"No! You fucking bloodsucker and traitor," Matt continued his shouts and with just a flick of Gabriel's thumb, Carlos and a few other men came into the hallway and into Matt's prison and God know what happened next because I was being pulled out of the prison by Gabriel.

"Tell them to stop it," I said to Gabriel, telling him to command Carlos and the other men to stop what they were doing.

"It's okay baby. They will look after Matt well," Gabriel told me, smiling.

"No Gabriel. I know they will beat the shit outta him," I scowled causing Gabriel's face to turn serious.

"I said, come with me," he said sternly and immediately pulled me and pushed me up to his room.

"I'm sorry," I quickly said when he closed the door. One thing I really need to learn was not to trigger Gabriel's emotion. He was kind enough not to imprison me.

"It's okay, I understand," Gabriel said, his voice softened. Now I couldn't help but think that he really was a kind vampire. "Matt was being rude and I didn't like it. I've told Carlos to stop it."


"I mind linked with him," Gabriel informed. Oh. Mind-linked. It was something that the Alpha must teach so that we could all talk through our minds. Only an Alpha could teach us how.

"Okay," I said, waving the topic off because I didn't want to bring Gabriel's angry side back. "Hmm, why did you call me baby?" That was another thing that was still in my mind.

"Oh no reason," he said, shrugging, "I just like it. Don't you like it?"


"Don't you like it?” Gabriel asked again but this time he whispered into my ear. I wonder where this was getting on.

"I do," I answered truthfully because in all honesty, I really did like him to call me that.

If Gabriel wasn't a rogue or a vampire or my kidnapper, he was the perfect mate I would have asked for because he was always around me and it was something I really couldn't get from my real mate. I wished he was my mate. I wished, I was that cursed werewolf to be mated with a vampire like Gabriel.

"I like it a lot," I repeated my answer.

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