I'm On Break

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 Hey guys! Nae Nae here... And just to let you guys know I'm going to be off Wattpad for a while... 

I think... No, I know... No, I think...

I'm going through depression... I don't know...

I had a Nervous breakdown, just a while ago today...

I yelled at my friend, for the stupidest thing... I don't know if he's mad at me or not, I wouldn't blame him, but... Yeah... I've been stressing myself out, and it's been bad... I've been getting headaches, out of the blue I've been crying, I hardly eat, I hardly sleep.. And when I do, I sleep in until the next day... 

My sister, and my two friends have only been who I can talk to... 

One of them is sick, and wasn't here today. And the other... 

I yelled at him, it wasn't bad... It was bad after I slammed the door, storming off... n

I bottle everything up, and I'm still doing it to be honest... Hehe... Anyways... 

I can't find time to be on Wattpad right now, especially when people judge and make fun of my writing... Brings Anxiety and Depression and Stress towards me... Listening to music helps me... I think... 

High school is stressful and hell. 

Trying to be beautiful is hell... And the funny part is...

After all these two years... 

He Hasn't Notice Me... 

Last year, I had a crush on this boy... We'll call him... Peter... 

Peter, was only in 1 class of mine last year... P.E

And it was kind of hard to impress him when I kept falling on my face, or stuttering, or being all sweating in front of him... O//O

Yeah, it sucks... Anyways, we weren't friends... I didn't have feelings for him before, until that dumbass said those three stupid, fake ass words... 

"I Love You"  

After he told me those words, my heart would never stop beating for him...

The first person I told was... let's call her... Jasmine... :/ 

She said he was ugly, I didn't think he was... 

He would always hug me, compliment me, say hi to me, ask me how my day was, tell me that he missed me... 

And damn... I felt for that... 

I know what you're thinking... 

"Dude, that's not a big deal, everyone says that..."

But, I hardly get compliments from guys... 

So this was a whole new world for me... 

It was fine, we were all fine, until... 

I found out he had a girlfriend this whole time...

He flirted with me, he messed with my feelings, and turns out he has a Freaking girlfriend... 

That... Broke... Me... Bad... 

I should've known to never F~ with boys like him... 

I was upset about it, Jasmine comfort me as I cried... 

A few weeks, I got over him... Or so I thought... 

He talked to me again, he ignored me for three weeks, then he goes and starts talking to me as if nothing had ever happen... 

I felt for it... 

Jasmine tried to warn me, but I backed him up... Damn, I was stupid... 

But I'm grateful that she stayed with me, even no matter how stupid I was being, she stayed by my side... That's a true friend... 

Anyways, now I'm in high school, and now I have more problems... 

My Grades, my crush... or ex crush is becoming my crush again, little by little, my best guy friend... he... I don't know... We're not the same... My guy friend, he's upset... My girl friend (Friend that's a girl), likes this boy, but he's avoiding her, my sister, my parents are at it again, my brothers, my nervous breakdowns happen out of the blue at times... 

I'm just stressing myself out...

I don't even know why I'm telling you guys this...

I feel crazy sometimes, I'm so stressed out right now...

But... I know it's going to be ok... It will...

I just need a break, I promise I'll be back with chapters for Blood, Roses, and Burning Hate. 

I just need a break, and I'll be ok... 

Wish me luck! Bye! Please vote... I think... XD

~Nae Nae 

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