Chapter Two : Suprise !!!!

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Chapter Two : Suprise !!!!

The bus came to a stop in the middle of nowhere . That's my que . I stood up and walked off the bus and onto the narrow dirt path , leading back to my empty house . It always is empty when I get home . I've grown a custom to coming home to nobody and nothing but the small log cabin in the middle of the woods.

Oh by the if your wondering what I look like . Here you go . I have black wavy hair , it's really long . Also with blue highlights in my hair , their royal blue and a little bit of baby blue . I have blue eyes , but they are a darker shade then you would expect . If I look like the real version of my mother , like my dad would always say , then I would have to be gorgeous . Apparently . I wear alot of black , like everything I have basically is black or blue . They are my favorite colors .

I walked down the long path that lead to my home . Once the small log cabin came into Veiw something aught my eye . There was a big very big cardboard box infront of my door . I ran over to it and up the stairs .

There was a card on it , so I ripped the envolop open and read the letter , that laid inside .

'Dear Renée ,

Happy 15th birthday !!!! I think . Anyways this is something I bought for you at the junkyard , I hope you like it . Greg said you would . Luv your loving mother . Also guess what I'm in the Bahamas with Greg , we're on our aniversery trip . I luv him so much . He's so am-'

I ripped the card in half . And slammed my fist into the ground . I couldn't read anymore of that garbage . I kicked the box in fustration and loud rattling came from inside . I began to tilt my head in curiosity .

I sat my backpack on the porch and stared at the box that was labeled ' C-2000 ' . What . I started to open it when I heard a bus stop in the distance . I picked up the super heavy box and carried it all the way up the spiral wood stairs and up to my room . I placed it in the corner , opposite of my bed .

I apparently still had the ripped letter in my hand . I glared at it and walked into the minni bathroom and threw  it into the minni trashcan in the corner . "Colby!"

I walked to the belcony infront of my huge bed . My room is the up stairs that has a belcony railing overlooking the bottom floor and a huge window giving the Veiw of a birds nest and trees . I love it up here . Finnally the kids came crashing in the door . I smiled at them and ran down stairs .

"Hey guys !!!!" I yelled in excitement and opened my arms for them to embrace me . They all jumped into me and hugged me as hard a they could , all four of them . I love them more than anything .

Second oldest is Jackson , who is 10 and the third oldest is Macy , who is 9 . Fourth oldest is Lucey who is 7 , and finally the youngest . The baby of the house is Spencer who is 5 . They all look different , except I'm the only girl with black hair(wavy) . Spencer has black hair(straight) and green eyes . Lucey has brown hair(straight) with brown eyes . Macy has dirty blonde hair (curly ) with brown eyes . Lastly Jackson has black hair (straight) and grey eyes . Jackson took the mist of dad's traits except the black hair . That came from mom . I of course got most of mom's traits . The other kids are just a bunch of mixtures .

I backed out of the embrace and walked into the kitchen grabbing my little satchel bag that has black tassels hanging from the black base . Then I walked towards the kids , excitement building every step .

" Who's ready for....... Ice cream ! ?!?!?" I yelled throwing my hands to the ceiling . I jumped in the extreme excitement . The kids screamed in unison 'Me!!!!!' It was absolutely adorable .

I told everyone to hold hands as we walked to the corner store . We made a train , by holding hands . Spencer held my hand , Macy held Spencers , Lucy held Macy's , Jackson held Lucey's hand. That was the order we walked in .

As we got closer and the kids stopped their excited conversation , Spencer looked up to me with hopeful eyes . I looked back down at him with gentle eyes .

"Will mommy come back , Birdy? " Spencers soft voice caught me off guard along with the random question . I tried to remember my alive mother but couldn't come to a conclusion . I sighed and looked back at his scared face .

" No I don't believe our mother will ever come back . After all we can't raise the dead . " I smiled and continued to walk down the side of our warn paved road to the corner store and custard shop .

We all walked in scilence . I think we pretty much all knew she wouldn't . Even little Spence . We finally arrived at the small custard shop and I grabbed the little money I had in my pocket .

I ordered everyone's favorite and paid the twelve dollars . I handed everyone their custard . Then I walked over to little Spencer. He was sitting all by himself on the old picnic table.

"Hey Spence . I got your favorite . The chocolate and vanilla twist ." I offered the delicious custard towards him . He took it and began devouring it . I smiled and scuffed his hair , before getting up to check on the other kids .

"Hey Birdy ????" Spencer caught my attention .

I turned around and looked at him "Whats up kid ??"

" Will you be my mommy for me ????" He questioned and looked at me with those green emeralds of innocence . I smiled and walked over to him .

" No . I'm going to be the best big sister ." I informed with a gentle voice . He lunged into me and started to embrace me in a bear hug . I stiffened under his passionate hug .I squirmed out of his tight hold and patted him on his small shoulder before I walked off to get everyone together , to leave and go back to a normal day .


I stared at the huge cardboard box with an intense glare that could put a laser to shame . I kicked the box and only a rattling noise escaped it's large frame . It was probably some scrap metal that was thrown into a box for 50 cents . I slammed my foot into the box and almost broke my toe . I screamed and grabbed my foot as I jumped around on one foot , like a kangaroo .

The pain increased by 50 % and I was laughing very hard by this point . Mainly beacuse I failed to hurt a stupid box . I finally calmed down and shrugged it off , while I walked over to my immensely huge bed , That used to belong to my Alive mother and father .

I climbed into the bed and let my weight sink into the sift mattress. I closed my eyes in relief that my birthday was officially over . As I laid there with my eyes closed I began to hear strange noises . Then a ripping kinda noise , like something was being torn apart . Probably some mice . I fell into a deep slumber , just helping me get to tomarrow .


FUN FACT : The brain isn't fully developed until turned about 24 . Your brain as a teen is mostly concentrating on your frontal lobe , where your personality and emotions kick into your brain. Cool right ??

Sup homies this was a cute chapter to me but luckily it will finally start to get intresting . Hopefully .

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