Chapter 6: when did I...

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You slowly woke up feeling a bit disoriented as you tried to sit down.

"Oh, you're awake." A kind looking nurse said with a sweet smile. "I'll inform the others." She said as she went for a nearby phone. You just kinda had a confused look on your face as you looked around, trying to remember what happened.

Right, I was in the middle of the fight and ended up knocked out from loss of blood.

Your eyes wandered around the room until you noticed that there was only one bed in the room, and it was yours.

"A private room?" You thought out loud.

"What's that?" The nurse asked, turning her attention towards you.

"I can't afford this." You said automatically feeling your blood run cold at the thought of the enormous bill you would have to pay.

"Oh don't worry, the young man that came by to drop you off is the one in charge of the fee." You slowly nodded your head and instantly knew who she was talking about.

Private room, personal nurse, I must've stayed here at least a full day...

"Excuse me, how much is he paying by the hour?"

"Let's see, with all included it would be about 10000 yen." You immediately detached the finger heart rate thing and got out of bed to grab your jacket.

"Thanks for the service!" You quickly put on your shoes and rushed out of the hospital to check out at the receptionist's desk. Once that was done you let out a long sigh and made your way back home.

You talked to Celest, telling her how sorry you were about not being able to be there at work and you told her that you were, either way, gonna go to work. Celest protested against it since she wanted you to heal properly but you told her that you were already on your way there and nothing was gonna stop you.

You got back to work and helped around the kitchen since there was still the problem of the shortage in ingredients, so you had to make do with what you had.

"Sui, I need you at table 6 please." Instructed Celest. Meanwhile, you were secretly using your quirk to get a few more customers since, after the battle, people were kinda afraid to come by.

"♪Don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing gonna be all right. Singin' don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing gonna be all right!♪" You sang cheerfully as a few people started coming in, making the bell on top of the door ring continuously.

Just when it about closing time, Celest gave you a wink indicating that you could stop using your quirk. You nodded and sang normally. It was a long day and you were pretty tired out. You were a bit bummed out that Izuku didn't come because you wanted to somehow repay him for taking you to the hospital.

But he never came, and for about a week you haven't seen him which worried you. But who could blame him? After that robbery, he had to be on high alert and he had to stay later than usual with the investigation teams to see if there was going to be another attack or if there was some kind of pattern, but sadly, they came up with nothing.

It was another long day and Izuku was leaving his company building. Thankfully he talked to his sidekicks and told them to cover for him tomorrow because he really needed to rest and relax at least for a day which they understood.

As he walked down the street he could see Celestial Cafe right around the corner but he could also see you at the door already flipping the open sign to closed. He let out a sigh but nonetheless made is way over.

He hesitantly opened the door, hearing the bell ring.

"Sorry but we're closed for the da- Oh, hey there Izuku." It was Celest who greeted him first but he could hear footsteps rapidly coming towards him.

"Where the hell were you?!" You shouted and breathed heavily from the short run.

"I um..." Izuku held up his hands in defense as he tried to think of an excuse; something he should have thought up before.

"I was waiting for you to come by but you never did!" You crossed your arms over your chest with a 'humph'! Izuku could feel his cheeks start to burn at your statement. "How could you?!"

"I um- I just-"

"How could you take me to such an expensive hospital?!"

"Eh?" He blinked a few times somewhat confused at where this was going.

"I would have been fine at a clinic! They would have just given me a bandaid, a 'Get well soon' and a lollipop and I would have been fine!" Izuku was slowly processing what you were shouting about and couldn't help but burst out in laughter.

"What are you laughing at?! That was a tone of money wasted on me!" It took Izuku a few minutes to compose himself.

"Let me get this straight, you were worried about me not coming by because you wanted to scold me for taking you to a nice hospital?"

"Not just that! I have to repay you somehow but I don't have any money..." Your voice slowly quieted down. "Look if you want you can come over to my place, I can cook you dinner or something." Izuku raised his eyebrows at the offer and hummed as he thought it though.

"How about tomorrow? It's my day off."

"Fine, is there anything you like?"

