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She haunts him. Days, nights; it does not matter the time, or how much of it has passed. The reflection of the wolf in her eyes, the warm feel of her body beneath his touch, the scent of her as they had moved so closely together during the dance. It makes it hard to focus on his work, to write the words that need to be scribed upon the parchment rolled out before him. Several times he had caught himself just staring at the scrolling letters, his hand having been still for who knew how long. It was frustrating, and somehow enlightening at the same time. Never before had he craved flesh in the way that he did now. A delight that he was supposed to barred from in the path he had chosen for himself. But the moon goddess always had plans of her own, and this was clearly one of them.

"I have been here for too long." he said, glancing over to Hermond who stood upon his perch beside the large wooden desk. Aside from the flicker of candlelight around the room, it was as dark as his companions' feathers. Reaching up his hand, the raven happily hopped over to stand upon Huginn's wrist, allowing his head and back to be lightly stroked. "Perhaps a different chore will help to motivate me." With a sigh, he stood from his chair, the raven moving up his arm to stand upon Huginn's shoulder. The others resting within the room only watched, the light reflecting in their black intelligent eyes.

Moving through his darkened home, each step was taken with the confidence of familiarity. Not needing the light to guide his feet, Huginn reached the door without mishap and opened it to find a freshly rising sun. The morning mist still hung heavily over his secluded home and the sound of the nearby falling water greeted his ears. Aside from that, it was quiet, and the crisp fresh air filled his lungs upon the deep breath he took. "Go and find your own entertainment today." he told the raven, shrugging his shoulder to send the bird upon his way. Hermod gave a cry to sound his annoyance, but did as was asked of him and took the pastel colored sky. If he had known what the bird would do, Huginn would have kept him in his own company.

Turning, he began to follow the stream. The bank was as familiar as his own home. Having resided here for a time longer than he cared to remember, Huginn knew he would be able to walk this path even if he became blind with time and age. Comfort came in the familiarity, and although curious by nature to the outside things, he didn't have much motivation to change it. Until lately of course. Even now, as he tried to distract himself, Huginn once again found himself thinking of her.

"Perhaps I am not meant for her. Then what will I obsess about?" he asked aloud, expecting no answer in reply. Only as the sun broke through the trees did he stop, the light reflecting off his black cloak, making the colorful threads shine even more brightly. The color of his face, even if only partly shown, was in stark contrast to the tattoos that resided there. Looking down, the royal crest seemed to radiate the light where it held his cloak closed. Another reminder of the vow he had made. "I have strayed." Huginn sighed, closing his black eyes briefly before looking at the sun again. "I must focus my purpose."

Huginn continued to walk along the stream, only parting from it's path when the water fell to another waterfall. The earth cut too sharply down to keep a straight path, so he turned to the trees. Following the steep path up until he found what he was looking for. Beneath a large oak that towered above the others, rested several tombs. The markings upon them were engraved in a different language, but he read them as if in his own native tongue. Easing down to his knees before them, his eyes swept from one to the other. "I am lost, my brothers and sisters." Huginn said before closing his eyes and bowing his head. "I will need your strength and resolve if I am to carry on what you all have started."

Silence befell him then, and Huginn wasn't sure how much time passed. Only the familiar cry of his returning raven broke him from his mediation. Raising his head, he opened his eyes to look at Hermod just as the raven landed upon his shoulder. "My Queen, My Queen." he said, his wings flapping with excitement. For a moment, Huginn looked at him in a confused manner. But then realization dawned on him, and he quickly rose to his feet. Though new resolve flowed through his veins, that did not mean he should ignore his Queen. He was her humble servant after all.

By the time Huginn returned to his home, it was silent and only Hermod and the other ravens remained. Her scent still lingered and he found the warmth upon the pressed grass where she had only just left. How long had his Queen waited for him? "Foolish" he hissed to himself, though he had no way of knowing that she would find his dwelling or that she would wish for his company. Huginn had been left to his own devices upon his own time for so long, and yet he still felt as if he had failed somehow. "We will remedy this tomorrow." he said, looking to Hermod who seemed pleased with that. But for now, they would all need some rest so that they would be ready for tomorrow's journey.

When that journey did come, Huginn did so with a clear head. Not with the loud chaos he had been suffering days prior. The ravens lead him as they did before, keeping him along the safest path through the wolf territory. Again, it was the crest upon his cloak that allowed him entry, and to find himself in the presence of the strongest warriors and their Queen. His Queen. He did not approach her at first, not wanting to distract her from such important matters as she watched the males battle out for ranks. No one seemed to pay him any mind either, too distracted with the hype and entertainment. But the burning need had once again returned, and as his eyes rested upon the Queen, Huginn felt his world begin to light with fire.

"My Queen, My Queen!" Hermod suddenly cried out, flying from Huginn's shoulder and over to her. Swooping a flashy displaying circle, he finally landed upon her shoulder. 'traitor' Huginn thought, but he did not hide. He stood quietly, his black eyes watching nothing else, as he waited for her to turn and set him further ablaze than he already was.

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