Chapter 1 - April Fools!

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Doc's POV (Trigger: Eating disorder)

As I watched from my curled-up spot on the sofa, the tiny girl my dad brought home was playing with blocks on the floor. I glanced over at the female Beta sitting in a chair with a book in her lap. Every once in a while, she would steal a glance at her Omega mate, Kirian, who was playing with the blocks, too. The atmosphere was peaceful and the only sound was the click of the wooden blocks as the wall got taller. I almost jumped when Kirian broke the silence.

"What would you like to do today, Grace? We have the whole day and it's sunny outside."

I would have been shocked if she had answered. 

As Kirian tried again and again, asking simple questions, the little red-headed girl just continued building the castle. Grace didn't even acknowledge that Kirian was there. 

I may only be eight years old, but even I know that type of behavior isn't right. The only thing I've ever heard her say is 'Thank you'. 

Mom told me she was only two years younger than me, but she acts like she's half her age. 

My eyes flew to the door as my dad came in. He's the blood alpha, so the other two gave a nod to him in acknowledgment. 

"How are you doing, Doc?" He asked as he messed up my hair. My mom wanted me to let my light blonde hair grow, but I kept it shoulder-length and out of my face. 

"I'm doing good, Dad. Where's mom?"

"She'll be along in a bit. How about something simple for dinner? It's my night to cook." I didn't mean to, but I made a face. Dad's cooking is horrible. 

"I can do that for you, Blood Alpha," Kirian said as he stood up. "Would you like to take over here?" 

It was at that moment that I realized something important that I had not paid enough attention to notice in the few days Grace has been with us. There is always a grown-up in touching distance of her at all times. I wonder why?

I turned back to her and noticed she had stopped moving. Her expression didn't change, and she wasn't reacting to anything else. It was like her body was as blank as her mind.

"Of course, and thank you," my dad answered as the two moved around each other. 

Once my dad sat down, I watched to see if he would greet Grace the same way he greeted me — with affection. He didn't.

"How are you today, Grace?" 

His voice was soft like he didn't want to scare her. She looked at him for a full eight seconds, yes I counted, before she went back to the blocks. 

"She hasn't spoken today," the Beta said softly.

My dad seemed to think about that for a moment before picking up a block and showing it to Grace. Once he had her attention, he tossed it over his shoulder, hitting the Beta square on the head.

She looked to the Beta, who made a face at my dad. Then the most amazing thing happened.

She giggled.

The light sound brought a big smile to my dad's face, and mine too.

I need to hear more of that sound.


"What is the torque formula and what is it used for?" 

Usually, I am very attentive in class, but my mind is on Grace. I need to hear that laugh again. 


"Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world," I muttered.

"Quoting Archimedes is nice, but answer the question, please."

"T = F x d if the force is applied at an angle that is perpendicular to the axis of rotation," I recited. "It's what you use when you open a door or play on a seesaw. It's basically force times distance." 

My head shot up as an idea came to mind. 

I'm going to make that little girl laugh.


I may have changed my mind about a zillion times over the next few days, but in the end, I knew I had to do it.

My size hampered my ability to pull this off, but in the end, I knew it would be worth the effort. I just needed to get the timing right.

It was time for dinner and I could see the anxiety bubbling up in Grace. She hates mealtime. Dad sits her in a booster seat at the table and pulls her chair up beside his. She looks at him with wet eyes and he wipes them away. She never makes a sound when she cries. 

This just made my resolve higher. It's only a matter of time now. I really hope she reacts.

Within a few minutes, I heard the front door open, knowing the head Gamma was arriving to help my new little sister get through the evening meal. Jemma always goes straight to the bathroom to wash her hands, then comes into the dining room through the side door.

I chose this moment and this door, as Grace watches it intently every night, knowing that Jemma is there for her. She doesn't seem to hate the Gamma, but I don't think she particularly likes her either. Gammas can get inside your head. I wouldn't want one poking around in there either.

I watched Grace's eyes catch on the fabric that was strung up above the door. She tilted her head in confusion for just a moment as the door opened. I never looked at the door or Jemma entering. I refused to take my eyes off Grace's face.

Jemma comes in slowly, as she always does, so as not to scare Grace. I knew this and used it to my advantage.

Grace's eyes went wide as the moving door pulled on the string, opening the fabric and spinning it upside down. The shredded construction paper mixed with glitter rained down on my intended victim.

Everyone just stopped and stared as shredded, sparkly neon-colored paper-coated Jemma. But my eyes never left Grace. 

I wanted a giggle. That's all I wanted. 

Come on, Grace! Give me a giggle!

Just as my patience was at an end, thinking I'd failed, something wonderful happened.

My little sister blessed me with a full, beautiful, perfect smile. Then she did something that changed the path of my life. 

She laughed.


A/N: The prompt is to describe a character pulling a prank on someone else in 1K -2K words.

(Laughter through tears is one of my favorite emotions.)

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