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To put that in other words. I went to school in my new pod. I ran out of amazing greek names for my friends so I'm using randomly generated ones.

Best friends:

Ben/Ali -Lesbian/Ace/(read below)/maybe crush?!

Lenore -Lesbian

Dante -Genderfluid?/Chamomile Tea/Nb most of the time/Gay


Zinnia -Human/Female/Cis

Valerie -Demigirl/?

Jayla -Lesbian/ Demigirl

Ben/Ali's Brother:

Eli -Male/CisHet

Day 1:

So I went to school and things were chaos. I joined a club and a cult on my first day. The Not Okay Cult and the Queer Club.

I became best friends with the Resident Psychopath/President Lenore, the VP Ben, and the Resident Insanity Dante. I also became friends with the Resident Smiley Face Jayla, the Resident Sick Book Valerie, and the Resident Human Zinnia. These are all the cult members titles. I was named the Resident Mascot. Weird amirite?

Me, Ben, Dante, Lenore, and Zinnia also started the queer cult. I wore my bisexual popsicle socks and everyone in the club commented on them. Ben said he needed some.

I suspected he was bi. I also learned Lenore was gay and so was Dante.

We also kicked a clothes hanger that came from a bush around. We named it Bush Hanger. We also carried a badminton net down the street.

Day 2:

Dante was absent and he is usually the life of the party so things were a little mellower.

I teased Ben about how short he was. I talked with Lenore about how obsessed she is with the game Little Nightmares! She carries around a doll of one of the characters. The characters name is Six. She calls it her child.

I was wearing a sweatshirt that was orange, white, and pink. I realized that it was the lesbian flag and pointed that out to Ben and Lenore. Ben said he needed one.

I also came out as omni-ace and learned that Ben was ace too.

I started thinking about Ben's recent remarks. How on the first day of school he had been talking about how weird we were all going to be as grandparents. He kept reffering to himself as grandma. With that and the sweatshirt and a few other things here and there I had a thought. Is Ben MTF Transgender?

Day 3:

Everyone was in class today. It was the normal chaotic mess during our break. Ben and I were talking about nicknames during class. He told me he doesn't have any nicknames, except maybe Ali. He changed the subject and said he'd tell me later.

Then lunch came. At lunch I heard Lenore call Ben Ali. I was almost certain now. That he, was in fact actually a she. I had a plan. I asked everyone what their preferred pronouns were. Ben whispered to me "She/her but not in public" I also learned that Dante used they/them and Valerie and Jayla both used she/they. Dante also was a chamomile tea that day lol.

(I'm calling Ben Ali now and by her real pronouns btw)

Ali said various things relating to her being female and/or trans throughout the rest of lunch. During class later that day Dante was using they/them pronouns when referring to Ali. Me and Lenore both corrected them by very obviously saying she/her when referring to Ali when around Dante. They jumped onto the train soon.

I also joined a D&D club with Dante, Ben, Lenore, Jayla, and Valerie. Me and Dante are also trying to start a Drama/Acting club.

I'm in a conundrum though. I think I have feelings for Ali. She's sarcastic and funny and confident. We get along really well. She's also very nice and patient. But I also like Evadne and the other day she was blushing around me and I caught her staring at me a few times.

That's not the only conundrum though. Ali told me not to call her she/her or Ali when we're in public, around her parents or Eli, and around the teachers. She also said that her dead name and being called he/him makes her dysphoric. I don't want to make her feel bad but I also don't want to out her to anyone when she's not ready. I don't know how to do both. Plz help!

Question: Do you have any queer friends? Are any of them trans? What's a conundrum you've been in recently?

Question 17 of the LGBTQ+ comment challenge: Things that cross your mind a lot?

My answer:


Do fish feel wet all the time?

My friends at school

How gay I am at the moment

(at this moment I am 68% Attracted to feminine presenting, 12%Attracted to masculine presenting, and 20% attracted to androgynous presenting.)

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