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Alright you know how I asked for you guys to vote? Well I might as well give you a explanation of the stories so here you go. 😎😎😎😎
Goodbye- Lloyd and Kai have knew each other for a long time. Nothing splinted them apart... Only one thing could... And that's... Lying to each other...

Kai has a big secret that no one knows, not even Nya. One night Lloyd finds out the truth, Kai finds out that he found out. It breaks Lloyd's heart. It gets him mad, so Lloyd runs away.

Kai and Alex are searching for Lloyd, he's no where to be found. Once they find him... It's too late...

What happened? What's Kai's secret? Is Lloyd ok? Will Kai and Lloyd's friendship ever be ok?
Alex was mad at me, she pushed me to the ground. Her eyes were red, her teeth were grinding.


"I thought I was doing him a favor!" I yelled, Alex scoffed.

"DOING HIM A FAVOR!? WHAT FAVOR!?" Alex asked, I sighed.

"Saving his life favor!"  I said, Alex slapped me.

"BY WHAT!? KEEPING THAT AWAY FROM HIM!?" Alex asked, I nodded.

"THAT'S HIS ------! HE SHOULD KNOW WHERE -- IS!" Alex yelled. I sighed.

"I know, I should of used my head." Kai said.

"I'll murder you later, now come on." Alex said, walking to the door.

"Where are we going?" I asked Alex, she groaned.

"To find Lloyd! Now get your ass up and let's go!" Alex yelled, I nodded.

Alex and I both left, she had Ruelle by her side. Alex looked mad, she was... At me. I don't blame her, I'm mad at myself too. I should of never kept that away from Lloyd...
To Be Continued...
I only put ------- on the conversation with Alex cause, that'll give the mystery away... Maybe I don't know.

And no this isn't a Greenflame book!
Pain {Book 1}- Alex and Jay still aren't Ok. Alex is still mad at Jay for leaving her when she needed him, hurting her, crushing her heart. Whatever Jay does or say Alex won't forgive him. She won't forgive him until he feels her pain.

One night Alex and Jay's argument was really bad. Jay went to take a walk while Lloyd and Cole tried to cool Alex down. Jay's alone just walking. Lost in his thoughts... Until... Someone hits Jay's head making him unconscious. An hour later the gang try to find Jay.

But all they find is a gun covered in blood. The ninja panic. They go to the kidnappers hideout. But of course the ninja fall for a trap. Except Alex of course. It's now up to Alex to go find and save Jay... Even if she's still mad at him...

Once she finds Jay... She finds Jay... Bleeding... Sick... Abused... Bruises... Scratches... Pain... The kidnapper won't let them both go... Only One Can Survive... It's up to Alex to make the decision... It's either Alex's life... Or Jay's life...

Who will she chose? Will she save Jay even if she's mad at him?.... What will happen? Will the ninja escape the trap?.... Who will survive?.... Alex?... Or Jay?... Find out in Pain {Book 1}.
Journey To Alex's Past- Jay told Alex something very terrible. Alex runs she gets attack... Unharmed. Alex forgets who she is and who the ninjas are. Someone is erasing her, and her memories. and now it's up to Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Zane, Nya, And Cole to go to Alex's past to see what's or who's killing her memories.

If they make it in time then... She'll be gone, and so will they. Will they save Alex? Will Alex get her memories back? Will the ninja survive? Find out in Journey To Alex's Memories.
My First Kiss To My Last Final Breath- On a mission Alex gets injured. A Snake fires a venom dart in Alex's heart. Alex only has a week to live. So the ninja are on a mission to save her. Alex has so many things that she wanted to do... Wanted to tell Cole. Cole and Alex are dating but they never kissed.

Alex wants to kiss Cole her first kiss. She never kiss a boy. She's been waiting for the perfect boy. Which is Cole.

Will she ever get her kiss before she dies? What's gonna happen? What will happen?
Forgotten- Cole is going through depression, it's like he's not ever there with the team anymore. Alex his lover is gone to visit her cousin for two weeks. Even Alex doesn't know about his depression. Cole can't do much stuff like he use to when he was human. But now that he's a ghost, he has no one to talk to. Sure Wu tells Cole he's always welcome to talk to him when he needs to. But Cole wants to talk to someone that is what he is... A Ghost.

Cole wants to talk to someone that feels his pain. Understands what he's going through. But there's no one. One night, everyone decides to take a field trip to The Amusement Park. Something terrible happens, Cole runs away. He doesn't want to live with the gang if they're going to talk about him like that.

So once Cole runs away, no one notices that he's gone. Whatever Cole dose or says... No one seems to listen or care or notice. This upsets Cole very much. Cole wanders around the forest, and falls asleep. Once he wakes up he realizes that he's in The Dark Island. How? And Why?

Cole calls for help on his cell... No one answers. After Twenty tries, Cole gives up. He sobs and sobs... Until he realizes he's not alone... Someone walks to Cole and pulls him into a hug. Cole looks up and sees...

"Morro?" -Cole

"I know... It's Ok cry... You're In Pain." -Morro
Shattered- Kai Smith is now going through depression ever since his biggest mistake ever. Now that everyone hates him, it's hard for him to live in the Bounty if no one likes him. Kai can't take it anymore. It's his fault that she is gone.

