02 | Get on with life

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02 | Get on with life
[Original chapter]


HER EYES TRAVEL ACROSS THE PAPER. Her uncles voice boomed thought out the house. Along as her aunts. She looked over at her baby sister who were asleep in the car seat. Her eyes travel from her baby sister to the tv, then back to her paper.

"Grace grab your shit!" Her uncles voice yelled, confused she looked over at the man angrily storming in the living room.

"Grab your stuff goddamn it! You're going home." He yelled making her get up and gather her stuff, she shoved it in her backpack as she came here after school. Her uncle gripped the handle of the car seat, yanking the car seat with him. Her face fell sightly. But she grabbed her bag and the baby bag and ran out after him seeing him put the car seat in the car. She got in next to penny and looked at how he put the car seat in.

"You out the car seat in wrong." Grace spoke making her uncle hand hit the steering wheel.

"I don't fucking care!" He yelled looking back at her. He mumbled under her breath, she sighed and put in her seat belt. She looked out rhetorical widow often looking back at the car seat making sure it didn't fall.


GRACE NEVER LIKED READING. But when the world end it's all she had, she sat in her bedroom at her desk reading. She often struggled to sit they're and get the hang of reading. The book was in her hand as she read. Her eyes looking over the paper over and over, she sighed and threw the book on the desk. She hated having to read as she sucked at it.

She pushed herself up off of her chair and walked over to her bed. She open her side drawer and pulled out some Advil and Tylenol. Ehe Poped open the lid on the Tylenol and dropped a couple pills in her hand. She threw them in her mouth and grabbed the water bottle by her bed taking a sip before leaning her head back and swallowing the pills.

She put her head back to its regular position and looked at the the Advil. She closed the lid on the Tylenol and put it down, opening the Advil. She poured two more in her hand and did the same thing.

When she was done she made sure that the kids were closed in the pill bottles and threw them in her dare along with the rest of the bottles. She looked at the mirror on her wall and got up grabbing her jeans and shirt. She needed to get on with her day. She couldn't sit there and mope around any longer. Everyone dies and she couldn't stop it, so she had to get over it.


I KNOW THAT THIS CHAPTER IS SHORT, but I have bigger plans for the next couple chapter. And I wanna get to more of the shows story line sooner because that means we'll meet the group, and Michonne, even thought she doesn't really meet Carl till like chapter 23 (I tried to expand it as long as I could because I wanted her to have more of a backstory before she met him and I wanted y'all to know it more!)

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