Chapter 27

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Bianca's POV
What the hell were they doing here I thought as I approached my house and more importantly whose blood was dripping from their bodies. They began circling close towards us and Raysa gave me a desperate look. The other pack members had dispersed to there respective houses and only the Alpha and Beta families lived in the main house. I connected with Flair.
"So ah are we going to transform or stay human for now."
She didn't answer me, she was probably still emotional about what was going on because these wolves weren't any ordinary pack members they were dangerous rouges and one of them I shockingly identified as Jasper. Raysa was also in shock so I'm assuming Jackson didn't inform her about Jasper joining the group of rouges from this side of town. The two black wolves were former members of our pack. They threatened my future authority after the news of me not wanting a mate. As for the second white wolf I was clueless but that didn't matter the fact still remained that dour rouges circled the entrance to my house.
"Well, well, well if it isn't little miss Bianca and her scumbag friend Raysa."
Jasper's wolf Noir bellowed.
I scoffed.
"And who's the friend my dear, don't tell me you're choosing that failed attempt at a human over me."
He could insult me from now till the heavens fall and I wouldn't care but he can't insult Connor and get away with it.
I grittedmy teeth as Connor uncomfortably shifted next to me covering his face with his hair and hugging himslef in his sweater.
"Oh the poor baby's getting scared. " Jasper teased "come on now this is nothing I haven't even begun to teach you the true meaning of fear."
Flair finally decided to come back tk reality and in one quick blur I transformed. Jasper laughed.
"Oh no no no Bianca baby we're not doing any fighting tonight, me killing your grandparents was enough, we simply came here to warn you, us rouges are fed up of being hunted down by your silly guard wolves and as such are teaming up to take revenge. Also my darling I don't care what you say or what you do or who you fuck with (sorry for the cursing) you are my mate. You're mine and even though I dated other girls along withyou that was just to sooth my sexual desires but you and I were meant to be amd I will have you no matter what I have to do. Even if it means killing every speck of dust in site I will do it. That's how much I need you that's how much I care. "
I was now enraged and I aimed for an attack but he and the other three wolves disappeared in less then a second. Realizing that they had best me I shifted back into human form and  collapsed on the floor and cried. Jasper killed my grandparents. He murdered them just to spite me and then he wants to come with this shit about he cares. I felt Connor's arms envelope me in an embrace and Raysa joined. I was thankful for having such amazing friends it also made me realize that I may actually have to mate with Connor in order to stop Jasper the entire life of my pack was depending on it. I felt a pang of guilt inside me. Maybe if I hadn't been so ignorant this never would've happened. At the moment it sucked to be me.
Connor's POV
I trembled in fear as Bianca challenged the wolves. The memories of the incident with Hayley playing through my head like a movie. I was afraid of what these four large beats might do to her but thank God they disappeared. With that Bianca fell to the floor and began crying a river. Instinctively I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her temples.
"It's going to be ok  B."
I whispered into her ears.
"You're a fighter you can get through this."
She snuggled herslef against me and sobbed deaper. Her heart's palpitations much faster than mine. For some reason in that moment I felt wholly completed. As if I was drifting all my life in an endless oblivion and now I found Bianca and she was the gravity that kept me grounded. I was the Earth orbiting space searching to find my place in the universe and she was my core keeping me grounded never letting me float away. Slowly Bianca separated herslef from me and stood.
"Guys I'm insanely tired and I need some sleep mind if I hit the haystack?"
"No, not at all B you need all the rest you can get." Raysa replied.
She smiled and staggered along she then stopped abruptly and turned to me and spoke in a sweet shy voice.
"Uh Connor would you sleep with me? I promise that's all that will happen.... I just feel unsafe by myself and I'd be a lot more comfortable if you slept with me."
Two girls in one nigh. What the hell I was living most boys fantasies yet I couldn't make sense of it but I shrugged and agreed anyways. If she said it was just to sleep then it would be just to sleep. Unlike Hayley Bianca actually valued herself.
How did you like the chapter. I'm so sleepy but yay it's like ridiculously early in the morning and it's Friday. I got two more hours till I have to sneak downstairs to cook my mom her surprise bday breakfast. Anyways thanks for reading. You know how much that means to me and have fun in school guys.

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