Entrance Examination to the Prestigious UA Hero School!

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(A/N) This madman is responsible for the amazing art of the fusions you will see in this story, go give this mad-lad a follow! 

The chilly morning air caused him to shiver from both the cold and the nervousness for the entrance exams this morning. The written exams were going to be a breeze, he had aced every single one of the practice exams that he had taken and the ones in his SAT prep style book that he owned. His nervousness stemmed from how dangerous the entrance exams are, huge robots armed to the teeth and capable of seriously injuring the prospective students, then there was the unknown aspect about the exams and that made his anxiety grow slightly. He slows his breathing down to keep calm on his ride on the train from his home to UA. He reads and rereads all of his notes for the written exam as he gets off the train and begins walking to UA. The anxiety turns to pride when he walks through the gates of UA, taking a deep breath as he walks through the entrance.

"I'm actually going to be a hero!" He celebrates in his mind before prompt catching the toe of his shoe on a rock and tripping forwards. "Or I'll just die." he thinks to himself before he stops, in mid air as if gravity stopped working on him. He opens his eyes from the expected grimace squint of pain before thrashing around wildly realizing that he is floating mid air. Suddenly he feels a pair of gentle hands touch him and then right him on his feet.

"Are you ok?" The female voice says before he is returned to his feet. "I stopped you with my quirk, I'm sorry I didn't ask you first." the brunette who had stopped him from face planting says giving him a closed eyed smile. "I figured you wouldn't mind me catching you, and it would have been bad luck if you fell on your first day." Izuku starts to outwardly panic speaking gibberish to her. "Isn't this like way nerve wracking? Anyways I'll see you inside. Bye." She smiles again before waving and walking away.

"Holy woah... I talked to a girl." He smiles a dopey grin but then realizes that he didn't actually talk to said girl.

"Oi. Deku, C'mon loverboy we got a test to pass. Then you can ask out that chick. Stop thinking with your dick and let's go!" Katsuki shouts before smacking Izuku on the back of the head and snapping him out of it, he drapes an arm around his green haired friend's shoulder and ushers him inside meanwhile Izuku excitedly tells him what had happened but conveniently leaves out the part where he didn't actually say anything to her.

He was mentally fried after that several hour long written test but, it was finally over, and now was time for him to head to the auditorium. The students flow out of the testing classrooms towards the massive auditorium in the center of UA's campus. Those who failed the written exam ushered to the exit to await the retrials the next year. Izuku was happy that he not only passed but made damn near perfect marks on the written portion, only getting caught up on a particularly tricky equation that Katsuki also stumbled on. Both boys smirk seeing each other's results before heading towards the entrance of the auditorium. There a robot dispenses a card with their practical testing location and seat numbers for the room inside. As they read over their cards, Izuku sighs seeing that he and his friend got separated to test sights A and B.
"Well that's just great. You don't get to bask in my awesomeness while I leave your score in the dust Deku." Katsuki gloats as they take their seats in the audience and wait for the presentation to begin.

"Oh shut it, I bet you wont get more than 100 points on this portion. I'm gonna be the one who leaves you in the dust." Izuku responds in a confident manner before sticking his tongue out mocking his best friend.

"Yeah yeah, You better fuckin get in the hero course you nerd. I'm gonna need a sidekick when I become the number one hero." The two boys are hushed when the announcer for the provisional exams walks on stage, the leather wearing human jukebox Present Mic.

"Welcome new provisional examinee's to this years UA Entrance Exams. Can I get a, YEEEAAAAHHH???" Present Mic shouts as he makes his entrance. The crowd however remains completely silent. "Tough crowd, tough crowd. Let's begin shall we, first things first, congratulations on passing the written portion of the entrance exams and now begins the practicality portion of the exams. Using your quirks, or your brains if your quirk is not battle suited, you must destroy three different robots worth a set amount of points each. There is a finite amount of robots per testing facility. Each robot is a fake villain and is outfitted with real weaponry and this is where your hero work comes into play. Destroy or subdue each robot and you'll earn 1, 2 or 3 points per robot and you must keep track of the robots you destroy. Each of them will have their point value listed on them. Lastly there is a hidden category where more points can be earned, however I can give you a hint as to what it is. We're looking for something heroic." He pauses to take a breath before a man in the audience raises his hand and begins speaking before being called on.

"Present Mic, I believe there is an error on the itinerary, it says that there is 4 robots and not 3, this type of error should have been seen by the testing committee and isn't up to the professional standard of UA." He says in an ultra professionalist and uptight attitude.

"OI! FOUREYES! HE WASN'T DONE TALKINGYA FUCKIN NERD!!! SHUT YOUR ASS UP SO WE CAN GO FIGHT SOME FUCKING ROBOTS ALREADY!" Katsuki roars standing up on his desk causing Izuku to bury his face trying not to be associated with his loudmouth friend.

"Ehem. Yes, please sit down like the blonde examinee had said. I had paused to take a sip of water. There is a fourth robot, however this robot is worth 0 points and is an obstacle, you should avoid it. Now that concludes the pre-exam presentation, you will be taken to the faux cities and await the test signal there." Without much else, the doors to the auditorium open allowing the students to funnel outside and to the busses.

