Hi yes hello there-

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I'm doing a tag out of boredom-
I stole dis from you Luna >:3

1. NoPe because if daddo ever found out if I did then I'd be dead-

2. Never have never will

3. *wheezes* I, uh... howaboutweskipthisquestion

4. Again, never have never will

5. Never have never will XD

6. I've gotten lots of tattoos—the ones that you have to place something wet on it so it'll go onto your skin XD

7. I would never do that unless I felt it would be good for the both of us

8. Frrriiiccccc I'm divided between Supernatural and Sherlock-

9. The Hunger Games :0

10. Hhhhh I have alot of favorites XD But I'd probably go with Only Human by Jessye Jennings

11. I dunno, but it'd probably be something Supernatural related

12. Jessye Jennings is awesome :0000

13. Hmm... probably when I went on a cruise with mah parents, a few years back

14. You are not making me decide *dives out of window*

15. Both of them would be awesome to have, but I'd have to go with invisibility

16. *inhales* cAkE

17. Neither? XD (but if I had to choose I'd go with Twitter)

18. Booookkkkssss

19. Sprite is pretty gud-

20. Deaf, I wouldn't trade my sight for anything

21. Tea because I don't drink coffee XD

22. 11 mah dood

23. Capricorn for da wiiinn

24. I think I'm 5'2

25. Ima BIIIIIIIIIIccccyyyccclllleeee

26. Somewhere between 7's and 9's I think, depends on the shoe XD

27. I don't have a religion-

28. Only a month or so

29. GAY FOR THE WIN *drapes the world in a rainbow flag*

30. I would give anyone a second chance, even if they've done bad things. It gives them a chance to prove that there's someone good deep down inside them

31. I'm fine with it, why is this a question? XD

32. Hmm... I think it's pointless—why try to have the baby when you're going to abort it? Plus that's another life that you just prevented from living

33. I don't think it's fair

34. No, just no. Don't do drugs kids-

35. From my experiences, love hurts... alot. But it's worth it

36. Yep-

37. Mostly turned away from it

38. Closed, cause mah doggos aren't aloud in there and we don't want them wandering in there at night

39. Of course I do-

40. I mean, does Bendy count a little bit? XD

41. Wish I did but I probably never will-

42. Not at all-

Sooo yEeT that's a thing now xD

My hands hurt from brushing my hair tho
From brushing my hair
One time I actually got a cut from brushing it 0.O
But anyway-
I'm dying of boredom send help-

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