Chapter 1

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Kayaoka sighed, and laid in bed.

Last night was rough..

She had gone to the bar, again..

A fight had broken out, and she ended up getting punched in the breasts.

It hurt, alot..

But, she stood up for herself, and didn't end up being thrown into prison, smart of her to haul ass.

Guess Ill get up....

Kayaoka rose from the bed, rubbing her eyes. "Damn..." She creased her forehead.

"Bubba!!!!!" She mockingly called her brother.

"WHATTTTTTTTTT" He yelled from his room.

"I'm heading to the coffee shop!" She put on some clothes, and grabbed her jacket, and sighed.

Alright, time to piss people off...


Kayaoka walked to the coffee shop, every step felt weirder the closer she got there, she rolled her eyes, and thought nothing of it.

Here we go..


She walked in, everything seemed normal, The Jazz music was playing on the radio, that old couple were talking about cats, and the gangster was talking trash.

But, something's off.

Someone is occupying the last booth, on the left, and they were writing something on a piece of paper.

None of my business..


The teen sat down at the high seats near the front table.

"Can I get you anything, Ma'am?"

"A cup of tea, sir."

"Coming right up."

Kayaoka glanced over at the boy

(A/N: No, Im not adding stands, it'd be way to confusing to people who dont know of the anime, nor am I adding canon characters, like Kakyoin or Jotaro, it stays strictly to our roleplay THE-MOODY-BLUE )

He was still writing.

She sighed.

"Here you go Ma'am."

"Thank you."

"Not a problem."

She held the tea carefully.

I'll pull him outside later...


Kayaoka was outside, waiting.

While she waited, she thought of him in her mind.

He looks about 15, If not then 16


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