"Katsudon." You looked at him for a while trying to decipher what the hell he was talking about. "It's a pork cutlet bowl." He added.

"Ohhh, okay, sure thing, so I'll see you tomorrow at ... 6 pm?"

"Perfect, than it's a date." The two of you froze in place; Izuku wondering why the hell he blurted that out.

"I-I didn't mean it that way! It was just, I mean I, You were telling me and I-"

"I-It's fine, just don't be late." You said quite embarrassed and looked at the ground, not wanting him to see the blush that spread across your face. "See you tomorrow." You walked back to the storage room and decided to wait there until he left.

You could hear a muffled chatter followed by the doorbell ringing. You peeked your head out slightly to make sure he was gone.

"He left Y/n." Celest assured. You let out the breath you were holding and sat at one of the tables.

"So...It's a date?"



You work up early in the morning to get back to work and thankfully, your original customers were coming back. It was good to see them again and you were able to sing to your heart's content letting the day end blissfully.

Right after closing you went to the market to buy the ingredients for Katsudon. Although some of the ingredients were a bit hard to find, it seemed easy enough to prepare.

You got to it and about halfway through preparing you heard the doorbell ring. You turned to look at the clock and it was 6 pm right on the dot.

Man, he really is punctual.

You took one last look in the mirror and straightened out your outfit feeling yourself get nervous because you honestly weren't sure if this was a date or it was a misunderstanding. Either way, it's been a while since you've ever had anyone over for dinner.

"Coming!" You called out as you make your way to the door. You took a deep breath and opened the door. "Hey Izuku." You greeted. You were a bit surprised to see him so well dressed, you couldn't help but think that he looked handsome.

"H-Hey Y/n." He accidentally stuttered. This wasn't good, if he thought you looked cute seeing you in work or casual clothes, seeing you actually putting effort into what you wear was not going to help his rapidly beating heart.

"Come on in, I'm almost done preparing the food." You took a side step and let him enter your apartment. He gave a short thank you and took off his shoes. "If you want you can wait on the couch or, just stand anywhere." You gave out a chuckle with a shrug. Izuku smiled and nodded.

"Do you need any help preparing the food?" He asked politely as he walked inside with you, hearing the faint music that was playing in the background. House of gold? He wondered to himself.

"Um, sure can you go ahead and serve the rice while this finishes cooking?"

"Sure thing." He did as he was instructed and took off the rice cooker lid.

"So how are things over there at work?" You asked trying to start a conversation.

"Oh, It's been pretty busy, after that attack we needed to investigate more." He mentioned as he served the rice.

"Right, what company do you work for?" You asked turning off the stove seeing that the food was fully cooked.

"Oh, um at that building, you know, where Deku works?" He mumbled, you barely managed to understand what he was saying.

"Wow! That's a pretty important place!" You started picking up the plates that had rice and served the rest of the food on top. "How did you even get that job? I heard it's pretty hard to get in." You took the plates towards the table and he followed right behind.

"Oh, well you know, it helped that I got to go to UA." He gave a small shrug.

"That's true, well, eat up!"

"Thanks for the food!" You two said simultaneously. It was pretty quiet as you both ate but it wasn't bad, every once in a while you two would look at each other and give a soft smile as if saying that you were enjoying the moment.

Once you two finally filled up Izuku thanked you for the delicious food and helped you wash and put away the plates.

"Wanna sit on the couch?" You asked. Izuku simply nodded his head and followed you towards the living room.

"Right!" Izuku hit his fist on the palm of his hand, remembering something he's been wanting to ask you.

"Yeah?..." You looked a bit confused as to what he suddenly remembered.

"I saw the footage from inside the store where the attack happened, you were pretty brave to take him head-on."

"Oh," You scratched the back of your head somewhat embarrassed. "I guess being around heroes must have rubbed off on me." You gave out a light chuckle.

"So how did you fight back? How do you utilize your quirk for offence?" He asked, letting his more nerdy side come out.

"I guess I just have to go through a library of songs in my head to see what would work best. I'm not sure, I usually go for the same songs to like put them to sleep or confuse them." You gave a shrug. Izuku nodded and his curiosity was getting the better of him.

