New Ability

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Huginn felt heat flush across his body as his Queen announced his future status. Her right hand; he could not believe he had ever been given such rank. The moon goddess must have plans for him aside from those that had been laid before him. Regardless, the feeling didn't last thankfully, as everyone moved on to the food. Once Raven had gotten her own plate filled, everyone did too. Huginn took an assortment of things onto his plate, though not nearly as much as the wolves did. Eating like a bird, how unordinary.

It felt like they had barely gotten into enjoying the meal, not even giving him time to talk with his Queen like she had requested, when the scout burst in. His piercing black eyes were immediately upon the male, each word soaking in and the danger that now loomed over them. When Raven reached for the zipper of her dress, it was Huginn that finally stood quickly, his hand reaching out to catch hers and still it. "Wait..." he said, though it was almost so quiet, he wondered if she would hear him if not for Sheba. "Your commander is right.... Somewhat." Huginn said a bit more loudly, so only those at their table could hear him as he dropped his hand away from his Queen's. He would have to ask for her forgiveness later for touching her out of turn.

"This feels entirely too easy. Too planned." Huginn observed, glancing across all the tables in the Great Hall filled with wolves. "To attack when everyone is together, rather than scattered with daily chores? Even our allies are here." The hunters would not be so stupid as to try and flaunt their power here. There had to be something else, something they needed to know before rushing in to fight. "You need to fight beside your people, but now is not the time. I am not sure what the hunters are up too.... But there is one way to find out." A small smile curled his lips, though the shadows helped to hide the expression. "Let me teach you, my Queen, the other half of yourself that you have yet to use."

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