The Strange Bird

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The meeting took several hours but we finally came to an agreement. The vampires which were already our allies would join forces. The vampires needed daytime protection from the hunters. We would offer that protection during the day with their help during the night to keep watch. I would be contacting the Vampire Coven in the morning. Seeing how late it was getting now I dismissed the alphas and their company. It was time to get ready for the ball that was planned this evening.

After the alphas left to talk among themselves I stepped away to my room for a moment to catch a fresh breath before joining them again. Stepping out onto my balcony I took in the sights of the kingdom. Before my eyes landed on a beautiful black bird heading my way. Was it a Raven or a Crow? It didn't seem bothered that it was coming my direction either. Stepping back a bit eyes narrowed as it breaks in the air before making a smooth landing on the balconies railing.

"Well hello there you sure are brave to be coming so close to me. But of course I know that Ravens are extremely intelligent so you must know I mean you no harm." I chuckled leaning up on the railing beside the bird. He let out a squawk as he tilted his head. He seemed rather large for just a common raven though. "Wish I could join you this evening on the wing. My mother was the raven queen before she died." I explained to the bird. "I was blessed with wings from her and a wolves body." I went on talking to the bird.

"Long live the queen," the raven spoke. "Long live the queen!" He hollered before taking off into the air. "Long live the queen!" He continued as if announcing it to everybody in the kingdom chanting the words as he flew around the kingdom. Before disappearing into the distance still announcing the words.

I thought it was a bit strange that it was chanting the words over and over as it flew away. Was there still raven shifters out there had they remained hidden all this time? I didn't know but I felt I was about to find out. With him announcing it like he was soon the whole world would know. I wasn't scared of course I knew everyone would find out soon anyway.

Heading back inside I went into the restroom and took off my dress. Stepping into the shower I showered quickly getting ready for the maid that would soon be here. Just as I stepped out and wrapped a towel around myself I heard a knock at the door. Figuring it was my maid I called out, "Come in." When I stepped out of the bathroom there was my wolf mate. "Good evening," I stated I wasn't embarrassed by him being there wrapped up in both but a towel. He was my mate after all but something else was bothering me.

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