Inazuma Eleven: Orion Oc's (Alik/Luka)

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Series: Ares/Orion

Name: Alik Sokolov


Al (Froy Girikanan)

Ali (Malik Kuabel)

Age: Froy's

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Blood type: A

Personality: Alik is a easygoing boy who acts like a child and is seen as naive, this is completely the wrong way to look at him, he is very smart and can manipulate whoever he wants if he so pleases. He is very playful and likes to play jokes on people he knows, otherwise he is surprisingly serious and very observant. He cares how the people he cares about sees him but other people can just keep their own opinions to themselves.

Height: Froy's height

Weight: 53kg


Hair colour: White

Eye colour: Purple

Birthday: 26th November 

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Team: Perfect Spark, Zhao Jinyuns

Element: Wind

Position: All but main is Goalkeeper and Defender/ Libero 

Number: 2 (Orion trainee)
3 (Unnamed Russian club)
12 (Perfect Spark, Defender/Libero)
15 (Perfect Spark, Goalkeeper)
16 (Zhao Jinyuns) (Goalkeeper)

Close Friends: Froy Girikanan, Ichihoshi Hikaru, Malik Kuabel, Lus Kasim, Gennady Zakharov, Karl Senirov, Viktor Sedov, Yuri Rodina

Friends: Shamil Trubetskoy, Alexei Trepov, Goran Vecilia, Labi Eremenko, Inamori Asuto, Simon Zitov, Zaur Salenko


Ballista Shot (Long Shoot)

Galactica Fall (Shoot, with Froy Girikanan/ Yuri Rodina)

Spark Edge Dribble (Dribble)

Spiral Draw (Block)

Shooting Star (Block with any defenders)

Death Scythe Middle (Block with Gennady Zakharov)

Ice Block (Catch)

Star Reflection (Catch)


Grisha Sokolov (Father)

Natalya Sokolov (Mother)

Luka Sokolov (Younger Brother) (👇)

Country: Russia, Tatarstan (Kazan)

Hobbies: Soccer

Likes: Soccer, Running, Music, Ice, Ice skating, Dancing, Gymnastics, Sleeping, Snow, The cold, Ice cream, Warm clothes

Dislikes: Pain, Blood, Abuse, Suffering, Bullies, Death, People waking him up, Extremely hot weather

Fear: Not being able to play soccer, Losing his family

Backstory: Alik's parents didn't have stable jobs, so the family often couldn't afford food. Worried for each other's health Alik and his younger brother Luka stole money and food so they wouldn't starve to death on the streets. Alik's parents had encouraged him to go off and play soccer rather than worry about them. He didn't want to at first but reluctantly did it, he later met Ichihoshi and Froy and become close friends with them. He joined Perfect Spark alongside Froy, this way he could raise money for his family. Meanwhile, Luka had joined Orion, desperately trying to keep their parents alive.

Voice Actors:

Japanese: Daisuke Namikawa


• Alik, Froy, Ichihoshi, Yuri and Viktor all played on the same Russian club team.


• People usually think that he is just playful and extremely friendly and is the weakest on the team but when they face him on the pitch they learn not to judge a book by its cover.

• He wears the goggles, he got them from Luka who stole them for him, all of the time and refuses to take them off unless he is taking a shower.

• As a joke Alik calls Yuri a girl and tells him he is cute, this annoys him a lot and Alik usually gets chased around the pitch until Froy stops them.

• Has an extremely close relationship with his brother, he trusts his brother and knows whatever he does it's for a good cause.

• Is close to Malik because him and Luka and close friends.

• Thinks of Froy as a brother. Trusts him completely.

• Alik is extremely overprotective of Malik and his brother.

Episode 47:


(Luka's information)

Name: Luka Sokolov

Age: Malik's

Gender: Male

Personality: Luka is the complete opposite of his brother, he is quiet and a very serious boy who doesn't like when people don't take anything that is a serious situation seriously. The way he acts is because of his upbringing, he believes because of the way his older brother acted he needed to grow up faster. He was surprised when he saw just how much his brother has changed resulting in him letting himself calm down around people he trusts and start to open up and become friendlier. When given affection he can get shy and acts a little Tsundere at first but soon relaxes.

Height: Two inches taller than Malik


Hair colour: White

Eye colour: Red

Birthday: 22nd March

Team: Malik's (Orion trainee)
Perfect spark (Episode 37)
Zhao Jinyuns

Element: Fire

Position: All but Goalkeeper

Number: 10 (Orion trainee)
18 (Perfect spark)
19 (Zhao Jinyuns)

Best Friend: Malik Kuabel, Froy Girikanan, Lus Kasim, Ichihoshi Hikaru, Viktor Sedov, Yuri Rodina

Friends: Inamori Asuto, Gennady Zakharov, Karl Senirov, Shamil Trubetskoy, Alexei Trepov, Goran Vecilia, Labi Eremenko, Simon Zitov, Zaur Salenko


Beast Lord (Shoot)

Universe Blast (Shoot, with Malik Kuabel)

Double Head Eagle (Shoot) (Episode 47)

Sword of d'Artagnan (Shoot, takes Li Hao's place)

Meteor Shower (Dribble)


Grisha Sokolov (Father)

Natalya Sokolov (Mother)

Alik Sokolov (Older brother)

Likes: Soccer, Running, Climbing, Dancing, Music, Gymnastics, Warm weather, His family

Dislikes: Pain, Blood, Abuse, Suffering, Bullies, Death, The cold, Cold weather

Fear: Losing his family

Voice Actors:

Japanese: Natsuki Hanae


• Is close friends with Malik.

• Looks up to Froy.

Episode 47:

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