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Huginn was surprised at the admittance that she felt awkward to his show of respect. If anything, he would have thought her to feel emboldened by it. That the moon goddess had chosen someone that would not challenge her rule or authority, despite the fact that he could once they were mated. Tilting his head slightly to the side in a curious display, it was the first sign of his bird mannerism, though he quickly corrected it by straightening himself. "My apologies, Your Majesty." he said, letting his eyes drop to the ground between their feet momentarily before looking at her again. "I did not mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

It was then that his gaze went to Hermod. It was clear what the pesky bird had been up to, and who was to blame for the unexpected visit. "The pros and cons of the raven, is that they are no more controllable than the wind that lifts their wings." he said before letting his black eyes rest upon her's. She had called him the future king and a mixture of emotions filled him then. That burning need rising up like a fanned flame, wanting to devour him once again. Hesitation; unsure that he would be the correct mate for her when there were countless others that would fill the position at her side much better. It kept him in check, until she spoke those precious words that quieted the world around them.

Left alone now; the crowd having dispersed, Huginn did not feel so inclined to keep solely to himself. Stepping closer now, it allowed what light was left to outline the shadowy curves beneath his hood to be visible. The glint in his eyes matching the one that reflected in her own. "I am not afraid to be consumed." he murmured lowly " As you are well worth the wait." Huginn did not speak of the suffering he had endured, nor would he. How he had not even been able to finish a single scroll, though after renewing his devotion yesterday, he did feel a new strength and resolve. "You have too many things on your plate, my dear Queen, to worry about such a thing. I will be where I have always been, and dare not leave until you are ready for me."

Huginn felt the need to lean forward and remove the tiny bit of distance that still lingered between them. To claim her lips, her body and her soul as his own. It was an instinct the moon goddess had bestowed on him he knew, but even with such pure divinity in such feelings, Huginn refrained. Instead, leaning back to help extinguish some of that uncontrollably need. But there was no extinguishing it. The feeling would only continue to grow unless they were to reject one another. "Perhaps it is best to simply get to know one another, in the spare moments you can find?" he suggested.

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