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Anu looked at her husband who still looked extremely furious...then she looked at Unni who was also looking at her with pleading eyes.

Inspector: Mrs. Prabhas? 

Anu (lowering her head): No he didn't....

Inspector gave Pabsu a look who couldn't believe that his wife actually wanted to save this rascal 🤐

Inspector: Mr. Uppalapti...you said...(cutting him in between..Anu spoke)

Anu: Please..it's my fault...I got scared and screamed so My husband believed that he misbehaved...am extremely sorry for that...😟

Inspector smiled at her and then looked at Pabsu..

Prabhas: Am really sorry...Inspector...(giving a stern look at Anu) We kinda wasted your time..

Inspector: Mr. Uppalapati..I will examine the place where the crime took place..but without any evidence... we can't arrest him...But definitely will keep an eye at him as you have doubt at him.

Pabsu (In a straight face): I don't have any doubt ..(Giving a dirty look to Unni who still looking at Anu😲) I am pretty sure he did that 🤐

Inspector: Why do you think that?

Pabsu: I saw him following us the other day..and of course not in a good way...today also he was following my wife ...(Gave her an expressionless look)

Inspector: Thank you Mr. Uppalapati...(grabbing Unni's collar) If I see you near the Uppalapati bungalow or them...I promise...I will make you experience a hell...and you won't be liking that!

The constables threw Unni outside the hospital. And Inspector took his leave.

Mr. Arvind: Sir, do let us know if you face any issues, going forward...(Pabsu gave a nod and they all left).

Anu (Angrily): How can you do this, Nandhu? Why will he attack Shambhu Kaka? 

Pabsu (Giving her a deadly glare): Don't say a word...!!!

Her eyes welled up...

Pabsu: Why? Why are you crying now? Aren't you satisfied after saving your "College Mate"?

Anu (In a low voice): He was asking for help..may be he is in trouble

Pabsu (Gritting his teeth): Seriously...? he was constantly watching us and following us from the day we went to temple...he behaves like a psycho...Have you ever observed how he looks at you like an obsessed mental? Of course No....(Gritting his teeth) if you have that ability to see what I saw then probably you won't have lied to the Inspector?

Anu: When did I lie? 

Pabsu (Roughly pulling her to him): Didn't he hold your hand?  

Anu (Pushing him angrily): So basically you want to send him behind the bars because you are jealous and insecure of him..(In an agitated way) I am already your wife dammit ...whatever you just said.. is your perception and you want to punish an innocent to just vent out your anger...

Pabsu (Calmly): Great...didn't know that my wife keeps such "good thoughts" about me...But you know what...I don't care...let Rana come.. you are going back with him...and till that time keep your irritating mouth shut!

Anu (Looking straight into his eyes): I thought you are different...different from my uncle...from any other men who think that women are their properties...(tears already started making their way down on her face)..But I was totally wrong...wrong to give you my heart..wrong to let you connect with my soul..(And she broke down in tears)

Pabsu (Dejectedly): So I am exactly like your uncle..right? a monster in a human body? Isn't it?

She hugged him tightly and started sobbing hard...

Anu (In between her sobs..clutching him tightly): No....I didn't mean that...

Pabsu (In a cold voice): Of course you meant that (Making her stand properly  and after releasing himself from her grip who was not ready to let him go and crying badly) I also thought you were different...innocent but sensible..has a mind of her own but since you chose to be dumb...I can't help it anymore and can't take the risk of Shambhu Kaka or Pinnu's life just to save you who think am a jealous jerk. If you have 1% concern for Pinnu or Kaka..go back with Rana.

Anu ( Clutching his sleeve...shaking him vigorously): How can you say that I don't care for them? ( Wiping her tears away) I won't be an obstacle for anyone anymore..(Pushing him truculently) I can take care of myself!! ( Saying this ..she was about to leave when he held her wrist aggressively)

Pabsu (Completely lost it): Where do you think ..you are going?

Anu (Furiously): None of your business now...

Pabsu (Equally in an enraged manner): Don't expect me to come behind you leaving a critical patient....

Anu (Not able to speak properly as she was not sure if she would able to see him again): Take care of everyone...(She turned behind to leave when she heard him saying)

Pabsu: If you leave..I promise...(After a pause) you won't be able to see me again...and our relation will be over!!!

She could not control herself...running towards him..she threw herself in his arms..She was secretly praying that it's a nightmare which will be over soon but he stood still there...emotionless...didn't even touch her once...She withdrew and looked at him who had his deep eyes fixed elsewhere...He didn't even once look at her...She kissed his cheek❤

Anu (Cupping his face): Kiddo will love her Nandhu forever ❤

Saying this..she just ran..not knowing if her husband was coming behind her...where would she go...how will everyone react...

She came outside the hospital...it was raining hard...She waited for sometime hoping he will come but suddenly his words struck her mind....

[ If you leave..I promise...you won't be able to see me again...and our relation will be over!!!]

On the other hand, Pabsu tried convincing himself that he doesn't care for his stubborn wife anymore...But her tear stricken innocent face kept on coming back in front of him. He thought of dealing with her later ..all that mattered to him the most to get her back and he immediately took the lift.

She was already drenched and kept on looking back...as a part of her told her that he would come...may be will scold her and she would not open her motor mouth again as she already hurt him a lot...she immediately felt ashamed of herself remembering her bitter words that she used  for him...😧 At that time, someone tapped her shoulder...feeling overjoyed when she turned back..her smile faded instantly.

Anu: What are you still doing here?

Unni: Am glad that you fought with him...he doesn't deserve you...

Anu: What nonsense you are talking about....

Unni (Giving her his maniac smile): You belong to me, Anu...😣


Darlings, thanks for guessing it right😊....overwhelmed to see that not only me but u all also know "His Kiddo" so well🤗🤗🤗

Probably this would be the first chapter of my story where I felt a lump on my throat throughout while writing🙄😞

Cover Photo- Insta 😊


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