Prologue .

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    Prologue .  (This is mainly a little back round on the main character . Enjoy .)

[Edited. ]

                            I watched as big  farm houses and small homes of Bellville  passed by 25 mph, until we stopped  in what seemed the middle of nowhere . I got up and grabbed my stuff, then made my way off the bus. It is a paticular  day for me. It's my 12th  birthday, but nobody really cares.

                           Once I stepped  off the huge bus, I felt a light breeze lift the oily hair that escaped  it's messy bun . The leaves of the Fall swirled around my warn boots. I sighed and began down the narrow  path that lead deep into the temperate forest. Where my small cabin of a home sat there, completely  empty. I knew this for a fact

                                 After a couple minutes  of walking I finally made it to the small log cabin. Walking up the steps and onto the porch that wrapped  around the whole cabin; I opened the small wooden door and prepared myself for yet another lonely, quiet birthday.

                 Reason being ??? You ask. Well my mom and step-dad could care less about me, you know, always ignore me whenever  they are home from their work and their 2 week vacations.  So over the years I've became  a custom  to surviving all by myself and without the right help a kid should be given as a child.  I hope for every little kid, that they have better parents then I do. Yet somehow  I still love my mom.

                               I don't care too much for Greg, my step-dad who transformed my mother into what she is now. A unloving  and ungrateful  women who can't keep her hands off of Greg. Also she's beacame  very irresponsible  and she got into  alot of bad things. Meaning wasted all of our living money on drugs and alcohol,  oh and don't forget the cigarettes.

                               I crinkled  my nose in disgust  as I looked out  at all the lovely  creatures  of the woods and somehow even nature doesn't accept  me. I don't think anyone wants me anymore, but I know that it's my duty to stay alive and healthy,  to show Greg and my fake mother what they should  be like. If I ever have kids, wich most likely  would never happen, I will do everything in my power to be a better parent then my current fake parents are like .

                                          Suddenly the door slammed  shut. I jumped  off the window seat and ran to see the intruder. My jaw dropped  when I saw my intoxicated  mother stumbling towards me with wild blue eyes buzzing with tipsy hints.

                  I stepped  back as she advanced. Leaning on the wall for support .  My mother was a naturally beautiful  woman.  Well that was the case until she started turning fake, now her eyes are swollen and had bags under them, she has black hair that goes down to her shoulders. Currently  she was wearing a black cocktail  dress with really  high, high heels. Also black.

                 She grabbed me and pulled me over to her. Then wispered lazily into my ear,

                  " Hey kiddo. So I was wondering if you maybe have a little  bit  more  money?" Her intoxicated  breathe sprawled  around my nose. I gaged at the smell. I pulled away and she stumbled  forward.

              "No. I won't give you any of my college  money , to go get wasted then come back like-" I motioned at her messy and clumsy  body "-that. So go find Greg and come back when your sober. And my mother. " I spat and turned around. She didn't even remember  my freaking birthday. Nice.

              "  But today is a very special  day , cupcake !!!!" She wined at me. Did she actually  remember  my birthday this year !?!?! "It's Greg and I's, aniversery. How could you forget !?!?!?!"

                      A tear slipped  through my barrier of eyelashes and fell to my soft cheek. "Well maybe I was too busy sulking that I don't have anybody in this world anymore. Beacuse  I know for a fact my mother is dead along with my dad, " I spat, "and it was my birthday  today, just so you know , but I bet you don't even remember  my name . " I spat  as a dam full of water built up inside of me. Like a dam about to flood a huge city.

                    " I do remember  your name. For  Sally  Sakes !!! You need to be a better daughter and support  your parents Jessica ! !!!" She yelled ,  obviously  still drunk. I rolled  my eyes. Nope. She can't remember  my name. That should be the other way around.


                        "Well I feel special..I'm Renée.  Remember  the one that is always quiet and is the most obedient  child of us ??? No!?! well that kinda hurts. Just a freaking little ." I said more tears streaming down my face as she tried to slur out words.

              " So that's a definite  yes , on the money situation ? ? " She slurred and walked passed me and before I could stop her she already had  200 dollars  in her hands. About all of my college  money I worked for. It took me 3 years to get that. I can't handle seeing this woman be destroyed. 

                    " You know what ??? You can come back into this family  without that idiot named Greg and when your sober. For good. Also try and be alive when you arrive at this doorstep. "  I said with tear stains starting to dry a little .  "You should leave before the kids come back and see our mother dead to the world around us. "

                    "Yah!!! Thanks for the money busy bee !!!" She yelled  and fist pumped  the air. "Wish us a good anniversary !!!" She left waving the money in the air as Greg stepped  out of the car and picked her up into a big kiss. I gaged and looked  away from the monstrosity.  I'm happy my mother is 'happy',  but I do wish with a deep passion she could be happy without drugs and Greg.

                  I walked around and looked at the cat cookie jar that had all my savings in it.  I looked at the remaining  amount.  Only 120 dollars  left to help get us by and save for college .  One tear slipped  off my cheek and fell into the cookie jar I currently stood over. It splashed  all over a one dollar  bill . ' Another  day another dollar  spent .' I thought  and fell on my knees and started to cry. Until I heard the door close and loud footsteps came rushing towards me. I wiped my tears and looked up at the my very young siblings.

                  " Whats wrong, Birdy  !?!?!" Jackson boomed and everyone followed  after. All  four of my little siblings. We are a family  of Five , meaning it's extra hard to get by. I held in the threatening  tears and cupped  his face .

                     " Nothing, nevermind  how about some dinner !?!?" I beamed and hid every sad and depressed  emotion hidden  inside. I can't let them be brought down by our dead mother. Not yet . "It's just Mommy was being silly and said for me to take over.  She won't be home in a while. But don't worry I'll help us get through it."

                          All the kids gave me a big hug and I got up to make a small dinner of chicken noodle  soup. The homemade version. I smiled  at them as I prepared  their meals.  I love them and just hope  we can make it. I really do....

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