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My Day Job Beckons

*Morgana's POV/the next day*


Mal and I were sitting across from one another, our coffees in our hands.

"So, you and Barry?"

"Me and Barry what?"

"You two are dating, right?" 

This makes me choke on my drink. "Barry and I are just friends."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, really. We grew up together."

"Well, what does he do?"

"He's a Forensic assistant."



*Joe's POV*

2 days ago

"Hmm. Perp made off with a bunch of handguns. At least six Glock-19's fitted with extra ammunition magazines," I said.

"Someone's looking to do a lot of bad," The Captain said.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." You would think because he has super speed, he wouldn't be late.

Singh pulls a tag of Barry's Jacket. "Doing a little Fall shopping, Mr. Allen?"

"Oh, heh, I was going so fast this morning, I didn't even notice."


Eddie then came up to me, showing us the his phone. "I downloaded surveillance footage off the video camera. Looks like only one perp."

"Footage may only show one, but it was six guys. Look, the tracks. They're all crossing each other. Six sets of footprints. Six guns stolen. We should be looking for a crew," he said, finally looking up at us.

He continued, something catching his eye. "Huh. Weird. The shoes. Looks like they're all the same size. Men's 10s, I'd guess. Just like you, Captain. Not that you're a suspect, Sir," his eyes widened. 

The Captain walked off, while Barry and I head back to The Station.

I clear my throat. "Your ability to multitask is remarkable. The way you can embarrass me, the Captain, and yourself , at the same time."

"Joe, I'm sorry."

"I'm starting to think, 'Joe, I'm sorry is my actual name."


End of Flashback (I'm sorry that it's short but this chapter is mainly focused on Morgana and Mal)


*West Residence*

"That coffee was so good," Mal praises said caffeinated drink.

I laugh. "I'm glad you like it."

"So, tell me again why you and Barry aren't together?"

"Because he doesn't see me that way."

"Ok, you are just blind. Do I need to use the love spell to make you realize what is right in front of you?"

"Oh, no you wo-" I'm suddenly  cut off by the trill of my phone... "My day job beckons."


A/N: What did you guys think? Next chapter will be longer!"

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