Video Games I HATE YOU!

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Ok so the top picture is just some creepy thing I found. So yeah, hope you sleep well tonight if you can at all after seeing... that!

So yesterday was Thursday. I had school. I wanted it to be like Monday. All day spent with Ali and buttercups and poppies. I picked a Cali poppy from my house. I was going to give it to Ali. But it broke in my pocket :(

The day started out fine. I sat with Ali in the field during math time cause we had no math assigned. She gave me a bouqet of buttercups. It was sunny out.

We went and had break after. We wandered around together. Then this girl Jayla joined us. She and Ali started talking about memes and vines that I'm not allowed to see. I kinda just followed behind.

During lunch Jayla and Ali talked about video games. Three in particular. Apex, Halo, and Titinfall. Idk what any of those are! They mostly talked about Apex. Every time I tried to butt into the convo Ali talked over me and ignored me like I wasn't there! It started to rain though so we had to go inside.

I ended up sitting under an overhang outside with this kid Will. He's mysterious. He doesn't speak up much and wanders off all the time and no one even realizes he's gone or if he's there. I learned that he lives in a neighborhood with lots of homeless people. His best friend is a 60 year old homeless lady. He is hit on, threatened, asked to do drugs with, and almost kidnapped all the time. Since he walks around there a lot and his style is baggy he gets mistaken as homeless sometimes. Once a lady gave him her email and told him to go to a foundation. He looked at the foundation out of curiosity and it was for Gay Homeless Teens.

During the rest of lunch the D&D club got together. We played D&D but I was too distracted thinking about Will and the convo we had had. He seemed really nice but he brushed off all the things he'd told me like they were nothing.

During afternoon enrichment the rain cleared up. Ali, Jayla, and now joined by a boy named Marley, talked about the three video games from earlier until it was time to go. I didn't even bother trying to socialize with Ali. WHO TALKS ABOUT VIDEO GAMES A FREAKING DAY!!!!!!!!! I thought she liked me but maybe not. She and I spent a wonderful day together and then she goes and acts like I don't exist!!!!!!!!????????? WHAT DID I DO????? AM I TOO BORING FOR HER OR SOMETHING???



Question 19 of the LGBTQ+ comment challenge: Words that describe you?

My answer:











Hopeless Romantic



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