"Can you, use your quirk on me?" He asked shyly.

"Huh?" You were a bit confused as to why the hell he would want to be basically manipulated.

"I'm just really curious about what it feels like. Of course you don't have to I was just asking..."

"Sure." You answered nonchalantly. "What kind of emotion were you thinking about?" Izuku was actually pretty shocked you were going along with it.

"Um... I don't know, maybe something simple? Like anger or sadness?" You nodded your head and started thinking up any song.

You took out your phone and quickly scanned through your karaoke list and played a song. "♪Cause I'm only human, and I bleed when I fall down, I'm only human, and I crash and I break down, you words in my head, knives in my heart you build me up and then I fall apart, cause I'm only human...♪" You watched as he started tearing up showing that your quirk was working.

"Wow." He breathed as he wiped his eyes.

"I can let a feeling linger on for a while, depending how much of the song I sing, or I can just stop it with a snap." You snapped your fingers and all of a sudden Izuku felt all the sadness from before wash away.

"That's really amazing." He said trying to remember how he felt so he can write it down later.

"I can also make people laugh." You smiled mischievously. "♪Dear Winter, I hope you like your name. I hope they don't make fun of you. When you grow up and go to school, okay? 'Cause Winter is a badass name.♪" Izuku tried to stifle his laughter, testing to see if he could control his emotions. You noticed this and continued singing, and maybe a bit louder.

"♪It really doesn't seem like there's anyone for me, But dear Winter, I hope you like your name. I'm hoping that someday, I can meet you on this Earth. But shit, I gotta meet your mom first.♪" Izuku couldn't hold back and laugh at how silly yet sweet the song sounded. You snapped your finger so he could catch his breath.

"So what if a persons already feeling, for example, angry when you try to make them angry?"

"Oh, I think it just doesn't work on them." You shrugged your shoulders.

"And wait, does this mean you can control people?" He asked as he calmed down. You thought about it for a moment, you've never really thought about it that way.

"Well, I guess I could make someone sad or angry and persuade them in some way."

"Have you ever tried to make someone fall in love with you?" Izuku dared to ask. You were caught off guard by his question.

"I mean, no? I'm not sure, I make people love the atmosphere in the Cafe but I've never tried to make someone fall in love with me specifically. Mind if I try it out on you?" You could see he was willing to be your guinea pig from the beginning so why not answer some of your own questions right?

"Um, sure?" Izuku wasn't completely sure how this would turn out but accepted anyways.

"Alright. You started looking though your playlist and found the perfect song. "♪Wise men say only fools rush in. But I can't help falling in love with you. Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you?♪" Izuku waited for that feeling from before wash over him like the other emotions did but this time he didn't really feel a difference.

You continued singing the song, seeing something in his eyes change. Was that it? You weren't sure and you ended up singing the whole song which, in theory, should have more of an effect on him. "♪Like a river flows surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes. Some things are meant to be, take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you. For I can't help falling in love, with... you.♪" You cocked an eyebrow waiting for him to say something.

"Well?" It was like you took him out of his trance and he blinked a few times.

"Y-Yeah, you, um, it worked..." He looked so flustered his face looked almost as red as Celest's hair. You nodded slowly and snapped your fingers thinking it would make him go back to normal. Izuku shook his head and tried to calm his rapidly beating heart.

"You've got a pretty strong quirk." He said with a chuckle trying to play off the fact that he was still very much embarrassed.

"Thanks, maybe I should take a break, I've been singing since the morning so my throat getting a bit dry. I'm gonna get some water," You commented as you got up from the couch. "You want anything?"

"You- know I'm fine! I'm good." He tried to fix his slip up and looked towards his hands.

"Okay, if you want you can turn on the T.V. and we can watch a movie." You signaled towards the remote on the coffee table.

"Sure!" Izuku got right to and you went to the kitchen.

What the hell is wrong with me? I shouldn't be influenced by her quirk anymore!

He slowly turned to see you pouring a glass of water in the kitchen.

More importantly, when did I... start liking her this much?

~Celestial-Red & MMSpaMEM ~

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