💛Love Heals💚

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She was wide awake, she knew...he was awake too..caressing her hair..she snuggled into him more...missed his warmth..he kissed her hand ... lowered his head to look at her who had her eyes closed. She was relived that he did not ask any questions further. He came on top her...she smiled and kissed his long nose.

Papsu: Do you still trust me, Bangaram?

Her eyes welled up looking at the faint smile he had that did not reach his eyes..

Anu: What kind of question is this?

Pabsu (Caressing her belly protectively): My Bangaram used to have stomach pain till she shared all the little things that happen in a day with me. (Looked at her sadly) But now she started hiding big things from me (Wiping her tears) the person who used to get angry every now and then..hardly shows any emotion (He lowered his head and kissed her belly) Your Mommy could not live without me for a single moment but now I can hardly see her...I missed you, Baby...Daddy loves both of you with his life...(he rested his forehead on her belly...kissing it again and again)

Her eyes were clouded with tears..felt extremely guilty that he missed their baby because of her..she was the reason as she maintained a distance from him to avoid the questions he has as it became impossible for her to lie to him. So she came up with a solution...not meeting him frequently..and spending most of the time in T's room.

She grabbed his head that was buried in her belly and he looked at her. He came to her as she hugged him tightly.

Anu (Weeping): Do you think we did not miss you?

Papsu (Giving her the equal warmth she needs): Then why Kiddo? (To lighten up her mood) I thought we were playing hide and seek😆

She smiled but did not lift her head..she was scared to look into those eyes which read her before she could know what was going on her mind. He tried to lift her face but she turned to the other side..hiding her face with a pillow..

Anu (Still covering her face): Don't look at me..

Papsu (tickling her a little): Kiddo that was a joke..we are not playing hide and seek for God's sake (Removed the pillow from her face but she immediately covered with her palms...he was amazed)

Anu: I look awful, Nandhu (He removed her hands from her face)

Papsu (Kissing her nose): I missed your madness (she tried too shift but he held her) Now what?

Anu: Can't you see I have got pimples...I thought it will go away but those are still there..

Papsu (Smiling at her): Your cheeks are still round and red...those pimples are lucky, Bangaram that they have got your face...

Anu (smacked his shoulder as he bit her left cheek): I look bad..

Papsu (Tried to find those lucky pimples): I can't even see...your face looks absolutely fine to me..

Anu (She pointed two tiny reddish spots around her lips): Here..can you see it now?

Papsu (Started laughing at her...she looked confused): Do you check your face with a microscope in front of mirror?...these hardly can be seen..

Anu: You are laughing at me because I look ugly....

Papsu (As if talking to their Baby): Your little Amma is impossible...close your eyes for sometime Darling...MommyDaddy need some time alone...

Before Anu can open her mouth again, he placed his lips on her...kissing the place where she showed him her pimples...soothing it with his tongue..she brought her lips to him...kissing him with equal passion...

After sometime, he had his head buried in her neck as she pampered his hair..

Papsu: Today Dad and Kajal's Dad had a meeting...most probably next to next week, their engagement will take place...

Anu (Excitedly): Woowwww...and you are telling it to me now?😒

Papsu (Looking at her): As I got my wife back for me now...

Anu(Caressing his cheek): Am sorry (lowering her head) you can punish me the way you want...

He pulled her to himself...covering her with a duvet...She covered him too...he smiled at her...

Papsu: It's almost 3am...sleep Kiddo...

Anu (Looked a little lost): But, Tammu is alone...I should go..

Papsu: She is a grown up girl..I can see her doing better than before...she will be fine...

Anu: No she won't..she would need me...

Papsu: Don't make her dependent on you, Kiddo..

She got up abruptly ..

Papsu: What do you think you are doing?

She tried to move from the bed when he held her hand...

Papsu (almost loosing his cool): I asked you something...!

Anu (Struggled to free her hand): Leave me...I am going to her room...and you can't stop me...

He immediately left her hand...she left from there....


T was fast asleep...Anu took the place beside her....caressed her head ...sleep is far away from her eyes...but she was sure if in his arms..she would be fast asleep by now...she clutched her belly when his blank face flashed in front of her...She roughly wiped her tears...disgusted with herself...closed her eyes when she heard a voice saying...

"You are a bad Mommy... you are torturing me and Daddy..Daddy is in pain because of you"

She quickly opened her eyes...touched her belly...ran to their room to find him in the balcony...smoking..his back was facing her...she hugged him from behind...crying her heart out...he turned to her...

Anu: I am torturing you both...am such a bad mother...(broke down in his arms)

Papsu: Sssshhhh....come inside...

Anu (Looking at him with tear filled eyes): Baby does not want to talk to me...I ruined everything...

Papsu: Kiddo...Baby is still in your womb...

Anu (Clutching his collar with both hands..shaking him): You tell me na, what should I do? How can I let suffer another Mother when I myself ...am a Mother...Tell na, Nandhu...(As she cried hard in his arms)

Papsu was confused ..he could not register what she tried to say...he held her protectively in his arms....kissing her head...

Anu: You are everything to me...I can't even think hurting you or my baby...

Papsu: You never did, Bangaram...have I ever said anything to you?

Anu (Pushing him a little): Why didn't you scold at me like the way our baby did...

(He pulled her close to him....wiping her tears when she was getting small hiccups for sobbing continuously)

Papsu: My little Kiddo said a sorry for hurting her Mommy...(nudging her nose with him) She didn't know her Mommy was the first baby of her Daddy...❤️

Anu (Stopped weeping finally): How do you know it's she?

Papsu (Hugging her close to his heart): They way you heard her... that she shouted at you...

She hid her face in his neck...tightly holding his shirt...

Papsu: It's late, Bangaram...you need some sleep...(He picked her up in his arms and was about to leave their room)

Anu: I want to be with you and can't sleep until I say everything to you but you have to promise me one thing, first...



I guess almost after a month I updated😓😓😓...I know am the worst author ever...I agree with you all on that part...😑😑😑

You know me..am lazy😥..completely was in "Zombie mode"👽...totally pissed and disgusted that Papsu didn't get any award😠 till the time I realized he is much bigger than any stupid award💕...He has our hearts with him❤️❤️❤️...that's his biggest achievement and as he says he finds mother's love, warmth and care in his fans love....🤗🤗🤗

Promise to give back to back updates this week😎...If you still find the story interesting, do share your views😊...and feel free to bash me as well😄..I won't complaint❤

This beautiful cover gifted by my Darling Frnd MythriShetty❤️❤️❤️

❤️ Keep Smiling, Darlinggggs...ciao🤗


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