Chapter 8

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(Lucy's POV)

"Okay, you two have to stay in today as a punishment." I ordered, pointing my finger at Natsu and Gray. They both sulked.
"I didn't even do anything..." Gray huffed.
"This isn't fair..." Natsu moaned.

"I'm going shopping," I said. "I'll be back soo-"
"WAIT!" Gray yelled, running over to me. He grabbed my arm and stared me in the eye. "You are coming back, right?"
"Why wouldn't I?" I asked. "I live here, and you guys need feeding." A sincere smile appeared on Gray's face.
"Keep your word, please." He spoke.
"I will." I smiled. "I promise."


I was walking down the street, pondering about before. Natsu and Gray must've had a tough time with their last master, he looked frightened when I said those words.

I was too busy worrying about it, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, and I bumped into someone.
"Oh, I'm sor-" I looked up and saw Sting.
"Well look who it is." He smirked, pinning me against a nearby wall. His hand was leaning on the wall next to my face, and he leant closer towards me.

"So, where are your little boyfriends?" He teased. "Did you dump them too?"
"Shut up." I huffed, turning my head. "They're not my boyfriends."
"Is that your way of saying you want me back?" He smirked.
"In your dreams you jerk." He then grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him.
"Hey, I'm not a jerk. I loved you with all my heart you know. The only jerk here is you." He hissed. Our noses were touching, and his grip on my chin wasn't getting any weaker.

He then scanned my body with his eyes, staring a little too long at my breasts.
"I've forgotten how sexy you actually are." He smirked. "Maybe you can, jog my memory."

"GET OFF LUCE YOU BASTARD!" It was Natsu! He came running in and punched Sting square in the jaw.

But he had cat ears and a tail. Great. Gray also came running after him, looking like a cat.

"What the fuck.." Sting stared in awe at the two Neko-People. "T-They're cats!"
"I did say they weren't my boyfriends." I smirked.
"Are you okay Lucy?" Gray asked. Natsu and Sting were having a stare off and Gray came running over to me.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled. "But why are you two here? I told you to stay in the house!"
"Natsu sensed that something was wrong, so we came to help." He explained.

"Luce, do I have permission to beat the crap outta this guy?" Natsu asked sternly.
"Not on my watch!" I yelled. "As much as I want you to, I'm not letting any of you get in trouble with the police!" Natsu growled, but then said:
"Watch it punk, she's not yours anymore! I'll smash your face in next time!"

With that, Sting walked away.

But he had a smirk on his face.

What's that guy up to?

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