My Mate's Choice 25

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"We've got the routes to the rogue's underground hiding place!" Brody announced loudly. He and Alpha Eddie had been trying to locate the place since two days ago. It took them too bloody long but I wouldn't have been able to done it by myself either.

"We're planning an attack tonight!" Alpha Eddie announced next and at the same time, I felt pain rushing through my head. I held my head with both hands, still trying to concentrate with what Alpha Eddie was gonna say but failed when I couldn't help but groaning.

"Calvin, pay attention!" I heard Alpha Eddie called but I just couldn't when I felt as if someone was punching me on the face.

"Darling his nose is bleeding," I heard the Luna said next. My eyes were tightly shut and I was gripping on my head with hope to stop the pain from going on.

But I couldn't take it, and I passed out.

* * *

I opened up my eyes like I just woke up from my sleep. But the first thing I did was stood up immediately because the only thought that was playing in my mind was to save Beatrix.

"Calvin, you need to rest down first." I was surprised I was greeted by Alpha Eddie. He of all people shouldn't be the one waiting for me to wake up.

"No Alpha. I want to follow all of you and find Beatrix," I told him.

"It won't happen until after midnight. We still have about 5 hours from now," Alpha Eddie informed. I nodded but didn't go back to my lying down position. "Do you know what happen to you, Calvin?" Alpha Eddie asked, after a few seconds of silence.

Then it hit me that I had passed out after some pain that I felt. What happened? I shook my head, in confusion.

"You experienced something similar before, remember? And I told you that you needed to stay calm and be strong if you were to experience it again?"

I tried recalling and then remembered that there was this time when I had a severe pain on my head. Then Alpha Eddie and the Luna explained about how Beatrix was in pain and because her wolf had seen mine, they were hoping for me to protect them.

That means... Oh my god, my Beatrix!

Alpha Eddie must have noticed the change of expression on my face and he continued talking. "Be strong, Calvin. Beatrix must be having it worst now that even you passed out. But when we attack later, I want you to bring Beatrix out safely whether she's conscious or not. Remember Calvin - whatever happens, whether we get to fight the rogues or not, I want your priority to bring Beatrix out! Promise me, Calvin?"

I nodded quickly and vigorously. I had listened attentively to what Alpha Eddie was saying and from his voice, I could also tell that he was quite nervous about tonight's attack but he and I both had the same aim; we want Beatrix back in our arms.


I tried opening my eyes but it was feeling so heavy - like someone had taped my lids so that I wouldn't be able to open them. I found myself frowning and then groaning in pain. I felt someone jabbing my left shoulder and then I heard someone calling my name.

"Beatrix? Beatrix... Slowly, open your eyes," I heard that someone said. I did as told, trying to open my eyes as slow as possible and then adjust my eyes to the light.

I focused on looking at what I thought the walls. I needed to regain myself. I need to fight whatever pain that was running in my veins. But I lost it all the moment Gabriel came into my view. And then it all came back to me; I had confessed about freeing Matt.

I tried to get up from my lying position but found myself not able to move for if I did, the pain was too strong for me to handle. I deserved it; I thought. I knew Carlos had punched and kicked me but I didn't get the chance to see how badly I was bruised. But feeling the horrendous pain, I knew I had badly been wounded.

"Beatrix, are you feeling better?" Gabriel asked and I couldn't believe my ears as well as my eyes. Gabriel was next to me. His face was so close to mine and his hands were stroking my hair back. He looked so concerned, which made me confuse. Why wasn't he angry? Why didn't he bash me up?

"I...I..." I couldn't speak. My throat was so dry and I couldn't even find the words to reply him.

"Okay, relax. Do you want some water?" Gabriel asked, still very politely. I was hesitant if I should take his offer on the drink. Maybe he had poisoned the drink. But I would rather die from drinking water with poison rather than being killed physically.

