Chapter 2

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The trio of Thea, Andre and Duke had a great title celebration that night as they got cheered like crazy and promised to lead Chase U to the top. It was a great night for them, wearing smiles on their faces as they got backstage again. As usual, Thea was the most pumped, barely able to control herself right then and there.

Andre:" I'm glad to see you're happy for us, Thea."

Thea:" You have no idea. I'm pumped! And Chase U will keep these championships for as long as possible."

Duke:" Yeah! I mean yeah, we have a target on our backs, but we will still prevail."

Andre:" But we shouldn't underestimate our competition. There are still teams that could be dangerous."

Thea:" Even if, we're going to beat them one way or another."

Duke:" For Chase U!"

The three then bumped fists and smiled at each other while Y/N got out of catering after having a bite. He got checked by the doctor and was deemed okay, so the young man did anything to avoid trouble for the rest of the night. Once he saw the trio though, he could only smile as well.

Y/N:" You three are a special group."

Andre:" What do you mean by that?"

Y/N:" I'd say it's because you have so many people behind you. You all are pretty smart and strong. And Thea is a bomb filled with a good amount of hype for just about everyone. something."

Duke:" We've busted our butts after all to get here. Professor Chase and I will defend the NXT Tag Team championship as best as possible. And Thea will be NXT Womens champion sooner rather than later too."

Y/N:" I don't doubt that at all. But there are groups who have a numerical advantage."

Thea:" Those can kiss our boots! We will beat them nonetheless!"

Andre:" While Thea may be right, I'd like to hear what you suggest, Y/N."

Y/N:" It's quite simple actually. If you need someone in your corner to even out the playing field, I would like to help out in that regard."

Thea:" Wait wait wait, where does that come from?"

Y/N:" I beg your pardon?"

Thea:" We just met a few minutes ago. How do we know that we can trust you?"

Andre:" True. We would need to see you fight first before we can be sure about this."

Y/N:" Oh yes, of course. I need to prove my worth first. Well, I would advise watching my match next week because I will be taking on Nathan Frazer."

Duke:" Ooof, that could be an interesting bout."

Thea:" You don't seem concerned."

Y/N:" I'm not. I know myself very well to judge my chances against my opponents. And Nathan is a good sport from what I've seen so far."

Andre:" Well then, we will be sure to watch your match. But for now, we need to return to Chase U and reflect."

Y/N:" Don't let me stop you. I hope you enjoy the rest of the night."

Andre and Duke shook hands with Y/N before they left while Thea stayed behind. Apparently she wanted to talk to him a bit more.

Thea:" Okay smart guy. I'd like to get to know you a bit better. How, when and why did you get into wrestling?"

Y/N:" I don't mind answering a few questions. I got into doing this sport back in 2016, training relentlessly, but also not pushing my education aside. I do it for one simple reason: to protect myself and others."

Thea:" Interesting. You seem to have a great balance of muscle and brain. Are you a social person or a lone wolf?"

Y/N:" It depends on the situation and the people around me. I can be a social butterfly or I reject social interaction entirely."

Thea:" Ooookay? I see. Who were your influences as a wrestler?"

Y/N:" Will Ospreay, Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero."

Thea:" So you favor speed and technique over pure power?"

Y/N:" Yep. I fight smarter, not harder. Focussing on one thing only limits you at work and in life in general."

Thea:" I...need to think about that. If you don't mind me asking, what was your upbringing like?"

Y/N:" To be honest, it was a mixed bag. There were a lot of good things because my parents were amazing. They did what they could to help me and I'm very thankful for every day I can spend with them... In terms of the bad stuff, I was bullied because I obviously looked like a nerd. It was awful. It almost got to the point of me beating up some of my bullies, but they got me first. Back then, I didn't know how to defend myself."

Thea:" Damn...I'm sorry to hear that."

Y/N:" It's okay. I'm stronger now and I can defend myself and others. I've never really been an angry guy."

Thea:" Good to hear. From what I heard so far, you're a good guy, Y/N. I hope you're around for a long time."

Y/N:" I hope so too. I may just have started, but I'd love to stay around and give the crowd what they want to see."

Thea smiled at that and ran a hand through her hair before coming up with something. Looking up at the taller man, the excitement was obvious.

Thea:" I have an idea."

Y/N:" What might that be?"

Thea:" You and I, we exchange phone numbers. If you need someone to talk to, you could text or call me."

Y/N:" Hmm, that's a good idea. Let's do it."

And so the two got to swapping numbers to stay in contact with each other. Thea was excited about this, especially because she now knew Y/N a little better and could understand where he came from. Once they finished doing what they did, the phobes were put away again.

Thea:" I will send you a message soon, Y/N. For now, I should probably go change."

Y/N:" Yeah, I'd suggest that. I will stay in reach, Thea. Have a nice night."

Thea:" You too. See you soon."

The two waved goodbye at each other and then went their separate ways for now. Y/N felt better than at the start of the show and appreciated it when people took time to get to know him. It wasn't always this easy to open up, but the talk with Thea was pretty comfortable all around.

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