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Kronos's POV:

We stood before the surgeon, mouths agape at the news. Coco started wailing on Azrael, as he held her with a solemn expression.

The surgeon continued, "She could be in a coma much longer because of the silver. As you know, it's fatal if used correctly, but, I'm sorry Alpha. That's all we can do."

He bowed his head and left quickly, afraid of my reaction.

Gaia and my father stared at each other but looked away, not knowing what to do with the situation.

My chest started heaving, as I found it difficult to breathe. Apollo, my wolf, needed to be let out but I didn't want to leave. Not when my mate was in critical condition.

I closed my eyes, trying to keep the beast at bay. An Alpha shouldn't be messed with, especially when it came to their mates.

He was raging around in my head at this point, wanting to come out and destroy anything in his path. My fangs sharpened, claws extending as I tried to slow Apollo from shifting. It was dreadful, I was in agony.

Suddenly, a hand landed on my shoulder. My eyes spring open, meeting the eyes of my mother. For the first time in my life, I saw concern and compassion in them. The child that was buried long ago and that was forced to grow up was awakening, wanting it's mother's love.

I wasn't going to allow that to happen.

Never again.

She'll only hurt me once more.

I growled low in my throat, hatred for this woman showing. My wolf surfaced, making my eyes pitched black. You could smell the sudden tension in the air, it was unbearable.

Gaia seemed as if she didn't get the hint, because the next instant, I swatted her hand off me; my disgust showing. A hurt expression formed on her face, before she nodded slightly, returning to a seat that was much more farther than she used to be.

It'll never make sense to me. Why does she care now? She never did during those nine years. Now, she's trying to squeeze her way back into my life and try to be my mother again.

A sudden emotion welled up within me. It powered me to say what a I wanted to say to her. Although I was fearful of my abuser, I was no longer going to let her control me.

To have her way with me. I was no longer going to let her push me around. To hit me, to yell at me.

If I wanted to feel better, I needed to take steps towards recovery.

"Gaia... if I were you, stay away ... from me. Stop trying to ... talk to me." I said, my eyes pitch black in anger.

My mother looked at me, tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she whimpered. "Kronos, don't say that. It hurts my feelings. I'm trying to amend for what I've done. I know sorry doesn't fix anything, but actions speak louder than words. At least let me try."

Gaia paused, staring at me with pleading eyes. "Let me call you my son again. Please. I promise I'll change and make up for everything I've put you through."

Apollo raged, fueling my hatred for this woman. She's done nothing but make me suffer. Now she's saying that her saying sorry can fix everything she's done to me?

Nine years.

I spent nine years getting abused.

I was starved.



Beaten until I couldn't walk anymore.

Blamed for something that wasn't my fault.

Betrayed by those who were close to me.

And tortured to the point where I thought it would be beneficial for everyone else if I was dead.

Does she understand how I wished everyday that I had died? There were days that I was close to succumbing to the pain. Days that I wanted to jump off a cliff and end my suffering.

Till this day, I feel like I'm not enough. Not even for someone as perfect as Rhea. I feel like I'm a monster, who doesn't deserve chances.

She has no idea what it means to be sorry.

She is sorry for getting caught.

Not for her actions.

"I hate you." I spat, my hated rolling out for her in waves. "I despise you." I added, taking a step toward towards her direction as she stepped back, cupping her mouth with her hand.

"Kronos... I-I'm sorry..." she cried, tears rolling down her eyes.

Her tears meant nothing to me.

"Get out of my sight. I don't want  to see you, hear you, or even acknowledge your existence. You are no mother to me." I growled out, clenching my hands into fists.

Gaia nodded, falling to her knees as she started to shake. Sobbing as she understood my command. As I stared on at the person who gave birth to me, I could hear someone call me.

My father's voice drifted me out of my thoughts, his voice grumbling. "Kronos, why don't you go for a run and kill a animal? It might help the blood lust you have for Fortrista. Your beast must be quenched, go now," he suggested, his words full of muttering.

Releasing a heaving sigh, I agreed. Knowing that he indeed was stating the facts, because I, too could smell the blood lust.

Without further delay, I glanced one last time at Gaia before I shredded my clothing. I raced towards the woods, not looking back, not until I stopped being insatiable.

My paws thundered across the land, up until I found a cliff. I slowed, pacing myself to the edge. Leaning my fluffy head back, I howled.

It was full of pain, sorrow, love, and longing. Other wolves from the pack responded to my cry, showing them their support and their sorrow for the losses.

Stepping back, I gaze at the moon, making a silent promise to my mate.

I'll wait for you Rhea, no matter how long it takes.

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