005 | Town fight

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05 | Town fight
[Original chapter]

THEY FOUND HER. It didn't take long as Merle ran after her, he found her crawled up in a ball, her tear stained face was hidden in her sleeve. Her arm was covered in n blood. Along with some of her face. Her arm was in pain but she hadn't really done anything about it.

She was walking through town now her hair was over her shoulders, her pink t-shirt showed , with her black jeans. Her necklace hung off her neck, as she walked through town.

"Grace!" A voice called making her head snap up. She saw a girl step closer, she knew this girl— she knew that her and her little friend group had never liked grace for some reason.

"What?" Grace asked as the girl— Lisa took another step closer looking at grace, grace closed her yes as she talk with an eye roll, Lisa just looks at her as she speaks. As the two stood in the middle of town Lisa learns in and mumbles into graces ear.

"You are not welcome in this town." She mumbled looking at grace and mumbling more rude stuff into her ear. Lisa they pulled away and smirked at her. She smiled as she spoke, graces glares at her slightly her eyebrows lower and making two lines between them. Lisa laughed slightly and grabbed something from her pocket throwing it at grace.

As it hit grace she jumped at the sudden feel of wet liquid on her shirt, her pink shirt was filled with some kind of liquid. Grace gasped and the kids laughed at her, Merle watched from a far away mad look on his face. Grace now embarrass turned around and ran toward her house not wanting to see anyone or anything ever again, she always had been bullied for the way she looked, or about how she didn't fight back.

Grace run up her stairs and into her bedroom, it was still trashed and messed up, she walked over to her dresser that was now dirty. She opened the drawer and grabbed a new shirt. Changing into it.


GRACE WAS WALKING THOUGHT TOWN. She changed her shirt from the pink one that she had on to a black one. As she walked thought town the group that was bullying her earlier was pointing and laughing. Grace made some quick glances at them, but ignored them.

The group that consisted of the 'popular' kids all
Pointed and laughed at her, like she was just the joke at some comedy show. She ignored the laughing and kept walking before one of them spoke up.

"What you gonna do? Go complain to daddy?" Lia's voice boomed before it took a second, grace turn back looking at her.

"Oh wait." She started speaking again the group of people behide her had big smiles in their face.

"You can't." Lisa finished making the group behide her burst out laughing along with herself, she looked at them. The laughing got louder as they turned around and started walking away.

Grace looked around, the laughing echoing in her head. She looked over making eye contact with Merle. He gave her a nod, and to Merle surprised grace looked over at the rollerblade that someone wa spitting on the other one next to them. She walked over and grabbed that one that sat next to the person, Merle got confused but kept watching.

"Hey!" The person yelled as grace gripped the rollerblade and started walking towards Lisa and the group.

"Hey!" Grace yelled lifting her head, when Lisa turned around a big smirk on her face, it happened. Before anyone could move or speak back the rollerblade hit Lisa face harder then grace meant to, the impact form the rollerblade made Lisa fall backwards, her group
Of friends instantly kneeling beside her.

Merle and Martinez ran over looking at the younger girl on the ground. Merle gripped graces shoulder. And graces eye never left Lisa body, Lisa pushed through Merle and looked Lisa. She dropped the roller blade beside her and looked at her. Lisa face held the bleeding part of her nose, she let out a scream that overlapped the laughing in graces head.

Grace felt a hand in her shoulder pulling her backwards, she looked back seeing who was as grabbing her. Her father. He looks at her and then the group that being surrounded.

"What the fuck kid?" He muttered glaring at her. Grace pushed off of her face, eveyone voice started getting louder and louder in her head.

"You're a monster." A voice yelled, she looked around her father agreeing with whoever yelled towards it. She looked at the girl on the ground the rollerblade beside her, the group of kids helping her.

That's when she made eye contact with one of them, Ethan. He looked at her, the smile he had in his face only moments ago was gone, almost like it was replaced by tears. The eye contact stuck for a little while before he looked back and Lisa who had been holding her nose trying to stop it from bleeding. Ethan younger brother stood behide him, grace used to be close with her till Lisa started bullying her and his brother told him he can't be friends with her.

Graces knew she was in the wrong but the bullying and all the anger that she's built up since she was 6 finally hit her. She needed release, she needed to do something in that moment or if wouldn't shown up of her own body the next day. The anger she finally let out, would be the reason that she lost what she was.

She was no longer gonna be known as a sweet innocent girl that couldn't hurt a fly, but would be known as the girl who attempt murder on a girl 2 years olde then her. She was done for, her father glare gave her the last bit of reassurance she needed, she was a monster.


NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE officially an episode of twd, we will be meeting Andrea and Michonne! This book has really given me a new mind set so I'll be focusing more on this one cause I feel I tend to do better when I'm not staring at a screen and writing down almost the whole episode and put my character in to it. And with that being said: IM RE WRTING 'CHAOS OF THEIR MINDS!' And I'm so excited to finish season one honestly because the writer block hitting so hard.

But without further ado, I'll be starting the next chapter soon and it will be out sometime this week. (Don't hold me to that!)

And as always:

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