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When Cas finally arrived in Ardeena, it was quite the event for the entire family.

Franciszek and Lena had settled in well. Justek had taken a particular liking to Franciszek, often preparing him with questions about his many adventures. Feodor had returned for the lead up to the big day. Both brothers spent many nights listening to Franciszek's tales. 

Lena took a little longer. Since Klara was not allowed to film or take photos, she often relegated herself to her bedroom. Interaction with the family was far and few in between. Realising that she wasn't excelling at the same rate that Franciszek was, Lena was quick to help Mum when she needed assistance. They'd become more than Officers but also members of the family, helping with things like shopping and cooking and other random things.

We'd done a walk outside, around the block each day. However, Cas' arrival was the first day that we properly went into the town. 

I tried not to be resentful. It felt like I was in some kind of imposed quarantine. I wasn't allowed to move throughout my own home town, in fear that I might be flooded. 

Maybe I could take them, I thought to myself with a huff. I recalled the memory to my mind- the blinding flashes and the hungry squawks of reporters, searching for information. Perhaps the more times I recalled that memory, the sooner I would be able to de-sensitise myself to the thought of public life. I stopped, wincing.

Not right now, I figured to myself. 

My test came when Cas arrived. He'd playfully proposed the idea of a menial task; something like shopping or cycling around town. Cycling was too much of a security risk so we opted to meet at the local supermarket. 

Two, black, gleaming cars slid up next to one another. Out popped very casual looking people. Two out of one car were in hoodies. In the other car, a sundress and jeans and a t-shirt. 

"You look like a drug dealer," I pulled a face, pulling him close in for a quick kiss.

"I counted the hours until I saw you again, to hear you say that," Cas snorted, pulling back and grabbing my hand, "alas, fair maiden! We are here to subdue the enemy of mediocrity," 

I rolled my eyes, playfully following him in. 

Vlad was a few steps ahead of us. There was no complete way that the entire place could be completely swept to a perfect standard of security. As a minor royal, Cas didn't have to worry as much about those kinds of dramas. And despite everyone still being on edge, we were able to make allowances for small moments together. 

So we wondered up and down the aisles. Cas selected some chocolate and chips. I spent too much time looking for yeast. We sneakily danced in aisle four. It was a simple moment in an ordinary world.

Aside from our bodyguards following us around. 

Cas looked away as I scanned the items through self-serve. Out of the less memorable of the two, I figured that there would be less dramas if I needed to ask for help.

I guess not, I thought to myself as the checkout assistant gave me an odd look.

"She was definitely onto you," Cas chuckled as we moved through the doors.

"I don't think she wanted to say anything," I chuckled back.

"Any dramas?" Franciszek asked as we reached them.

"Not a single one," Cas beamed as we entered into our respective cars. Cas and I sat on the sides closest to one another. I waved at him to lower his window. 

"What do you think?" I whispered to him, as if a conspiracy, "do you want to see what's on sale at the bakery?"

"Does it sell coffee?" Cas chuckled. 

"Next door does,"

"Perfect, that's our next stop," 

My car got a few moments head start. We parked a few shops down, making the second government car a little less suspicious when it pulled up on the same side. Cas was waiting by the door of the bakery when I arrived.

"M'lady," He grinned, opening it with and cling.

"Why thank you, kind sir," I nodded back, entering. 

The scent of childhood memories hit me as the door chimed to a shut. Scrolls and buns lined the walls. They laid on baking paper that'd been burnt at the edges and trays that hadn't been properly brushed down. 

A staple of my childhood.

"What do you feel like?" I asked playfully. 

"Cinnamon scrolls sound nice," Cas mused, the store attendant rushed to give us two. 

Cas paid, handing over a slick-looking credit card. Once we both had cinnamon rolls in our hand. We moved outside to next door. It was an outside cafe, the awning providing sufficient shade. I stood next to Cas, nibbling at my scroll as he ordered. 

Lena shifted nervously, giving us enough space to look like she wasn't a part of our party but close enough to provide support if needed. Vlad took a seat at the other end of the seating. They boxed us in from both sides. I wondered if there was a specific training school that Protection Officers had to take.

How to make cool, protective shapes if you're combining teams. I wondered to myself. The second part of Cas' team would be checking out the Base and likely organising transport and other co-ordinative efforts in the meantime. 

"Want anything?" Cas asked, I shook my head. Cas ordered his usual. 

I looked around, there were cars passing back and forth. The sidewalks were relatively empty, Wednesday had everyone inside and working like normal. The sun was out and bright. The skies clear of almost any clouds. This was a rare and peaceful Ardeena day. 

"Incoming!" Lena was the first to stand.

"Your Royal Highness!" Someone shouted. 

Cas and I both turned at the same time. Vlad immediately stood, moving closer. I spotted them- a man leaning out of a silver SUV. He had a camera around his neck and its sights were directly onto us. 

"Shoot," Cas scowled, he turned back to the barista who was holding out his order in shock, "thanks,"

The SUV turned up. On top of that, two more figures emerged from cars across the road. One was a reporter and the other was a photographer. Lena was by my side immediately, guiding me away. I looked to Cas as the other photographer caught photos of me escaping. 

"Miss! What's your name?" One of them called.

"Are you dating the Prince?" Another one shouted.

Cas hung back. Almost poised with his coffee. He waited for Vlad to be by his side before moving at more of a leisurely pace.

"What's he doing?" I huffed out, moving at a speedy pace with Lena, just short of a jog.

"Trying to draw attention," Lena huffed out. We were only a few meters away from the car. Franciszek, hanging by the car, the door already open. I could hear the camera's clicking, like machine gun fire. 

3... 2...

Out of nowhere, another photographer appears. They're just past the car but have a perfect shot of Lena and I fleeing the scene. I do my best to erase the shock from my face, remembering how easily it was plastered across websites and news articles. Instead, I raise my chin, and let my hair flow. 

Lena directs me to the car, Franciszek already starting it up. 

"What's that necklace miss?" The photographer shouts. 

Right as I was about to jump inside, I pause. I look to the photographer, giving him a scathing look before sliding inside. The door clicks closed behind me.

"Let's move," Franciszek grunts, pulling the car out in a fluid movement. I breathe out a sigh of relief, toying with the ring on my necklace. I slide down in my seat, waiting until the world is whirling past. 

"Are you okay?" Lena turns back, looking to me. I nod, a lump in my throat, "Sofia-,"

I look up at Lena, my heart thrumming. 

"Are you okay?" Her voice is a little more serious.

"Yeah," I managed, "yeah I'm okay," 

We spend half an hour looping throughout town and all I can think of is Cas, staying behind.

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