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Before the Saturday finished, I was summoned to the castle.

Vlad appeared at my door. Hanna had answered it with slight confusion. 

"Vlad," I blinked in surprise, "is Cas here?"

"Just me, sorry," Vlad chuckled, shrugging his shoulders, "Casmir's back in the city. I've been sent to pick you up,"

"Oh! What's the occasion?"

"Just an overnight stay," His smile was weary, he probably wanted to get back on the road. My father appeared in the room, giving Vlad a nod.

"Let me just grab my things," I breathed out evenly.

"Where are you going?" My father raised an eyebrow.

"To the city," I looked back and further between Vlad and my father. 

"I'll explain," Vlad nodded to me, "you go and pack,"


Hanna followed me to my room, practically on my heels.

"He's summoning you to the palace?" Hanna gasped excitedly, "has this ever happened before?" 

"I've only been there a handful of times," I muttered, "it must be really bad,"

"Oh this is very exciting!" Hanna grinned, practically skipping. 

Hanna helped me pick out three different outfits for the possible chaos tomorrow. One doubled both as a date outing and as a more professional application. 

I pushed away that thought.

Two others were appropriate dresses for the palace. They both had various accessories to switch it up if needed. I threw in a few other things and checked the time. We'd be arriving truly late in the evening by the time we got there.

"See you soon," Hanna embraced me in a tight hug. The rest of my family remained nearby. I'd finished my brief goodbyes with all of them. Nothing too drawn out or emotional. I would likely be home by this time tomorrow anyway.

"See you then," I gave a quick smile. In a fluid motion, I slid on my shoes, just outside the doorway. Vlad was hanging by the car, giving a quick survey to the surrounding area. I felt for him. He'd been stuck in an impossible situation, understaffed and caught off guard. Now he was instructed to drive back and forth, for several hours and face possible discipline. 

"Oh, and Sofia?" Hanna called after me.


"Don't get up to anything too, y'know," Hanna gave me a wink, my jaw dropped at her implication. She burst out laughing, chuckling to herself even as I slid into the car.


"So, uh, what's the occasion?" I managed awkwardly. 

I'd waited for Vlad to tell me, pretty much the entire drive. However, aside from a few check ins on how the other was going, and planning out bathroom breaks, it was relatively silent. Each time that I went to use a public toilet, I kept a hoodie up and over my head. 

Vlad switched between podcasts and the news throughout the trip. There was all but two mentions from the news about it. One, on the discussion podcast that Vlad had running and the other on a local news network who was interviewing a local from Ardeena. There was no real news to add. The interview was mostly made up of points that other networks had covered. 

It was, for all intents and purposes, back to regular programming.

However, Vlad seemed relatively shaken. And if not shaken, then at least severely concerned. 

"We were sprung," I did my best to re-assure him, "it happens,"

Vlad didn't seem satisfied with that. 

And so I'd remained relatively quiet. Throughout the drive, watching the world build up. From dangerous mountains, to open farmlands to suburbia to small businesses and manufacturing districts to the large, skyscrapers of inner Apolia City. The night was strolling into the later end, and it was a Saturday too! People were out and about, families, meeting with other families. Cinemas, shops and fairs were open for the viewing. The commercialism was tinged with the slightest scent of a bittersweet nature. 

The Apolian dream was up to each citizen to interpret. Though there was a communal understanding of it; attend school, have a family young, create your own home, work diligently, work hard, and as a result, you'll be rewarded for your efforts. Embrace your family, strive in all matters. Never fail long enough for someone to notice. 

It was, of course, able to be scaled. The lowest Apolian income earner, if committed enough, would be able to achieve this. The most extravagant billionaire should be able to as well. 

Cas and I were on our way to it as well. Soon there'd be a family, soon there'd be a home. We'd both work diligently in our, own respective ways. Hopefully, we'd be rewarded with peace and silence. 

At least, that's what I prayed for.

"There's going to be a change in security," Vlad seemed apprehensive but earnest in conversation, "there was also a security threat nearby that we're fully assessing," 

"How close nearby?" My heart began thrumming, I began thinking about my family.

"We have it under control," Vlad assured me, "your family are safe,"

"Okay," I murmured, a migraine popping up. 

We went through the security protocol, the walls of the palace looming above us. It was a four-step process. I had my ID in my hand almost the whole time. 

"We'll have to get you an official pass soon," Vlad managed to chuckle as we passed through the final checkpoint. His Security ID simply needed to be tapped and he was through. My ID had to be cross-referenced with official logs. A much longer process. 

Vlad led me through the halls to the guest wing. The walls blurred past as we walked. The designs still beautiful and intricate as ever. I spotted a few similar things. 

You're getting far too comfortable in the royal palace, a part of me joked.

True. I'd spent several hours driving for a non-disclosed, but important issue. Vlad had referenced a security threat. But surely a few photographers wouldn't warrant me being brought into the capitol? I decided to keep my mouth shut, my thoughts turning to Cas. He'd be spread thin over the challenges of the last day. 

Was it selfish that I wanted a moment alone with him? A moment to hold him and assure him that it would be okay. To tell him not to stress too much and to take a deep breath? 

Vlad opened the door for me to enter. 

"Thank you," I murmured, entering and placing my things to the side. I turned back to the door. 

Vlad was disappearing into the shadows. Instead, in his place was-

"Cas," I breathed out, running forwards and embracing him in a hug. Yes it'd been only a day since I'd last seen him but here was here.

"Sof," He managed, holding me tight. And there we stayed- holding one another tightly. I breathed him in. He rested his chin on my head. A quiet moment, stolen away for just the two of us. 

A few moments later, Cas shuffled, whispering into the crook of my neck. "I've got to go to another meeting, but I should be back in an hour,"

"I'll wait for you," I looked to him, placing my hand on his cheek. His hands were resting on my waist. We were waiting for a dance where the music wouldn't start, "when you're finished, I'll be here,"

"You don't have to, get some sleep," He whispered. It was almost ten o'clock. Neither of us had gotten a good night's sleep. And with the upcoming wedding, we'd need every hour that we could get. 

To think, that hopefully we'll be married in exactly a week, a little part of me cheered. 

Hush, think about that another time!

"I can sleep later," I shook my head, "go,"

Cas looked into my eyes, suppressing the urge to protest. Instead, he looked across my features, stealing them away into the deepest crevices of his memory. The creases at the edges of his eyes crinkled a little. 

He leaned forwards, with a passionate, urgent kiss. It was the fulfilment of the one that was silently promised at the cafe yesterday. In the doorway of my room, the embodiment of some kind of modern fairytale, we kissed. It was of the insistent kind. A slight confession of pent up frustration. Cas pulled me closer to him, I held his slightly rough cheeks in my hands.

"Shoot," Cas cursed, pulling away slightly, "I've really gotta go,"

"See you after," I pulled back, allowing him to go.

He took a few steps back, pausing and looking back to me. His eyes were full of a vow to be fulfilled. 

"Until then," He gave the slightest of nods before sprinting down the hallway.

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