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(the picture above is Molly's car)

We pull up to my driveway and I notice a lot of cars parked outside my house, my dad never has guest so I'm instantly suspicious. "Compony?" Molly says. Hey, I remembered her name its molly. "yeah I guess so" I say not taking my eyes off of my front door. I hurriedly get out of the car. "you okay" she says sending me a sideways glance. 'Yeah, I just wasn't expecting anyone" I say giving her a small smile. that seems to be good enough for her so she drives away.

I cautiously walk up to the door and step inside, there's no sign of forced entry so that's good.  I can hear multiple male voices coming from the living room. "Dam it, we need to find them," someone says, slamming their hand down on the counter. I peek my head out from behind the counter to see that it was Victor Forbes one of my dad's old friends. I thought they weren't talking anymore so it must have been very serious for him to be here. I decide I won't show myself yet.

 Mr. Forbes isn't the only one that's here, Mr. and Mrs. Barlow are here along with Feris Vang Mr. Sullivan and...I quickly realize that everyone in the room is a part of a founding family. What is going on here, I think. "Every just needs to keep an eye out we, still have 5 days until the ritual" Mrs. Barlow exclaims in a sweet but not so sweet voice. Gregory Islay comes into view, just seeing him has a bad taste coming to my mouth. "everyone just needs to keep looking" he pauses and looks at my father. "Even you." "you remember the 3 pointed star right, or has all the alcohol burned it out of you." My dad sits up a bit straighter "of course I remember the mark I haven't seen it yet" he growls as his eyes shoot daggers at Mr. Islay

"What about Derrick" Mr.Islay sighs. "What about him" my father grumbles back. "he should really join us on the hunt" Mr. Vang exclaims throwing his hands up in exasperation and pacing the room. "The kids soft". my dad growls "Hed probably mess everything up" Despite me knowing it's true there's still a pang in my chest from hearing him say it out loud. "Just keep him out of the way then," Mr.Islay says. Everyone gets up and I quickly realize that there leaving so I scramble out the door. As there leaving I act like I just got hear, skipping up the porch steps.

"Um, hey I want expecting anyone is everything all right," I say to the very intimidating group of people in front of me. "yes, we just had to talk to your father about something, its all worked out now" Mrs. Barlow chirps sending me an ominous smile. I smile quickly back at her and move around them to get into my house. I can feel their eyes on my back as I practically sprint up the stairs. My heart feels like it's about to beat out of my chest and I'm on the verge of hyperventilating. With shaking fingers I pull out a cigarette and put it to my lips, My hands are shaking too much to light it so I just toss it on my desk and lay face-up on my bead taking calming breaths. 

As I calm down I begin to question what they were talking about, rituals, some sort of mark and they were also looking for something. "what were they talking about" I whisper out loud. It must be some more traditional stuff, which makes me sigh out loud. Maybe ill ask my dad later. I should really do some school work but before I get the chance I drift off to sleep.

until next time ~❤️~

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