She was everything to her. She, was in his life as long as Kai can remember. Now that she is in the hospital. Everyone won't talk to Kai. They trusted Kai. But all he did was almost killed her.

It's a accident, is all Kai can say. No one won't listen to him. Only one person is there for Kai. He/She stays there for Kai. Kai can only talk to him/her. But when he/she is not with Kai. Stuff happens.

Kai hates himself for what he's done to her. Who's her? Who's he/she? Why does everyone hate Kai? Find out the truth.
Robot Protection For Love- Zane and Pixal are perfect together, they're always they're for each other. Until.... One of Borg's inventions turns evil.

Evil Zane falls for Pixal he wants her to be his only. So he kidnaps Zane, so he could have Pixal to himself.

Once Evil Zane meets Pixal he doesn't act like the good Zane. Evil Zane purposes to Pixal.  Zane tries  to escape to stop the wedding.

What will Zane do? Will Pixal know that it's not Zane? Will Zane be ok? Will there still be a Pixane? Will evil Zane and Pixal get marry?
I Can Handle Having A Burned Heart- We were screaming in each others faces again.

"I don't know why you have to be such a jerk to me! Quit being a pain in the ass!"

"Oh. I'm sorry. We have to be nice to you since your a little freakish annoying Brat!!"

I snapped into anger. I slapped him.

I slapped Lloyd. 

" I though he was gonna hurt me so I backed up and I bumped into the wall, he grabbed me by the waist pulled me in close to his chest, he had his fist up in the air. But he just pressed his lips on mine!"

I Love You

I Love You Too

To be continued...
Katy is just a 17 year old bad girl with fire powers. She keeps it a secret, her dad doesn't know either. She is also related to your gonna have to find out yourself.  Their cousins. All Katy dose for fun is break the rules. She has no manners or respect for her dad. So one day her dad Marty has enough. He decides to sent her to a boarding school. Not just any boarding school though. He's sending her to Darkley's.

Katy gets mad but still goes anyways. Sensei wu tells the ninja that they need a new fire ninja so they have to go to Katy's boarding school to get her. As they meet her and take her to the Bounty one certain ninja falls head over heels for her. She dose they same as well. She doesn't show any respect to the guys. She feels like no one understands her. But one certain ninja dose. Will they get together? Are they in love?
I'll Find You- Lloyd and Alex have been besties for a long time. Lloyd and Alex solved their problem about being in loved. They're friends again, and they're going to keep it that way. One night, there's a attack at Ninjago. Nindroids are attacking. They call themselves Anti-Droids. Why? Well... They have blue eyes but there more evil than the ones The Overlord made. Wu, Cole, Jay, Zane, Nya, Kai, Pixal, and Skylor have to go to Chen's Island to look for something important.

While they're gone Lloyd, Nelson, and Alex they have to take care of the house. Stick together. Protect each other and be safe. Alex and Lloyd goes on a mission, Lloyd drops Nelson off to his mom's house while the leave.

Alex and Lloyd have to go see what's up at the Ninjago tower. They see the Anti-Droids. Lloyd and Alex get caught. But they attack. Lloyd fights off, Alex fights off. But Lloyd gets surrounded. He can't get to Alex one hundred of them are surrounding Alex. Lloyd fights back but once he gets to her. Alex screams.

Lloyd tries to grabbed her hand but... He couldn't reach her.... He was too late. Lloyd left home, sad, depressed. He couldn't save his best friend in time... Lloyd won't give up. He's going to train better, fight better.

It'd now up to Lloyd to save Alex before it's too late. Will he save her in time? Find out in I'll Find You.

I heard Alex screamed. I turned and saw her, the Anti-Droids had her, they were carrying her to their car. I ran and ran. I finally made it to her.

I grabbed her hand. Alex squeezed my hand, I squeezed hers too Alex was crying in fear.

"D-Don't let go!" -Alex.

I held tighter.

"I won't! Alex hold on!" -Me

The General of the Anti-Droids stabbed my side. I screamed in pain. I was bleeding. I was trying not to let go.

"LLOYD!!!" -Alex

Her hand was slipping...

ALEX!!" -Me

Her hand slipped away....

I lost her.... No...

"ALEX!!!" -Me



Then they left..
Jay's Lost Sister- Today is just a normal day for the ninja. Or is it?... The ninja go to high school. They're friends, today there's a new student... She's Jay's sister lost sister. Jay found her last week. He kept her a secret from the guys. She just wanted to be homeschooled, until she finally wanted to go to school with Jay.

Cole starts to bully her, why?.. Who knows?...  One day he disappears... All of them do... Except Jay. He just stays after school. Not at home much. Alex starts to get worried.

One day Cole and they gang finally comes back but now they don't talk to her... Why? Alex has 6th period with Cole. They sit next to each other.

Alex asks him where did you go? He says at New York with my brother. Alex knew he was lying. Cole doesn't have a brother.

We were doing a science project. I was about to grab the pencil and Cole did it too at the same time... His hands were so... Cold. His hands were only warm... At the time... But now they're cold.-Alex

"Your hands are freezing." -Alex

Cole just nodded and continued writing.

"You should keep your hands warm." -Alex

"Why?" Cole asked.

Cause you might get sick." -Alex

"I haven't gotten sick since I was 12"-Cole.

The school bell ranged and he then left immediately.
Alright so that's it... Bye.
~Nae Nae.

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