Gripping the rod of steel he had brought with him for his quirk, he quickly goes over his mental plan for dealing with the robots. His plan is to destroy a robot with any sort of armor on it then fuse with the armor, from there use One for All as strong as he can muster to destroy the remaining robots. Seems simple enough but, everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face and he remembers Present Mic say that the robots were armed. What kind of weapons they possessed he isn't sure but he has an idea forumulating in his mind. The trip to the fake cities felt like seconds as Izuku is snapped out of his mutter spree as the bus he's on comes to a stop outside gates. He takes a quick deep breath to calm his nerves before exiting the bus, being almost the last person off. As he exits the bus he spots the same brunette from earlier, upon closer look she's visibly nervous.

"I probably should help calm her." He thinks to himself as he approaches her, but just as he's about to talk to her, the taller blue haired man from the auditorium stops him.

"I hope you don't intend to distract her and cause her to fail. If you're here to sabotage other students then you should leave." He says stepping in front of Izuku.

"W-what? Why would I do that? I was just going to help her calm down, look how nervous she is." Izuku protests, motioning to the brunette.

"Oh, My apologies, Forgive me for assuming you had ill intent." He then walks away to go through his stretches.

"Are you alright? You seem nervous." Izuku asks, startling the permanently blushing girl.

"I-I... Y-yeah I'm just nervous about the robots. Present Mic said something about being armed and the pictures looked like they had guns." She responds after a slight shriek from being startled.

"I don't think they'll actually shoot at us, that's just a lawsuit waiting to happen. Your quirk would probably do pretty well against them like how you stopped me earlier. I never said thank you by the way, I was a bit confused at the time." He confesses, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, it's fine. I'm-"

"BEGIN!!!" Present Mic's voice cuts their conversation short giving the signal for the exam to begin.

Being caught off guard, Izuku and the brunette were left in the dust by all the other examinees rushing into the city. Shortly after they also sprint into the city, Izuku makes sure that she enters the testing site before activating One for All and sprinting into battle. Seeing as the main entrance to the facility is filled with trashed robots he gets to work. Rushing over to a destroyed single point robot, he uses his increased strength to rip the arm off of the robot. This robotic arm is fitted with a gatling gun attached to it. He smiles seeing it's made of steel and Iron, his right arm turns into a brilliant white lite with a green hue to it before fusing with the gatling gun. When the light dies down, his arm has been transformed to appear cybernetic in nature with the six barrels of the gatling gun where his hand should be.

"Oh Yeah." He grins as the barrels spin clockwise as it revs up to be fired.

In the Observation Tower:

"He has an interesting quirk, able to fuse his body with objects like that and," Present Mic says watching Izuku open fire on a 3 pointer and rip it to shreds in a few seconds. "Use them effectively."

"His quirk is quite powerful, able to fuse his body with matter that contains any and all elements that naturally occur within the human body. Hypothetically, he could fuse with a gas and become invisible before drifting by any villains undetected before getting the drop on them. Question is, what are his limits?" A short statured mouse/bear/dog creature in a vest and slacks questions seeing Izuku rip the rocket launcher off of a 3 pointer and fuse it to his opposite shoulder.

"I believe he is also capable of fusing with people into entirely new beings. One such person of that nature is the Vigilante that refers to himself as the God of Destruction. His name is Izutsuki Midugou and he is the fusion of Midoriya Izuku and the explosion quirk user Bakugou Katsuki in testing ground Beta." All Might says motioning towards the monitor that displays Katsuki blowing the head off a larger robot with ease.

"Ah, That man is a total hunk. He's soooo strong too. I wonder if that fusion could have a baby with someone and both of the fusees would be the biological fathers of that baby?" A woman with long violet hair asks aloud.

"Leave it to Midnight to be the only person to even think about crap like that." Mic deadpands.

Back at the training ground.

Izuku ran into the area using the gatling gun fused with to blast away any robots he could. 1 pointers, 2 pointers, even the 3 pointers were nothing with him racking up easily 50 points before finding himself out of ammo. "Uh oh." He missed a 3 pointer hitting him in the head to use the gatling gun as a blunt object to break the robot to bits and defused with the machine parts. He then merged to make two armored shields into his arms as a way to fight. "This works well."

"AHHH!!" A guy began running from a hoard of 3 pointers for Izuku to jump over and slash at them to take down the soft sections in the armor.

"That was too easy. That's what now, like 65? That should be more than enough for me to stand out and get in." A few 2 pointers were seen at the corner of the green haired boy's eye to smile. "Just to be certain." Izuku uses the shoulder rocket he had to blast away the robots. "70!"

In the observation tower

"You were right, All Might. That boy truly is worth focusing on." A man that looked like living cement stated while watching Izuku slash robots apart.

"He used the weak joints that he found on the robots to slice off the stronger metal and then attack while also using any weapons they have as a tool. Clever and creative if I do say so myself." The suit sporting rodent states while pulling a cover off a large red button up. "Lets see how he manages something a little more challenging."

