Nearly Departed

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*She hunts for us.* The thought brought another small curve to his lips. He could tell with how she moved through the crowd, her dark eyes searching; a raven's intelligent gaze. But whether from the lack of knowledge to seek into the shadows, or the burning draw was muffled by the crowd, the Queen did not find him. The wolven male from before moving in to further draw her attention away. Leading her out onto the dance floor; his hands on her body as they swayed together, eyes locked, and a smile twisting across the male's face as if he had already laid claim to what was his. What was *owed* to him; be that he played a gentleman or not.

It was time to leave. He had bore witness to the Queen's arrival into power this night, and that was all that he had come to do. Turning, he moved along the back wall until he reached the doors, slipping outside of the ball room to stride down the hallways towards the castle's front doors. But before he could make it there, he stopped. Whatever the burning in him was; whatever had drawn her to look for him, it raged with a new fury. Like a wind swept fire across the dry plains of grass, it consumed him so quickly, the feeling left him gasping and hot. He was not made to leave; not yet. "Moon Goddess, why do you play tricks on me like so?" He murmured, closing his eyes briefly.

When he opened them, it was with new determination. It was clear the luminous that still hung in the dark sky, lighting the world in silver beneath her ever watchful gaze, did not have plans for him to take his departure just yet. It was not that he was shy, nor cowed beneath the dominance of the wolves. He was as apart of this as they were; their shared Queen. But he had been a knowledge seeker so long, drifting in the shadows to only watch and listen, that he was not quite prepared for what was asked of him now. He was loyal and obedient to his Goddess, and would not defy her clear will. The man only needed a moment to recompose; reeling in the new feelings that left his skin like molten flesh beneath until he felt as if he could breath again.

Turning, he made his way back to the ball room, his eyes finding the duo that had compelled so many onlookers. Though his internal battle had felt like centuries, it had only consisted of ten minutes. Just as their dance ended, the wolven male looking as if he was going to continue with the next, the raven finally interjected with a polite clearing of his throat as he come to stand near them. "My Queen." He said, giving the luna chosen woman a respectful bow. "It would be a betrayal of our Goddess if I did not ask for one dance. May I have the honor?" He asked as he straightened, the candlelight catching a glint of his dark eyes still hidden beneath his hood.

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