I nodded and Gabriel scurried out of the bed and came about a second later with a glass of water in his hand. That was fast; I thought until I remembered that he was a vampire. I had forgotten that he was vampire, like I had forgotten that I was a werewolf. I haven't seen my wolf since forever and she hadn't been talking to me either. Wait! Did she die? Even if she did, she needn't worry. I would soon be following after her.

Gabriel held my head so that I could get some of the water before he softly placed my head back on the pillow. And then he too got on the bed, propped on his elbow and was facing me. I didn't dare to look at him so I just looked up. Why was it taking so long for the poison to react?

"Why did you do it, Beatrix? Why did you free him?" Gabriel asked. He didn't look angry, he didn't look upset. He...I just couldn't read his expression.

"Do you know what you have gotten yourself into?" He asked, again.

Was there even poison in the water? Why am I not dying yet?

"You could have just told me, just me and not in front of Carlos and everyone else," Gabriel carried on. Wait, what? He was not angry or what? And like he was reading my mind, he continued saying, "I would have protected you and just let the matter go."

"'re not angry?" I asked with difficulties because my throat was still dry and hoarse.

"I can't. I want to be angry but I can't be angry at you," Gabriel said and he leaned closer to me. I was afraid of what he was gonna do but my heart was telling me that he wouldn't do such things.

"Why?" I asked, scarily.

"Because I've just let the same thing repeats. I've fallen for another werewolf and that werewolf is you," Gabriel said and he closed the gap between his mouth and my forehead.

I was still taken aback by what Gabriel had just said. He said he had fallen for me. Yes, he said that. What was happening to my life? I couldn't be with the mate I was supposed to be and now I had a species that mine despise to fall for me.

"Your pack is coming Beatrix," Gabriel said, his lips were still on my forehead. "I could hear them running in."

My pack? They came! They were gonna save me and the others who had been prisoned in here for years.

"I'm not sure I'd want to let you go, Beatrix. I love you, so much," Gabriel stated. I had never heard anyone said they loved me like Gabriel had said. It sounded so sincere and I liked the way it sounded. But I had Calvin.

No no no! Calvin had Valerie. But Matt was back and Calvin wouldn't be able to go in between them. This means, I now have Calvin all to myself.

But Gabriel loved me. I didn't want Calvin to be with me just because he couldn't be with Valerie anymore. I'm a girl and whether I was a werewolf or not, I still do have feelings. I wanted to be loved and I wanted to be pampered and only Gabriel would give me those.

Gabriel and I were suddenly startled by a loud crashing and shooting from under us. It should only means that my pack had successfully come into this territory to save the innocent people.

Suddenly, the small door on the ground was being knocked harshly and loudly. I believed it was one of my pack members and I knew I had to decide now because it was now or never. Whoever it was, knocking, would probably die if he were to fight with Gabriel because vampires are always stronger than werewolf. I wouldn't want any more of my pack's members to die. I had to make a decision.

I pulled Gabriel away from my face and cupped his face. "You love me, don't you?" Gabriel nodded, while frowning as he watched me.

"Then do something to get us out of here. Once we're out of here, the pack, the fight - they got nothing to do with us," I stated, trying to convince Gabriel. My throat was no longer dry and I felt myself energized.

"What make you want to do this, Beatrix?" Gabriel asked his voice was still so gentle. I didn't think I have the time to answer his question especially with the now loud banging on the ground's door.

"Because you love me, Gabriel. And nobody has ever loved me. I've never been loved by a man and now you do. I love this feeling of knowing someone, loving me" I stated in a matter of fact. "Get us out of here. Just the two of us."

"Are you sure?" Gabriel asked, again. I nodded vigorously and the next thing I knew I was standing against Gabriel's chest, on the bed. "We're gonna leave this place, Beatrix."

"We are leaving," I repeated.

Gabriel held me close to his chest and at the same time, the ground's door went open and I saw Calvin. I saw Calvin for the last time before I fell into another deep slumber.

Hey guys, so what do you think of Beatrix’s decision? :)

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