On the field

The ground around Izuku had begun to shake with everyone around stopping what they were doing and seeing a giant robot tower over the examinees. 'Holy crap! That has to be the 0 pointer that they talked about in the exam room!' People began running with Izuku somewhat frozen in fear. He tried to run away as fast as he could to avoid danger before a shout caught his attention.

"OOWWW!!" He looked back to see the girl that had stopped his facepland trapped under the rubble that flew out when the monstrous robot came.

'She's stuck!' The scene from earlier replayed in his mind for Izuku to subconsciously act. He ran head first into the area with everyone around him trying to stop his act. 'I gotta move fast!' He defused with all the metal on his body while running to increase his speed without the extra weight. He went straight for the brunette with her noticing him in route.

"Get out of here! You're going to get crushed!"

"I refuse! A hero won't turn tail in the face of danger if they can save a life, so neither will I!" 'I don't know how well this is going to work with a girl but this is life or death!' He mentally shouts as he sprints towards her. The others look on as his arms and body start to glow white with a green hue along the borders. As soon as he grabs onto the girl's shoulder, she is enveloped in the same white light and a tornado of emerald green and hazelnut brown occurs at the base of the robot. The vortex of energy even stops the giant robot as it looks down and tries to compute what is happening. When the lights die down, a new being is standing there, a tall male and muscular form standing at the base of the robot. The tips of his hair are accented with chocolate brown hair and the roots to the accents is an emerald green. His face older in appearance with freckles and a slight blush present. His eyes are heterochromatic, the one on the right being green and the left being hazelnut brown.

"Alright!" The combined feminine and masculine voices say in unison. "This is an interesting one, since Izuku's consciousness took the driver's seat in this fusion and made me a guy. Well then I think I need a name. Oh, I know, Izuko Midoraka. Perfect. Now mister tin can, It's time you pick on someone your own size." Izuko speaks, pointing his hand up towards the face of the robot in a challenging manner. The others look on in shock at this fused being, some in disbelief and others having a nerd-gasm. Izuko is dressed in the genie-like attire of a Metamoran fusion a long purple sash acting as a belt around the large pooffy pants and the vest accented with lime green silk on the puffy borders.

"HOSTILE DETECTED. EXTERMINATE." The loud robotic voice of the robot blares through the city as it's eyes flash red seeing the fusion.

"Oh shut up you overgrown wind up toy. Let's shrink you down to size shall we?" The fusion says before vanishing and slamming his hand into the center plate of the robot's armored chest. The impact is strong enough to leave a large dent on the metal and almost topple it over. Landing back on the ground, Izuko claps his hands together causing the robot to glow a swirling mix of green and brown before going weightless and floating upwards. He brings his hands together and gestures as if crumpling a paper ball. The shearing of metal and bending of steel echoes through the city as most of the examinees have to cover their ears from the noise. The robot suddenly and abruptly collapses in on itself before exploding violently like a dying star. All who witnessed this had met with a similar act of astonishment that none could have even begun to predict would happen.

"That...just what the hell was that?" One guy broke the silence for everyone to have their jaws drop at the incident. Eventually, the fusion of Izuko was cut off with Izuku and the girl defusing.

"Ow. What just happened. It felt like I was me but...not me. I could see but I couldn't control what my body was doing, and You were there holding a steering wheel!" The brunette shouts at Izuku for him to somewhat marvel at what just happened.

"To make a long story short, I can fuse with stuff. If I fuse with people though, we make a completely different person with our powers mixed together. Depending on whose personality is more dominant, that person will kinda be able to control the body and have a bit more of a dominant aspect in it and yes, that was an actual steering wheel I was holding."

The girl couldn't believe what just happened. One moment she's about to die, the next she's mixed in with some random guy and her mind is in the body of a man. "So umm. Th-that was interesting... I'm not sure how to react to what happened."

"Trust me, it's extremely freaky the first time since you don't expect it. The first time I did it, I fused with my friend who is kinda a walking stick of dynamite with a short fuse. Figuratively and literally." This earned a stifled laugh from the girl before Izuku continued. "Late introductions aside, I-I'm Izuku Midoriya."

"Thanks for the help Midoriya. I'm Ochako Uraraka. Though I think you might already know that, our whatever that was knew it and combined our names." The two smiled before an elderly lady came to the two of them.

"Alright you two. Did either of you get hurt?" Ochako moved to show her leg that was twisted a little in the wrong way for the older woman's lips to extend, giving her a kiss on the top of the head..

"EWW!" Everyone shouted seeing this before Ochako's leg began to twist to the proper position before healing any scarring or bruising.

"That should be enough to walk. Just try not to overdo it sweetie. I healed your leg, but it required stamina from you." The woman walked away with Izuku helping Ochako to her feet.

"So umm....how do you think you did?"

"I think I might've passed. Any chance I can help you out so I know you're ok?"

"Thanks Midoriya." The two walked out with the act that had happened turning both their worlds upside down. For the most part, in a better way.

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