chapter 32

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Hayley's POV
Sweet relief comes in the most mysterious of ways. Though I wasn't keen in cooperating with Chyna I was still greatful to her for not killing me. My stomach grumbled. I hadn't eaten in 24 hours I needed food.
"Uh um Chyna is there anything to eat?" I inquired.
She forrowed her eyebrows.
"Well I was going to eat you!" She chirped.
My eyes opened wide and she laughed.
"Just kidding I'm not a cannibal, however as part wolf I've embraced my inner hunting skills as it's cheaper for me to hunt ,kill, eat than to go into a grocery and by food. So uh if you're a member of this pack you're going to have to adjust those tastebuds."
My stomach squirmed suddenly I was no longer hungry I couldn't possibly go out and hunt... to be very honest I didn't know how to. I know it's shameful but I'd much rather eat grocery store food. I sighed well looks like I'm starving myself yippie!
Bianca's POV
I waited anxiously for Connor to exit the shower. Flair being more exited than I was to introduce Connor to the pack. We didn't usually have daytime pack meetings but this was an exception. I stared at my reflection as I shifted from side to side. I wore a blue denim shorts with a pink tank top and white cloth sneakers. I took several deep breaths. I really hoped my pack especially my family accepted Connor. Just then my bedroom door opened and in walked Connor. I gave him a brilliant smile he half heartedly smiled back. Hmm I wondered what was up with him? But I didn't have time for that now.
(Time skip to meeting because this chapter sucks.)
As we entered the underground arena exited sounds bustled from it's seats. Connor clutched to my hand and I gave him a reassuring squeeze.
"It's ok baby," I whispered "they're my family and friends it'll be fine."
He nodded.
Upon reaching the centre of the arena everyone stood and acknowledged me.
I still felt akward when this happened but I guess it was a sign of respect.
"Hey guys." I said... ok that was like sooo unprofessional but whatever I didn't care.
They laughed at my greeting and sat on their benches. My mother nodded to let me know it was time to speak.
"Well," I began "firstly it has been a rough 24 hours as early this morning a pack of rouges invaded and killed the beloved mother of our alpha (my father's mom). Such actions are unforgivable and as such we shall take action after the week of mourning is completed."
They all shock their heads in agreement some of their eyes turned black the wolves were restless.
"Anyways behind every dark cloud there is a silverlining and though in the past I've had my doubts and really I still don't know why the hell this is making me so happy but I am proud to announce that I have found my mate... Connor Stain. "
I pointed towards Connor who's face was as usual covered by his hair. Everyone clapped in approval.
"Have you all mated yet?" My aunt Beatrice inquired.
I blushed
"No...not yet... he still doesn't know anything about werewolves, which is something I was hoping you all will help me with.
"Oh well of course we will Bianca dear. What do you need us to do."
"We could start by showing him how we transform under the full moon and take it from there... tonight's gona be a full moon. We could even show him how we hunt after. Than go through the ranks and then you know the effects of silver on us."
"Okay" everyone replied.
Connor just gave me an uneasy look.
"Oh darling." My aunt said "Don't be scared... you know what you look like a book worm why not let me show you to the archives it's just beyond this house. It has alot of information on wolves there.
He smiled and nodded following aunt Beatrice. Just as they left Hutson one of our gaurd wolves scampered covered in scars and blood  in completely out of breath.
"Bianca..." he panted "bad news... Jasper and the group of wolves... they found out about your mate... they sent me a have until sundown to mate with Jasper or else they're declaring war."
With that he fell lifelessly to the floor.
Jasper was going to get it from me latter. You do not mess with my wolf pack amd get away with it.
So I'm guessing you're wondering why I haven't updated in four days. I'm sorry but I was like really upset with myself to the point where I couldn't do everyday normal things... I'm still in that melancholy mood but made the effort to write... that's why this chapter is soo blahhh. Thanks for reading... I appreciate it. 13.9k reads you guys are awesome really really awesome.

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