I Can't Bear You

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On Morning, At Rishi's Office

Rishi came to his Father Balram's PA who is along with Workers..

Rishi : What is happening here? Why Project Heads came here?

Balram's PA : Our New Construction Building was collapsed.

Rishi became shock on heard this

Rishi : What are you talking? How it was happened?

Balram's PA : That Engineer cheated Your father. That Adi company Buy that Engineer and he changed the Entire Construction..

Rishi became angry for this..

Workers said in between

Workers : We are all normal workers, Babu..But Your Father makes us Partners in Your Business...How can they think to cheat such a Great Person like Your Father!!

Rishi became Angry on that Engineer and Gopi who buy him..

Rishi went to that Place where Engineer and Gopi are celebrating for making Balram Project Failed..

Rishi dragged that Engineer and beat him badly..

Rishi : Because of you, First time I saw tears in my Father's Eyes..I won't leave you..

Gopi tried to stop Rishi and shouted on him

Gopi : Hey, How it will matter to us , Whether Your Father cried or Die!!

Rishi became angry on Gopi and hit him..

When Gopi and his Goons tried to beat Rishi..Balram came there..

Balram : Rishi..!! Leave them..

Rishi : Nanna..How can you say like that..They cheated you..

Balram : I know that, It is just a Project..Leave it..Just Go from here..

Rishi : Nanna!!

Balram : Rishi..I said to go from here..Go!!

Rishi for his father left from here..

When Balram about to leave from here..

Gopi : Take Care of Your son, Or else He will die in my hands..

Balram became angry for this, He hold Gopi Neck and pinned him to wall..

Balram : No..Don't come in my way..I forgot what you did to me and Living my Life..Don't come near to my son, You will see Old Balram again..I will Kill You, Mind it..!

Balram left Gopi and went fron there..

After sometime

Rishi became frustrated on thinking why his father stopped him..

On that time, Maha called Rishi with angry..

This time, Rishi lifted Maha call..

Rishi : Hello..

Maha : Come and meet me at Beach..Urgent!!

Rishi : Fine..

At Beach

Rishi came to Beach, Maha shouted on him

Maha : Didn't You see How many times I called you? Why you didn't lift my calls?

Rishi : My Father have some business Problem..I was in that tension..

Maha : Can't you talk to me atleast for sometime? I said to you my mood is not good right?

Rishi : Won't I have any Emotions? I also have bad mood..Can't you understand, My father have some business Problem?

Maha : If your Father is in Problem, What is your Problem to lift my call? Is Your Father is Important to you than me?

Rishi became shock and angry for this

Rishi : Are you Mad? How can you ask my Father is Important to me? Ofcourse My Father is Very Important to me..Everyone have their own place..

Maha : Oh!! On Beginning You spoke with me Nicely..I only give advantage to you, Now You are showing your Attitude..I don't like to talk with you anymore..

Rishi : May be You don't like to talk with me, But I am feeling difficult on talking with you..

Maha : If you feel that much difficult then don't talk to me..

Rishi : Fine, I will stop talking with you..When You are talking without sense, Why I have to kill my Ego?

Maha : What? Am I talking without sense?

Rishi : Yes, Without thinking that other feelings will get hurt, You talk whatever came to your mouth? I bear Your words, Because I Love You..

Maha became shock on heard that Rishi Loving her...

Maha : What? You Love Me?

Percap : Maha Decision..

I am Sorry for Late Update..

Forgive me if any Mistakes are..

Thanks for Your all Your Votes and Comments..

Take Care..Stay Safe..🙏🙏

Loves You All..💕💕

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