Calm Before the Storm

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"Wei! You forgot your potatoes!" I hollered at eight-year-old Wei who was running on the dry unpaved pathway towards the village school with dust billowing behind him.

The boy skidded to a halt, his straw shoes gripping at the dry dirt, and turned abruptly before sprinting clumsily towards me. I smiled as I watched him run back to the house as fast as his legs could carry him.

Wei was running at such a speed that he almost ran into me.

"Whoa, whoa. Careful, Wei." I held out my arms just in case I needed to steady him.

Fortunately, Wei took control of his body in time to stop the collision. He heaved a deep breath and rested his palms on his knees. Sweat was dripping off his head even though the coolness of dawn still clung to the air.

He took a couple of seconds to keep his panting in control before he looked up at me and beamed mischievously with both arms outstretched for the potatoes that I had neatly wrapped in a cloth earlier. 

I couldn't help but return his smile as I pinched his adorable nose. "When are you going to start bringing your lunch to school without me reminding you, huh?"

"Ayy, it's not a big deal if I forget my lunch. Because I have you, Mama. My guardian angel." Wei said sweetly as he wrapped his arms around my waist, his doe eyes looking up at me.

This son of mine knew exactly how to utilize his charms to defuse any situation that he was in. I scoffed out a laugh. "Alright, alright. Enough with your tricks."

Wei took his arms back and gave me a playful grin.

I affectionately ran my fingers through his soft hair which was matted with sweat in an attempt to tidy it up. "You have a good day at school. And remember to-"

"Listen to your teacher." Wei completed my sentence as he nodded as solemnly as a child his age could. "I know, Mama. I know. You've been saying that to me every day since I started school."

I laughed out loud this time. "I've also been asking you to remember your lunch every day since you started school and you still forget."

That statement stumped Wei. But not for long as his scheming smile returned. "Like I said, Mama. You're my guardian angel." 

With that, he grabbed the potatoes from my hands that I had wrapped neatly in a piece of cloth and hastily bid me goodbye, his feet already turning away. "Okay, goodbye, Mama. I'm going to be late!" 

I chuckled as I waved goodbye at Wei's rapidly retreating body. The village school was only half a mile away and  I knew that the lessons wouldn't start until half an hour later but still, I decided to let it go. Just because he's my son. My only son.

"That son of yours. He's going to be a heartbreaker when he grows up." Auntie Wang who was living beside our house commented as she flung a blanket out so that it spread over the clothesline.

I smiled as I walked towards her. "I can't deny that. I don't even know where he learned to be such a sweet talker."

"With his speaking skills, he could be one of those ministers at court in the future." Auntie Wang said as she flung a thicker blanket in a strong snap to get rid of the wrinkles.

I could see how much more energy it took from Auntie Wang to fling this thicker blanket so I grabbed hold of the other two corners of the blanket. "Come, let me help you."

As I helped Auntie Wang throw the heavy blanket over the clothesline, I replied to her earlier comment. "If he wants to be a minister, I won't stop him. I just want him to be healthy and happy. He could be anything he wants as long as it's not the military."

"Yes. Or else you'll end up like me. It keeps me up at night whenever I think about my Song fighting in the war."

Auntie Wang was one of the more senior elders in the village. She was also the unofficial leader of the village after all of the men were drafted to join the war efforts almost ten years ago. Her late husband was the village chief and she only had a son who was drafted to serve the war efforts alongside my husband. Even though he was drafted at the same time as my husband, Song was much younger than us because he was conceived when Auntie Wang was already in her forties. He was Auntie Wang's miracle baby.

I nodded in empathy. "Yes, I can only imagine how worried you are. I'm already worried enough for my husband. I can only imagine how that anxiety would've been multiplied by at least a hundredfold if it was Wei who was drafted."

"Oh, I must be growing old. Lamenting about my problems again. You also have a husband who's in the war. But fret not! I heard the war is dying down and they'll be returning in no time!"

"Really?" My eyes widened in pleasant surprise.

"Yes! I just received an official letter from the capital this morning saying that we're nearing victory. So, I'm assuming that it means they'll be back anytime soon! It's why I'm washing all these blankets! I need to prepare for my Song's homecoming!" Auntie Wang tittered excitedly with a happy gleam in her eyes.

Thrilled at the news, I gave Auntie Wang a big hug. "Oh! That's such great news, Auntie Wang! I should prepare for my husband's return as well then!"

"Go ahead!" Auntie Wang waved me toward the direction of my house in encouragement.

I turned away with a joyful bounce on my feet but before I took a step, I turned back to Auntie Wang. I smoothed my hands on my clothes, suddenly self-conscious of my aged clothing. It had been some time since I had worn any new clothes. 

"Do you think I look alright? Would he recognize me?" I fidgeted as I rambled. "After all, it's been almost ten years. Should I get something new to wear?"

Auntie Wang grabbed my arm and patted my back like a mother would her child. "Don't worry about it! I bet he would still think that you look as radiant as the day he married you! Everyone knows that there is nothing at the border but war and the biting wind. Do you think he won't miss you when all he had was that for almost ten years? And they couldn't even send letters because of the blasted military protocol so both of you couldn't even exchange letters. Trust me, distance makes the heart grow fonder."

Assured by Auntie Wang's kind words, I nodded and my bright smile returned as I strolled back home.

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