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Kronos's POV:

I fell to my knees, my eyes wide open. Disbelief washed over me, not wanting to believe that the only person that was worth fighting for has died.

She can't be dead, she can't be!

What did I do to deserve this?

No matter how many times I tried to deny it, reality will always be there. Life continues, with or without you. If you fall behind, then you're a left behind.

I was ready to shift and run, but that one sound had me stopping.

A beep.

But then, it wasn't just one beep, it was one after another. My body automatically jumped up, my head swirled around swiftly to where Rhea was.

A wrenched sob left me, relieved to see the heart beat monitor moving with waves. At the last minute, Rhea was revived with the dephibrilator.

The doctors cheered, tears pricking the edges of their eyes for their Luna to be alive.

The surgeon that had stopped me earlier stood before me, his expression weary. He seemed to know what my questions were, because he slowly spoke, "The reason why Luna Rhea ended up dying was the fact that her wolf was holding her heat back for so long. Restraining it for a certain amount of time is considered okay, but during long periods of time, it's considered fatal."

His eyes sent a quick look to Rhea and drifted back to me, warning me with a matter-of-fact-tone. "She should be waking up soon, but we would like to keep her in for a few more days just to be sure she's alright. Is that okay Alpha?"

I nodded at the information and request, knowing it would be best.

He bowed once more before scurrying off. By the time I reached Rhea's side, all the doctors left to their own business.

Peering at her face, I notice the color start to go back to her skin. Her lips that were chapped blue were now rosy pink, and her hair was glossy as it used to be. They were all signs of her wolf healing her, and how soon she'll wake up.

I stared at her for what seemed like hours, trying to remember every feature she had. Waiting for her to wake up soon.

'Why don't you kiss her and get it over with already?' Apollo suggested all of a sudden.

This made me fall off my chair by Rhea's bed. Gathering myself up, I shyly replied, 'Don't be ridiculous! You shouldn't attack woman while they're sleeping! That's not being a man!'

Apollo only snickered, 'You can deny all you want human. You're just scared since you've never kissed anybody. No worries, I talked to Rhea's wolf, Rain. She has no experience whatsoever too, so I guess you both match.'

I didn't answer because I knew he was right, but I was happy to know that I would be Rhea's first, as she would be for mine. Being hated for nine years had it's perks, since no female ever wanted to be near me.

Eventually, Apollo halted from teasing me and decided to cut the link. I was beginning to feel sleepy, so I rested my head onto the side of Rhea's hospital bed.

With my hand over her slightly warm ones, I was engulfed into darkness.


A caress on my head startled me, but telling by the sparks, I knew it was who I've been waiting for the last six months.

Slowly lifting my head until my gaze landed on the soft brown ones, Rhea smiled at me.

I didn't know what to do or respond though, all I could do was stare deeply at her with a gaped mouth.
"Rhea... you're awake." I said, happiness filling my entire being.

She stared at me blankly, her smile disappearing. "I'm sorry. I know that we're in the same pack and I'm supposed to respect you, but who exactly are you to me again? Where am I?"

Silence filled the room.

"... You don't know who I am?" I said, sorrow filling my heart. She can't be serious. The doctors didn't say anything about the possibility of amnesia.

Unless they had missed something.

"No... I'm sorry. I don't." She replied.

Just when I was ready to call the doctors in, Rhea starts cackling. "Oh my god, you should've seen the look on your face!"

I stood there dumbfounded until I realized she had played a prank on me. Rolling my eyes, I quickly scooted closer to Rhea.

"That's not funny, but I'll pretend to laugh. You scared me half to death." I said, lightly reprehending her.

"Also..." I paused, staring at her carefully. "Why does your breath smell so minty? You've been asleep for 6 months. I was convinced that I would have passed out from your bad breath." I said, smirking.

Rhea's face soon turned red, as she frowned playfully. "Well, I wasn't going to speak to you unless I brushed my teeth. It takes a lot of work to smell and look this good." She said, putting her hands to her side.

"Hmm, I guess I'll admit you're beautiful." I said, nodding my head in defeat.

We burst out in a fit of laughter before it was silence once more.

Finally, Rhea giggled, before speaking, "Well? What are you waiting for? Come here."

Not knowing what came over me, but I felt as if I was waiting for those words. Swallowing, I stand up on my chair. It fell back with a bang, and without anymore delay, I pulled her softly into me. Rhea froze at the direct contact but relaxed into my embrace, sighing in content.

My nose went to her neck, inhaling her scent. Trying to calm down the beast inside me, struggling not to claim her then and there.

I let go of her for a moment, chuckling. She stares up at me in wonder.

My eyes turn black, as I growl out, 'MINE!'

Inhaling her scent again, it calmed the beast within as my black eyes vanished and I was myself again. "We may proceed. I've been waiting to do that for a long time."

She laughed as she held me tighter.

We stayed that way, making up for lost time.

Eventually, I released her; leaning my forehead to hers. It surprised her, but she extended her hand onto the back of my neck. She let out a soft laugh, one that I would never get tired of.

"When did you start talking again?" she asks, concerned.

I shake my head, replying with a whisper, "Don't you remember? I can talk now. I yelled for your name during the attack before you fell into a six month coma."

She gasps in realization, and to my surprise, she starts tearing up. Startled and not knowing what to do, I frantically blurt out, "Did I do something to offend you? Are you hurt? What's wrong?"

Rhea lets out a few sniffles, laughing out, "No! I'm not upset or anything! I'm just glad... you can talk again. Your voice is so deep and god, it's sounds so addicting that I just want to hear you talk all night."

Apollo ears perked up at that, sending me dirty images in my head. I blocked them though, knowing the time wasn't right.

I smiled at her response, glad of her reaction. "We can talk some other time. For now, let's sleep. You need rest," I suggest, tucking her back into the bed.

She rapidly shakes her head, "I just slept for six months, and now you're telling me to sleep again? If we are sleeping, come here. I want you to sleep next to me," she says, patting the spot next to her.

Chuckling, I agree to her terms. Turning off the light, I go over and slip under the covers with my adorable mate. She lays her head onto my chest, my arms wrapped around her. I peck her forehead, our goodnights reasoning throughout the room.

In no time, I hear her soft snores. I smiled at that, happy to have her back in my arms; where she belonged.

For the first time in six months, I've fell asleep with no nightmares.

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