chapter 29

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Well my hand isn't hurting all that much anymore so I decided to update enjoy.
Hayley's POV
I felt unloved,violated and a pang of burning anger how dare Bianca steal my mate. If she thought I was going down without a fight she would have to be crazy. I Got dressed and headed downstairs my pack was going to war.
As I entered our basement everyone's eyes glued to me. I'm assuming I looked like a hot mess. I probably did.
"Hayley what the hell!" My mother screeched.
I rolled my eyes.
"I have a problem." I monotoned.
"Yes you do, you're a horrible daughter, a shameful future alpha and a disgrace to this entire pack."
My family erupted in a cacophony of laughter. I wanted to cry but I couldn't I had to be strong I had to hold back my tears.
"Very funny mom, but uh this is serious, Connor was kidnapped by another wolf pack and I need to get him back."
My father's face hardened.
"Hayley, you are aware of what you just stated right." He rumbled.
I weakly nodded.
"And you want me to put all of our lives on the line to get your mate back?"
I nodded.
"Well cupcake I'm sorry to inform you but we aren't doing that infact we aren't doing anything for you anymore."
I gave him an uneasy look.
"What do you mean dad?"
He sighed.
"Hayley tonight we had an important discussion and we have all agreed to the conclusion of disowning you."
My heart dropped down a million galaxies and my brain swirled like a blender. This wasn't happening was it? I tried to hold back the tears but I couldn't stop the tears from falling down.
"Oh don't cry my darling, we've decided to be rational and we would not kill you unless you do anything to ruin the reputation of our family name. We are simply stripping you of your title and well as of now you no longer live here and are no longer our responsibility."
My knees buckled and I fell to the floor. My vision blurred from  the tears that swam in my eyes and the hair that forested my face.
" P- Please don't do this to me, please I can't survive out there alone please."
He turned away from me.
"Useless child, don't beg take your punishment lile a wolf  besides I don't care you're  not my problem anymore."
Before I could say another word I was plunged down a tunnel and casted onto the damp soil of the woods. My entire life was now over.
"Congratulations Hayley, you stupid girl look what you've derailed me to."
I cried even more.
"Please Blair please don't do this to me, not now, I just need a friend to comfort me."
She laughed
"Well honey her's a news flash I'm not your friend. I never was and never will be. It's a shame that I'm stuck with you until we die. I'd rather be rotting in hell. Right now wolf caused suicide seems like a better option than life with you."
Her words stung like fire and coursed through my body. I  was frail, I was homeless and the only other person here with me disliked me. As much as I wanted to lie there and mope I fell relentlessly into the hands of sleep. At least that was peaceful.
Okay that's the update I hope you liked it.

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