My Mate's Choice 34

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I had so much fun, too much fun letting my wolf play with Calvin's. Since I haven't let her out for some time to have fresh air, she was pretty much excited and overwhelmed as well. Calvin's wolf understood mine so well that whenever she tackled him to the ground, he would just lick her fur without debating anything.

It was getting dark, almost too dark that maybe the people at the pack's house might start to worry. My wolf had become too tired as well and when Calvin sensed that, he shifted back to human. I blushed at the sight of him like that even though he couldn't tell that I was. But he quickly put his pants on and then searched for my sundress. He stroked my fur before placing the dress over my neck. My wolf nuzzled his stomach and then went to a hiding spot to change and get dressed.

When I reappeared, I found Calvin not there anymore. It was either he was hiding or I couldn't see him properly because of the dark or...something bad happened to him? Oh god, please no.

"Calvin?" I called for him and when he didn't answer, I started shouting for him.

Suddenly I felt a pair of arms around my waist and I squealed in horror. When I turned around, Calvin was there smiling but his smile fell when he saw my face.

"Gosh Beatrix, why did you cry? I was just playing around," he said and I smacked his chest.

"I thought something happened," I said and sniffed, only to realize that I had started tearing.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry," he said and then pulled me into a hug. He stroked my back and then pulled back when I started to speak.

"It's so dark in here, anything could happen. I couldn't see you and I'm worried if if..."


"If Gabriel got a hold of you," I finally said what was on my mind.

"No, I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to make you worried. It was a foolish thought to play around right now. Let's get back home," he said. "I'll give you a piggy-back ride?"

I nodded and forced a smile. I took his offered and climbed onto his back. He held me firmly and I knew I was safe. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my head on his shoulder.

I wanted to so badly accept him right now as my mate but I was also aware that some part of me and my heart still doubted on Calvin. I shouldn't but I couldn't fully open my heart to accept Calvin in. Someday I will, but not today. However, I wasn't going to let him go nonetheless and with that, I tightened my arms around his neck and leaned deeper into him.

* * *

I was pretty much exhausted from the evening play and right after I showered and had dinner, I wanted nothing more than to crawl into my bed and sleep. But I wanted to wait for Calvin.

However, he was taking too long downstairs talking to his brother, the Beta. I tried to stay awake by reading a book but my eyelids were getting too heavy to stay awake.

I only ended waking up when I felt someone moving me. I opened my eyes wide and I when I saw Calvin, my eyes softened.

"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry. You were in sitting position and your novel was on your chest so I wanted to put you into a comfortable position," Calvin explained. He helped me get under the covers and then tucked it right under my chin. He then leaned down and kissed my forehead before heading to the couch - his couch.

"Hmm Calvin," I called. I was hesitating because I was shy but if I didn't ask, I would miss him - if that was even possible seeing he was just across the same room.


"Do you wanna sleep here?" I asked, tapping the empty space on my left.


"Because I know or I think sleeping on the couch can be a bit uncomfortable because it's uneven and your back may be hurting because you've been sleeping there for many days now," I rambled almost in one breath. Plus, I didn't want Calvin to think that I was desperate to get him in bed.

"Alright, Beatrix," Calvin chuckled and then walked around the bed before getting in. I scooted to the end of bed, thinking that Calvin might need some space for himself. But once he made himself comfortable, he asked, "Do you want to come closer?"

I nodded and immediately roll over into his arms. I heard Calvin chuckled lightly but I was too tired and my wolf was demanding for a rest. And right the moment I was in Calvin's arms, I departure to my dreamland.

* * *

A few weeks later...

I woke up and quickly looked at the timing because outside, it was already bright. I turned to Calvin's side but he was no longer there but I knew there was someone under the covers.

"Calvin?" I called but the person who came out of the covers wasn't Calvin.

"Jean!" I exclaimed and she grinned at me.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked in a friendly tone. I honestly didn't mind Jean coming into my room. She had been doing that for the past few days because she'd want Calvin to send her to bed and then read her a story. In fact, she'd been spending a lot of her times in my room with Calvin and me.

"I was looking for Calvin but he was not here. I see the bed empty so I get in," she explained, still grinning.

"Naughty," I stated and flicked her nose playfully.

"So are you Calvin's girlfriend, now?" Jean asked me once she settled her head next to mine. I didn't know what to answer because the question was unexpected. What would Calvin want me to tell Jean?

Just a friend? A mate?

"Why do you ask?" I questioned.

"Because I like you more than Valerie. She doesn't want to live here and that cause Calvin not wanting to live here too and just like that, I cannot play with my brother. Sean and Lana and Mom and Dad are always busy and I am lonely. But lately, Calvin and I have been playing a lot together. I love Calvin and I love you too," Jean rambled on and then turned to me before cuddling to my side.

