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(I did a little touch up to the page.)
My Harry Potter OC.
|Name: Hana Hagrid|
~Hagrid's adopted daughter in the Harry Potter fic.
~Her last name is Dragonhart in the black butler fic.
|Eyes:Brown with flecks of gold.|
|Hair:Brown,long,thick,and wavy.|
•Reading manga.
•Watching anime.
•Listening to music.
•Hanging out with friends and or her boyfriend.
~and animals love her.
~but she also has no problem hunting wild game and is a very very skilled huntress.
~although she prefers to hunt in her wolf or tiger form.
•Having her head scratched.
~it's a sure fire way to get her purring.
~she can imitate a cat so well you could swear there was a cat somewhere but its really just her,both the purring and meowing.
•Spiders(she has arachnophobia).
•Prunes/prune juice.
•Hot/spicy food.
~like any kind of peppers or hot sauce.
•Foods like cooked spinach,cooked onions,and fatty meats.
~it's a texture thing.
•Inconsiderate people.
•Being woke up early.
~meaning anytime before 8:00 a.m.
•Being woke up rudely (like when people are being loud and noisy especially when they know she would still be sleeping at that hour.).
~and if your unfortunate enough to wake her up like that at that hour look out cuz you just woke up the devil incarnate.
~according to others she really scary when this happens.
~she's not a morning person.
~although if you wake her up nicely,gently, and with a quiet voice and maybe cuddles or stroking her head she's as harmless and sweet as a kitten just really groggy.
|Love interest:Joon|
~snake in the black butler fic.
•Laurel wood
•Dragon heartstring core
•12 ½" in length
•Pliant flexibility
|Laurel Wood:|
•It is said that a laurel wand cannot perform a dishonorable act, although in the quest for glory (a not uncommon goal for those best suited to these wands), I have known laurel wands perform powerful and sometimes lethal magic. Laurel wands are sometimes called fickle, but this is unfair. The laurel wand seems unable to tolerate laziness in a possessor, and it is in such conditions that it is most easily and willingly won away. Otherwise, it will cleave happily to its first match forever, and indeed has the unusual and engaging attribute of issuing a spontaneous lightning strike if another witch or wizard attempts to steal it.
|Dragon Heartstring:|
•As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
|House: Hufflepuff|
|Patronus: Bloodhound|
~changes into a wolf when she falls in love.
|Animagus: Dire wolf|
Hagrid found her abandoned as an infant in a forest, surrounded by bears,wolves,badgers,foxes,wild horses,and many other wild animals. Her mother(who was a muggle) had abandoned her and left her to die because she didn't want to raise a monster/freak,she was hoping the wild animals would eat her but instead they protected her,kept her warm,and feed her with their own babies up until hagrid found her a few days later, she was a new born when her mother abandoned her. Hagrid and her have alway been very close from day one,she loves to cuddle with him under one of the patchwork quilts in front of the fire especially on cold or rainy days/nights. She's always been a cuddler.
|In both fics she is:|
•Herculean physical strength.
•Shy especially around people she doesn't know.
~shes playful once she gets to know you.
•Good problem solver.
•Peace keeper.
~most of the time, it depends if you hit the right nerve then ya might as well be dead cuz ya awakened a demon.
•She's very scary when pissed.
~the quiet ones are the scariest.
•Protective of those she's close to.
•Has a bit of a bad memory.
•Is a very helpful and willing worker.
~is not afraid of hard physical labor or getting dirty.
•Is a little bit of a tomboy in that she only wears dresses and makeup on very special occasions.
~partly cuz she prefers pants but also cuz she doesn't like the thought of accidentally ruining a beautiful dress be it staining or tearing.
~as for the make up it's just a pain to put on and it takes to long, it's also a pain removing all that make up.
~the most make up she'll wear on a normal day is just lipstick.
•She loves wearing jewelry and pretty shirts.
•She hates it when she blushes so whenever she's blushing she tries to hide her face.
•She's honest and rarely ever lies but that doesn't mean she won't she would have to be extremely scared or just really really not like the person she's talking to,but she'll lie if she has to or just happens to feel like it.
~like for example she'll flat out lie to Umbridge even if she's not scared at the time.
~she also likes to trick Umbridge.
•She's a very good singer her voice sounds like the songs I post in the next chapters.
~but she's extremely shy about it and wouldn't be caught dead singing around others.
~only if she's extremely comfortable and close to said person/people or if she just feels like singing along with a song she's listening to.
•She's not Hispanic but she can speak Spanish fluently and loves to cus people out in Spanish or yell at them in Spanish if she's pissed especially if they don't know Spanish.
•She has sharp instincts.
~when she has that gut feeling that tells you something's wrong or not to trust someone or not to go somewhere it's usually correct and she won't ignore it.
•She has a high pain threshold meaning she has a high tolerance for pain or can't feel pain very well.
~but there are three places she feels pain ten times worse than a normal person and that's her head,hands,and feet.
•She rarely ever cries so when she cries you KNOW something's wrong.
~she only cries in front of people she really really trusts.
She sees professor sprout and professor McGonagall as mother figures and as grandmother figures.
•She saw professor snape as an uncle.
•And professor dumbldor as her grandfather.

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