chapter 16

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Hayley's POV
After taking a nice,relaxing hot shower I began to work my magic. I oiled my skin with a generous amount of moisturizing oil before slipping into my fluffy bathrobe. Then I combed out my long,blonde hair and curled it into thick locks that surrounded my face. Next came the makeup. I applied my usual foundation etc and decided to use my black, glitter eyeliner. Along with my dark purple eye cream. I did my mascara and touched up my eyebrows and used my bold plum lipstick. Next came the dressing. I opened my vast closest and scanned until I found the dress I was looking for. It was a purple so dark it appeared to be black. It was made of a silky ,satin and had a plunging neckline and a long,sexy slit to the side. I carefully slipped into it and looked at myself in the mirror. It hugged my body in the right places giving me a perfect look. I wore a pair of purple ,satin heels. I accessorized with my black Diamond pendant and earrings. I glanced at my reflection one last time before spraying a splash of perfume and descending the stairs with a new found confidence. As I entered the room all eyes turned on me and this time I commanded authority and I got respect. My father didn't make any snarky comment,my mother didn't criticize anything and no one murmured a word. I was about to say something when the doorbell rang and Quinton one of the guard wolves opened the door to reveal Connor. I walked over to him and smiled as I did. I could here everyone in the room gasp they thought I was bluffing earlier on...
Connor's POV
When Hayley called me earlier today honestly I didn't want to go. I mean you literally just hurt my friend and not to mention made all of my mother's work in vain and yet still you wanted me to come over. Yes I know that you want to explain yourself but it was still extremely out of line. I sighed as I hung up the phone I seriously did not know how people could live with such pea sized brains.
"Mum," I began as I entered the car "can you drop me off at Hayley's please."
She looked at me a mischievous smile on her face.
"You at Hayley's house at night... interesting" she replied her smile spreading.
I gagged that was disgusting yet the idea of it didn't necessarily disturb me... what the hell was happening.
"No answer" she continued "hmmm very interesting."
I think I may have blushed. I could be wrong. God please let me be wrong.
"And a blush too... hmmm."
I began to shift uncomfortably in my seat. I didn't like where this conversation was heading just please answer yes or no.
"Well Connor I'll drop you off and pick you up in the morning."
BeforeI could object to the morning pick up part my dad called and I immediately went into my imaginary world of Connor. I knew it was childish to still have imaginary friends at 18 but they were my escape from this world of pain...pain that I wasn't quite ready to let go of. I know that makes no sense I mean why hold on to pain if all it's doing is keeping you back but in a way the pain is what kept me grounded. Without it my life would be meaningless. It made up part of my ren( soul) and that was important. I was jerked out of my thoughts by the sudden stopping of the car. I looked out the window and saw that we were on Hayley's street and it was packedwith a plethora of cars. I got nervous.
"I'll come out right here." I said.
My mom nodded and opened the door.
"Have fun bye."
She winked at me before driving off.
I sighed and looked up to the sky before knocking on the door. The moon was a bright,vibrant silver and illuminated the darkness beautifully. My palms began to sweat as I awaited the door opening. After what seemed like forever Hayley answered and I was stunned... Wait did I just say I was stunned by Hayley... ok now things are getting weird....
I didn't really like this chapter. Sorry about the update stall was busy with homework today. Please enjoy

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