I felt so loved at that point of time because I knew everything that came out from Jean's mouth was sincere. She would probably forget about it the next minute but her words meant a lot to me. I understood very well what she meant about her parents and the beta always being busy and not having time to spend with her. But now I have Calvin, my mate and I didn't want Jean to grow up feeling left out.

"Now now, no wonder you're not in your room," I heard Calvin's voice from the door and turned to look. Since when was he there?

Jean immediately looked up from my side and grinned, "I wanted to lie down with Beatrix because I couldn't find you here."

"I was downstairs making the two of you breakfast. Wanna come down now?"

I nodded and Jean clapped her hands. I got up from my lying down position and Calvin approached me. "Come, I give you a piggy-back ride," Calvin offered and I nodded.

"Yay! I want a piggy-back," I heard Jean cheered happily but instead of going to Calvin's back, she went to mine while Calvin was already preparing for me to jump onto his back.

"Woah, this is gonna be a double work done," Calvin commented but I knew he didn't mind.

So I ended up giving Jean a piggy back while Calvin gave me one. I tightened my hands around Jean and Calvin walked slowly out of the room and down the stairs.

"Beatrix?" Jean called, softly.


"Can you ask Calvin what did he make for breakfast?" Jean whispered. I nodded and then turned back to the front and asked into Calvin's ear.

"What did you make for breakfast?"

"Chocolate chip pancakes and some grilled cheese sandwiches," Calvin informed.

"Did he make a lot?" Jean whispered again and I could tell from her voice that she was getting excited for either one of the food.

"How many did you make?" I asked Calvin.

"You know Jean, you can ask me yourself. I heard you because you're not really whispering," Calvin said to her instead of answering and I heard Jean giggled.

"Alright alright, stop talking and walking so slow. Breakfast's getting too cold now," another voice said and when I looked up, I saw Calvin's mom.

"Sorry mom but Jean is getting heavier," Calvin commented causing Jean to shriek.

"I am not heavy plus Beatrix is carrying me, not you."

"Well, I am carrying you and Beatrix so I am holding onto both weights now," Calvin shot back.

"Are you saying that I am heavy too?" I asked in a threatening tone.

"Of course not," Calvin said and smiled. He placed me straight on the chair and then Jean jumped to be with their mom because apparently, his mom already spared a different breakfast for Jean.

"What do you want first?" Calvin asked as he took a seat on the chair next to mine.

"Anything," I said because I was totally fine with anything.

"Pancake first then," Calvin decided and then he started cutting the pancakes into smaller pieces. He had been pampering me a lot. He fed me my food and carried me to almost anywhere I could or supposed to be. Me on the other hand had been a lot better, as to what Rose had said. She said my health condition didn't show anything like I'd been hurt or sick before and she said I need to be thankful to Calvin.

But I didn't thank him yet. I kept telling myself that he should have already been here since day 1 to protect me. I know I know, it was selfish of me to say these but I just couldn't help it. I love Calvin - I already know that but I was still hesitating when it comes to accepting him as my mate.

"Open your mouth big now," Calvin ordered and he fed me a piece of the chocolate chip pancake as though he was feeding a toddler because he was doing the airplane movements in the air. I chuckled but did as told. He kept doing so a few times until someone came down the stairs, saying hi - probably to him.

"Hi," Valerie said and approached us. I didn't hate her - or that was at least what I assumed to be but I was still uncomfortable being around her. I hated being around her when Calvin was with me because it made my stomach churned knowing that I had had share my mate with someone else.

"Hi," Calvin said back and I saw the smile on his face - maybe the one that I wouldn't be able to put on his face. I tried not to put on a scowling face but I guess I was pulling a way too long face that a moment later, Valerie disappeared.

"I'm gonna go up," I said afterwards. "I wanna have a long shower but, don't finish up the sandwich. I still want them," I said in a slightly humour tone. And since I was now healthy, I could jog up the stairs. I wanted to be away. I wanted to calm myself down a bit and I just knew a long shower would help.

When I got out from the bathroom about half an hour later, I was feeling so refreshed and I wanted to meet Calvin. Calvin and I had grown inseparable since the other night and when we're away, I felt odd. I didn't think I missed him already but it was just odd.

So once I was dressed, I walked down the stairs and searching for Calvin. I didn't see him anywhere but I spotted Jean with her parents watching the TV. Jean was squeezed in the middle but she seemed to like it.

"Hello," I said, "Has anyone seen Calvin?"

"Calvin just went out with Valerie. He said he needs to get something but he promised to buy me ice-cream when he gets back home."

That was Jean telling me. Jean wouldn't lie. Kids wouldn't lie. Then I looked up to her parents and saw their worried and guilty face expression and I knew Jean hadn't lie and that Calvin had gone out with Valerie.

I felt myself falling apart all over again.


So who thinks Calvin is gonna screw up again this time? As usual, let me know what you think of the chapter down below and thanks for reading:)

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