The cottages visit

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I didn't know how long I slept by the peaceful running water. But soon Sheba stirred within my mind we had business to take care of in the morning and we needed to return to the palace. Moving to stand I let out a stretch and a toothy yawn. I could feel Sheba's disappointment through our bond even though she said nothing. ~I'm sure we will see him again~ I reassured her as we stretched out our raven black wings.

With a couple of powerful thrusts we took to the air. Giving one last look before gliding away. It didn't take long to make it back to the palace. Once there we came to our balcony and entered inside. The bed was prepared for me and a fresh change of clothes was laid out for me. Shifting back into my human form I walked into my bathroom to shower. We had been working out today and didn't want to soil the bed with our sweaty body.

The water felt amazing on my sore muscles and put my mind at ease. Though our mate hadn't showed up at his house it was still a nice get away for the afternoon. A much needed break. We had accomplished a lot this last few days and to say that it might be a disappointment would be wrong. Finally the water began to run cold and it was time to get out. Blow drying my hair until it was dry and it's usual shiny black. After finishing up my other personal duties I walked out and slipped into my warm night gown. The balcony doors were shut but not locked just in case she had a visitor.

Sitting down on the edge of the bed I moved to lay down staring up at the ceiling. "Did you ever think that we would be chosen to become queen Sheba? I mean before we had been chosen." I asked her out loud. I was a bit lonesome but I knew I always had her to talk with. She was my best friend and I would always trust her judgement on everything.

~I felt like you had a drive in you since we were alone. I knew that whatever you put our mind too that we could easily overcome any obstacle in life. When the moon goddess told me we had been chosen I knew we could do it. I knew that you would risk our happiness to save our people. Even with everything that we have been through. It made us stronger than anyone to have ever ruled. I only hope that we might be allowed a little bit of happiness. Hell with everything that we've been through I think we deserve it. Even if our mate doesn't come through for us we can choose a mate to our liking.~ she said giving me the strength and courage I needed to continue with this. "Thank you for always being there for me Sheba." I whispered softly before drifting of to sleep.

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