The Street, Crazy Taxi and Market

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One thing that I was laughing my butt off was when my Mom told me about how crazy the trafic was and let just say, she got scare XD. And I think that is what she is still scare about when everytime she went on a taxi.
When she first came out of the airport, she thought :'The trafic must be like where I live'. She and her business friends, because they were working with each other, went on the bus to the campus. She did get to meet her classmates. There were so many peolpe from many other countries and some of them were her old collections.

Going out on the highways, the first thing she saw was many cars, like really really many cars. And it seems like most of those cars were going to the city, while she went to the campus, which is in the country.

Just like what my Mom retold the story, the street of India always very crowned. Most of streets fill with 'street market' and markets. And I guess she went to the market the next day, because traveling to another country is very tired.
The campus is quite far from the market place and it still is. So she and her classmates, plus her teacher wanted to show them around had to took a taxi. What I remember that she said the taxi there is quite unique: three wheels and usually it painted in colorful color, but mostly are yellow. And the driver, well...she said they drive like a ghost chasing them. She said experincing the 'taxi' was unlike others. And their driving skills are crazy, just like I am.

At long last, they reached to the market area. One thing about Indians, they usually eat chicken, not beef or meat, just chicken and pork. So when ever you go to India's market, you will see them selling chickens and pork. Most of the Indians are a part of Hinduism, which they usually eat vegetables and to spice it up with curry, just like I told you. Market usually sell many things: curries, vegetables, chickens, pigs and even matial to make a dress. And even they sell jelews.

What my Mom told, bought vegetable and chicken all the time, it made her a little bit bored. Tasting the same foods all days and 2 months. And then, there was eggs. Let me warn you: Never ever, like never put eggs into the microwave, unless you want to burn the place! That was the story went miss Nga, my Mom's business friend, put eggs into the microwave and the next thing, we got flying eggs! It was scary, that taught me a lesson: Eggs are more dangrous than microwave, lesson learn.

But, what I have been thinking the most is when she told me the streets of India were fill with 'homeless' people, or some of us called 'street-rats'. There is an area somewhere near the market, which the homeless people live. In India, there are still those people needed help. And I want to help them, we all must leant a helping hand. They are children, womans, elders,...they need to live, built a better place for me and for you and the entire world. Let just say, India is still a poor city and need to be done a little.

So, when ever you're in India, don't forget to see the country, try the 'crazy driver' and help a hand for those who needs. This is where the magic of India begins.

So tune in next chapter. See ya!

Kim Yong Yon

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